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Star Trek: Into Darkness (Contains Spoilers)



  • rojrenrojren2395 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,990Member
    My God. It's even uglier than the "JJPrise".
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804396 Posts: 11,085Member
    rojren wrote: »
    My God. It's even uglier than the "JJPrise".

    Yeah, that pretty much sums up my thought about it. Maybe they should change the subtitle to: "Into Barfness"

    So, we had the huge, fugly super ship Narada in the last film. Did they have to do another film with an other huge, fugly super ship? Honestly, is that the best plot device they can come up with? "Enterprise goes up against a ship 10x its size and armament and somehow wins", it worked the first time, why not do it again? :rolleyes:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, as per what/who that ship is, look at the size increase from Connie to Excelsior. And now add the fact that the tech from Abramsverse is far different than the tech from the primeverse. Maybe this is their version of a hyper-evolved Excelsior.

    The problem I have is once again the plot. Kirk is barely out of the academy and allowed to do this, and lo and behold, he almost dooms the entire ship... There's a reason you don't let kids drive cars when they think they can, or let a recruit lead a dangerous guerilla mission. He's too young, too unexperienced. Old Kirk would never have let it go that far.... And if he did, he'd make sure the ship survives with a better look. Even after the beat-up with Khan, the Ent was in a more decent shape.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i think this film could be very good but i bet the only ships we will see in it will be boring federation ones(no offence federation) and none of the cool romulan and klingon ones(bird of prey/valdore/scimitar). i would also like to see space fighters in trek much to the fury of everyone else. anyway i guess the action and effects n the new film cannot be that bad(except the lens flares).
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804396 Posts: 11,085Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Well, as per what/who that ship is, look at the size increase from Connie to Excelsior. And now add the fact that the tech from Abramsverse is far different than the tech from the primeverse. Maybe this is their version of a hyper-evolved Excelsior.

    The size increase between the Enterprise refit and Excelsior is around 150 meters. This new ship is roughly twice the size, if not more, than the JJ E. That's a huge difference.

    Just based on that one view, this is what it reminds me of:
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Not too excited to see any of the non fed designs, what I have seen of Klingon ships now is they have had a bad infection of transformeritus bayei.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • DarkoneDarkone177 Posts: 258Member
    You Know It's been said that this ship is a Federation ship that got stolen from Dockyard , I betting it JJ, Version of Excelsior do to fact that his movie version is as large as a Galaxy Class Next Gen.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Depends on what they size the Enterprise at for this movie. Already there is rumor that it is scaled down to TOS or TMP length. Which most of us know cannot happen due to structure girth. But give the new trailer a watch and pay attention to the zoom in of the bridge (ugh) window, that whole area has been reworked since the last movie. Either case that black ship is suppose to be 3X the enterprise.

    As for looks give those nacelles a close look exp when it is in front of the moon. Then add in the open ring and central bridge spire.
    Not sure if he was on board for this film or not.
    I am strangely interested in the biscuit ship they bang up on Kronos

    Near the detonation is the Klingon BOP, it appears to be a troop carrier like a blackhawk vs what we normally expect when a BOP is mentioned.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    whatever that is with the holes through the saucer looks alright. in your second image from the bottom that thing near the explosion is a new klingon bop? will have to see more before i decide if i like it.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    There is a rear shot of it in the first trailer and in another it shows klingons repelling from the belly of it.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BCBC0 Posts: 0Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    There is a rear shot of it in the first trailer and in another it shows klingons repelling from the belly of it.

    In a universe full of transporters (or even wearable antigravity devices for that matter) why would they repel? This movie will probably make as little sense as the last one.

    When will Hollywood learn that some audiences can actually think and find the mindless knee-jerk action cliches annoying when applied to shows that were previously at least semi-intelligent?
  • alonzo11208alonzo11208331 Posts: 0Member
    BC wrote: »
    In a universe full of transporters (or even wearable antigravity devices for that matter) why would they repel? This movie will probably make as little sense as the last one.

    When will Hollywood learn that some audiences can actually think and find the mindless knee-jerk action cliches annoying when applied to shows that were previously at least semi-intelligent?

    Perhaps because such devices give off energy signatures and they used a method that would make them harder to track?
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    couldn't really find any revealing images of the new BOP on the web. doubt it will look as good as the old design. will have to wait until i see the film. thought that as the enterprise remains atleast vaguely similar to the original they might leave the BOP looking like the old one but maybe with minor detailing changes.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Only thing that remains the same are the wing shapes and weapons on the ends. There are of images of the front and rear of the thing as well as some toys all over the place. Easily found via google. into darkness klingon bop insta results.

    not sure how much you can "infer" with the toy but,
    Hell most of the images come from

    Repelling down other than the fact it is faster for them to jump off with a rope dangling off the ship it probably is due to situation. I mean beaming onto a hull of a ship at speed does not prepare the klink for the momentum air resistance etc. Seeing something like a tractor to place them on the hull would have been cool though but a large part of the audience would be disconnected and at a loss as to understand what was going on.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Orion's beltOrion's belt0 Posts: 0Member
    does anyone remember a thread going in the WIP section where it was the other ships like the Kelvin and two engineering hull ship from XI done up in TOS styling using sketch up i belive? it was from 2010 I think anyone know what happend to that? I liked that artist symplisitic take on those ships. it was named liked USS Iowa-Kelvin concept or somthing. :/
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member

    Jeez, looking at those buildings (or station structures or whatever) it looks like the design team was playing a LOT of Halo, plus some Mass Effect.

    EDIT: I just saw on Facebook that Paramount has identified this new ship as the USS Vengeance, apparently a "dreadnought class" ship. I remember there being references to dreadnoughts in the old TOS tech manual (it showed a Connie with three nacelles as a dreadnought, from what I recall). There was also a TOS novel about a dreadnought being commandeered (and for all I know they got plot ideas from that one).

    I'm not super-thrilled about that overly polygonal secondary hull shape, as it seems very un-Trek, but will reserve judgment.
  • Chris2005Chris2005678 Posts: 3,097Member

    Someone said it looked like a Borgified Enterprise E... :lol:

    To me, as another person said, this makes the JJprise look beautiful!

    Daniel Broadway lightened the image, to bring out more of the detail:

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  • rojrenrojren2395 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,990Member
    .... And it only gets worse...
  • vivienneanthonyvivienneanthony0 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    .... And it only gets worse...

    I agree. I thought the JJprise was bad. This is worst.

    I wish JJ did not produce anymore Federation ships.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 783Member
    It looks like some of John Eaves' rejected Star Trek Online and Enterprise-E concept art.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804396 Posts: 11,085Member
    Design wise, this movie is looking like a whole lot of puke, in my opinion. I hope the movie itself is better than the designs.
    Jedilaw wrote: »
    Jeez, looking at those buildings (or station structures or whatever) it looks like the design team was playing a LOT of Halo, plus some Mass Effect.

    You say that like it's a bad thing. :lol: (playing the games, that is, not basing the designs off of them)
    Jedilaw wrote: »
    There was also a TOS novel about a dreadnought being commandeered (and for all I know they got plot ideas from that one).

    Awesome novel. (I have a well worn copy because I've read it a lot) It was Diane Carey's first Trek novel. :)
  • Chris2005Chris2005678 Posts: 3,097Member
    It reminds of the "Enemy Starfleet" episode from ST:NV...

    The comments I've seen about this design have been hilarious...
    Sooooo who built her, the Autobots or Decepticons?

    In response to that, someone said:
    It was Skynet

    ...and if my grandmother had wheels she would be a wagon.

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  • alonzo11208alonzo11208331 Posts: 0Member
    So I guess I'm in the "enemy camp" as I kinda enjoy the look of the ship.

    Its no worse than some of the fanships I've seen floating around the net *shrugs*
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    wow, who had the angry bowl movement?
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BCBC0 Posts: 0Member
    To me the ship looks like a duck wearing a hat brim with the cap ripped off. If it is like the first AbramsTrek movie the designs will be the least of the problems though, the script was the worst thing in 2009.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I read a reivew of the film which said this film had more plot holes than swiss cheese, but still enjoyable to watch.
    from what I am seeing it look like a action film set in space with Star Trek slapped on it.

    As for the desigins coming out of J.J version I have to say that I am not a fan.
    Though future London looks intresting.
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    The basic hull configuration is fine. I just don't like the polygonal nature of it. Ever since TOS the UFP ships have had rounded design elements. Even when they started to radically alter the design approach, as with the Galaxy, it was all still very curvy and smooth. This ship just...isn't. It's like somebody staged a bar fight between the worst design engineers from Cardassia, Earth, and Kronos, and the Cardassian mostly won.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804396 Posts: 11,085Member
    That's why I hate it, there are no curvy smooth lines on it. It's all sharp angles, which aren't very Federation-ish.
  • BCBC0 Posts: 0Member
    That's why I hate it, there are no curvy smooth lines on it. It's all sharp angles, which aren't very Federation-ish.

    That is the point, curvy is not as dramatic and therefor not as appealing to the general faddish movie lemmings so it has to go. JJTrek is not about tradition or continuity or or good storytelling or any of that kind of stuff, it is simply oneshot generic action schticks strung together with the "Star Trek" label slapped haphazardly on it.
  • Orion's beltOrion's belt0 Posts: 0Member
    there was a battleship that is similar to this ships design from a 1990's era star trek novel i cant remember what its called tho.
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