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3DUSS Tereshkova: prime-universe Vengeance

RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
edited June 2013 in Work in Progress #1
I must admit that my reaction to the starship Vengeance seen in Into Darkness is pretty mixed. I like it's general shape, but absolutely hate the generic sci-fi details and colors. It ended up looking like a bad parody of Trek ships instead of like a proper one.

So, I decided to make a ship with the same general shape but belonging to the "real" Trek universe. It's backstory, however, is completely different from the Vengeance:
The ship was a test-bed for new technology, faster and more powerful than any other vessel of its time. During the prototype's trial runs, its performance didn't prove to be much better than the one of a normal Valley Forge Class ship, while at the same time being too large to be able to maneuver properly at warp.
The prototype ended up being the only ship built. While it was superior to the rest of the Federation fleet, it wasn't the leap forward the design team wished for, and proved to be too expensive to continue even a limited production.

I've decided to name both the ship and the Class Tereshkova, after Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.
Post edited by Rekkert on
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  • gerb200gerb200176 Posts: 114Member
    I like it a lot. I really like the way you adapted the Vengeance's square secondary hull. Only critique I'd offer is that it'd look better with a better "edge" along the top edge of the secondary hull as it moves back to the rear (the traditional shuttlebay). The way it smooths currently is sort of amorphous.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Most Abrams era ships are "bad parodies". I liked the darker feel while knowing it was entirely cliche...Big, Monstrous, Evil Looking and Dark. TOS's Vengeance was the Star Empire.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    Most Abrams era ships are "bad parodies".
    Touche. :)

    Been adding details and touching up the shape almost everywhere. The top saucer is mostly done besides the name and registry.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804825 Posts: 11,339Member
    Yours definitely looks better than the version from the movie. Though, the secondary hull seems more like something from a later era ship, in my opinion. It definitely looks more curvy than the rest of the ship, which is more angular.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,766Member
    Love the top of the saucer.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    me too.
    I'm not feeling the bottom of the saucer or the rather nub like star drive front.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    I see what you guys mean about the secondary hull, I'm planning on changing it somehow, and the neck as well, I've got some ideas floating around my head, but I won't have time to put them to the test 'till the weekend.

    Meanwhile, I've modified the pylons to be more similar to the ones on the Vengeance, placing the nacelles higher in the process.

    Here's also a comparison with the Valley Forge. This thing isn't Vengeance big, but it's still pretty big, approximately 430mts.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Nice work so far. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Thanks TrekMD. :)

    Well, after taking screenshots out of a downloaded take on the movie (it isn't even out here yet! I just couldn't wait 'till August to see it, but I'll see it on the theater once it's released), I've made several modifications to the ship, including a completely new and much more accurate secondary hull.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804825 Posts: 11,339Member
    It definitely looks better than your first secondary hull, in my opinion. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    It definitely looks better than your first secondary hull, in my opinion. :)

    Thanks! I think it fits better with the rest of the ship.

    I've placed the deflector and shield grids. Now I'm starting to add details all over the ship, taking inspiration from the Vengeance where I can.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804825 Posts: 11,339Member
    Nice work. That secondary hull is definitely starting to grow on me. I like what you're doing with the details so far.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    I've modified the basic shape even further, mostly the pylons and neck this time. Now it's as close as the Vengeance as it'll ever be without having some HD stills.
    I've also added some more details on the saucer and continued detailing the nacelles.

    By the way, I've settled for NX-1650 as the registry number. Being the only ship in her class she'll keep the NX prefix even while commissioned.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    I like this, the rear hull reminds me of the one I made for my Hephaestus except for the multispectral array I put on mine.

    One idea I have for you might be to add trapezoidal shaped secondary sensor arrays to the panels flanking the main array.

    If this is a TOS timeline vessel, you could add some phaser banks to the top and bottom of the saucer, but put most around the rim to let them have a wider field of fire.

    You could argue that this design was begun after "balance of terror" and greenlit for construction after 'the enterprise incident' when the klingon/romulan alliance was discovered.

    I'd mount the torpedoes in the engineering hull, closer to the anti matter they need to work. It could be a precursor to the enterprise refit.

    In a tribute to the original dreadnought design you could add a sensor dish to the rear under the fantail.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,766Member
    I could see this as one of Masao's ships--with hints of the three-footer and Sternbach's Baton Rouge in the saucer treatment.
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