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AnimationUSS Enterprise Over Pennsylvania Wal-Mart

Toa_KaitaToa_Kaita332 Posts: 0Member
edited September 2013 in Finished Work #1
I dunno why I never posted this here, lol. At any rate, this was my second experiment with live action footage, and my first using 3DS Max in conjunction with it. The Enterprise was rendered out in Max, then composed into After Effects using its built-in tracking system. Overall, I think it turned out well, but I'm always open to improvement/suggestions for future attempts.
Post edited by Toa_Kaita on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804443 Posts: 11,115Member
    Not bad at all. It's certainly better than anything I could do. (I wouldn't even know where to start) The only thing I find odd is how the Enterprise kind of just appears in the sky, like it was cloaked. Other than that, it looked really good.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    Toa_Kaita wrote: »
    I dunno why I never posted this here, lol. At any rate, this was my second experiment with live action footage, and my first using 3DS Max in conjunction with it. The Enterprise was rendered out in Max, then composed into After Effects using its built-in tracking system. Overall, I think it turned out well, but I'm always open to improvement/suggestions for future attempts.

    shame it's the enterprise not something cooler but well composited,i have used blender for ages and still wish i could do that well in adding a 3d element to a real video. would also advise having a bit more motion, maybe have the enterprise do a longer pass at greater speed.
  • rojrenrojren2398 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,991Member
    That's certainly a good place for them to find alien life forms. ;)

    Looks good.
  • Toa_KaitaToa_Kaita332 Posts: 0Member
    @Evil_Genius, thanks! I wanted to give it the impression that it was actually flying through that grey cloud but it didnt turn out as well as I had hoped. Theres a really nice shot in Star Trek Insurrection where a Son'a light frigate flies through a nebulous cloud, and Im hoping to try something similar in a future shot.

    @Spacefighter, the trick is, the Enterprise was actually pre-rendered in Max. I used a frame where the camera was at its highest point in the shot, then positioned and rendered the Enterprise accordingly. Theres a cool tutorial on AETutsPlus that shows how to do it but its for Cinema 4D instead of 3DS Max.

    @rojren, LOL, dont even get me started on said lifeforms. Thanks!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804443 Posts: 11,115Member
    Toa_Kaita wrote: »
    @Evil_Genius, thanks! I wanted to give it the impression that it was actually flying through that grey cloud but it didnt turn out as well as I had hoped. Theres a really nice shot in Star Trek Insurrection where a Son'a light frigate flies through a nebulous cloud, and Im hoping to try something similar in a future shot.

    I know the shot you're talking about, it's one of my favorite effects shots from the film. :)
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Should have been Costco--they treat people better.
  • Toa_KaitaToa_Kaita332 Posts: 0Member
    publiusr wrote: »
    Should have been Costco--they treat people better.

    Ive never been to a Costco, I'm located in the backwater area of our state so we don't have one ._. But I'm willing to bet they probably don't have problems with sewer grates overflowing on a rainy day and causing a lake of polluted water and cigarette butts. But I digress.
  • srspicersrspicer393 Posts: 336Member
    Very nice!

    I know where this is, not far from me!
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Looks like Captain Kirk needed some new socks and a case of beer. :D. Nice job. Here in Texas we don't have Costco, isn't that like SAMs?
  • Toa_KaitaToa_Kaita332 Posts: 0Member
    srspicer wrote: »
    Very nice!

    I know where this is, not far from me!

    Thanks! They remodeled the store since I uploaded this.
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    Looks like Captain Kirk needed some new socks and a case of beer. :D. Nice job. Here in Texas we don't have Costco, isn't that like SAMs?

    Thanks! Yeah, Costco is kind of like Sam's Club and Wal-Mart, save for the fact that Costco is friendlier (at least, from what I hear).
  • harroldsheepharroldsheep0 Posts: 0Member
    wouldn't it had made more more sense if appearing over the Wal-Mart was a Borg cube? ;)
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    It's actually rather..unsettling. When young, you want to see the Enterprise over your house. When you look at hyper-real footage like yours, you think "It's going to hit my car and my house!"
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