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Can't find a Star Wars Fosh 3D Model anywhere!

Stargate38Stargate3861 Posts: 0Member
edited September 2013 in Looking for... #1
Can someone please help me? I really need a Fosh model for my game mod (It's for the old but popular game Midtown Madness 2) and I can't find one anywhere. TIA for anyone who either finds or makes this model.

Some Reference Images: (the shortest one)
Post edited by Stargate38 on


  • Stargate38Stargate3861 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone? :(
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    If noone has found it in the last six months it probably dosnt exist.
  • Stargate38Stargate3861 Posts: 0Member
    From 1st post: TIA for anyone who either finds or makes this model.

    Don't rush it though. I'll be fine as long as I get it by 8/01/2015. That's plenty of time for anyone to make any kind of model. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804751 Posts: 11,272Member
    I wouldn't assume that. We do have a few users who are still working on models that they started before the big site crash of 2006. :p
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    You know in two years you could learn how to model yourself.

    Hell that's two thirds the amount of time most people take to get a degree.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804751 Posts: 11,272Member
    You can earn a degree in two years. That's how long it takes to get an Associate's degree. Four will get you a Bahelor's degree. You only need to do six if you want a Master's.
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