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3DKlingon D10

biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Modelling this for a friend, thought I would get this bit out of the way first, because if you cant do this bit, you might as well not bother.

Not sure if I have pushed the inside of the torpedo (sensor?) bay back in too far, easy fix if I have.
Post edited by biotech on


  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Looks like a nice start! The depth of the sensor bay looks fine to me.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Looks like a nice start! The depth of the sensor bay looks fine to me.


    Added a little more.
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Good start.

    The D-10 is that ship with a bulk sec hull, right? The blueprints that I now are to much simple.
    it can give you a few ideas to improve her details: ;)
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member

    Thanks. I actually gave biotech those same refs... I think for the bottom of the hull, I will keep things as smooth as they are on the top. The guy building that physical model was using those Vor'Cha parts as supports for the large D-10 panels, so I think the bottom will be flat and smooth, per the original FASA orthos. TOS ships were never greebled too much anyway... the TOS D-7 was very simple, with a smooth hull.


    We may have to end up trying different things on the bottom though, to see what looks the best.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys, nice to have the board up and running again!

    A small update tonight.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Very nice... coming together well!
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, a bit more.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    And a few more bits underneath, decided to bring the back wall forward too from the sensor bay, as did seem too far once I put the internal bits in.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Even klingons need to look out of a window now and again.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Damn, this is a blast from the past. When I read D-10 I was all. "Why have I heard of that? Now I know the TOS Klingon Cruiser is a D-7, so why?" And then those references above brought it all flooding back, playing those lead miniature fleet battles. The D-10 was one of my fave non-canon Klingon Cruiser designs. Be interesting to see how you work with it in 3D.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member

    Yes, the D-10 has always been one of my favorite alien fan designs, and the only FASA alien design I really liked.

    Great updates, biotech! The little sensor/torpedo equipment inside the bay looks great, as do all the other details so far. Remember to include these little notches on the aft part of the head's flat section... I know they're very easy to overlook.


    It's really shaping up well so far! TALON_UK, would you happen to still have that lead miniature? I'd love to get a look at what the underside of the actual miniature looked like, as a detail reference for the bottom side.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Possibly, though that is going back quite a bit. If they've not been chucked out already they'll be festering away in my Mother's attic, I can have a bit of a rummage around for them next time I go to visit. If I remember rightly though on the Greeble front it was somewhere between the TOS D-7 and the TMP version of the Klingon cruiser in detailing.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Cool... if you can find it, that'll be great. In terms of detailing, I'm going for a smooth hull, like the D-7, and the original FASA orthos of the D-10, so there won't be any raised paneling like on the TMP and beyond Klingon ships. I'm just kind of wondering if the bottom detail mirrors the top (only flat), or if there are different details.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Sorted the notches.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    And a few more small pieces.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    And some more windows.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    That's looking really solid so far. The good thing about doing this part is that you could do a D-7 and/or K't'inga if you wanted to and use the same "head" as a start. (with mods for the K't'inga, of course)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    personally i cannot see any difference between this, the d4, kronos1, or the other klingon cruisers(k'tinga, d7, d4, d33,etc). looks like a good model though.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    The difference is in the secondary hull. The "head" and "neck" are basically identical to the D7.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    The difference is in the secondary hull. The "head" and "neck" are basically identical to the D7.
    what the rear wing root area, they look the same there as well.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Very nice updates! The head section is really looking nice!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    what the rear wing root area, they look the same there as well.

    These ships look the same to you?
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    These ships look the same to you?

    i was talking about the k'tinga and d7 . anyway sorry about that, i can see why the bridge area is the hardest to model.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Since all trek ships need nacelles, I thought it was time this ship had at least one!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Looks good so far... I like the detail!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    The nacelle is looking good so far. :)
    i was talking about the k'tinga and d7 . anyway sorry about that, i can see why the bridge area is the hardest to model.

    Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that was the point behind the K't'inga. It was supposed to be the D7 with more details. You were supposed to be able to see it on screen in TMP and know instantly what it is. And then, in those wonderful closeups, ogle the details. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    The nacelle is looking good so far. :)
    i was talking about the k'tinga and d7 . anyway sorry about that, i can see why the bridge area is the hardest to model.

    Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that was the point behind the K't'inga. It was supposed to be the D7 with more details. You were supposed to be able to see it on screen in TMP and know instantly what it is. And then, in those wonderful closeups, ogle the details. :)
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    I see the site is back, so here are some updates.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i can see the design properly now, it is coming on well.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804316 Posts: 11,045Member
    Great stuff. :) It's not my favorite Klingon design, but I always like your work.
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