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3DThe Liberation of Coruscant

KillaBCKillaBC0 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2013 in Finished Work #1
Over the past week or so i've been going through some Star Wars 3d models and I thought I'd make a few renders out of them. It's a visualisation of the Liberation of Coruscant with New Republic forces brushing aside the Imperial Remnant.
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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Very nice work on everything. I especially like the "action" setups and the lighting. It's very Star Wars-ish. :)

    The only thing that lets the images down is the texture quality on a couple of the meshes. The Mon Cal cruiser in the first image is especially bad. I'm assuming the person who made it didn't count on it being show that closely or largely.
  • KillaBCKillaBC0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah the Mon Calamari ships isn't bad but like you said up-close an it falls apart a bit, unfortunately it's the only one I could find.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Yeah, there aren't many of those around, probably due to the very curvy, organic shape.
  • KillaBCKillaBC0 Posts: 0Member
    It's a shame really because the contrast of the Calamari Cruisers compared to the ISD's make them instantly recognizable. I like the look of them but the ISD will always come out on top for me.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    first image is too dark, second image i dose not have much in it, third image is very good. i like the motion blur and the glare from the bright lights of engines and laser beams, it is well lit and conveys a sense of distance and scale. it you're star destroyer is also good but personally i think it would look a bit better if the bridge assembly was slightly further forward. good work though.
  • KillaBCKillaBC0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks spacefighter, I got that criticism about the first one from a few people I'l most probably revisit it some time give it more contrast, brighten up the lasers and what not.

    The Stardestroyer is Fractalsponge's so it's pretty accurate as far as Stardestoyers go.
  • saulteniansaultenian331 Posts: 0Member
    Much better with the first trilogy ships instead of the "gotta buy it" second trilogy freak-fest...
    Excellent composition as well...Nice job....
  • saulteniansaultenian331 Posts: 0Member
    Reminds me of a rendering we did for the Kingdom Tower competition in Jeddah...I was the Design Director on the project....
  • KillaBCKillaBC0 Posts: 0Member
    Damn saultenian, that is one hell of a beautiful building! Thanks for the compliments, I was thinking too that the battle for Coruscant looks better with the Empire and New Republic.
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