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3DAries 1B from 2001: A Space Odyssey



  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    The round bollard things round the outside have a very pronounced, large, weave texture, which reminded me of eggboxes, sorry that was a really rubbish way of describing it :) The chairs however are a rather swish looking canary coloured polished leather. From a distance, and out of focus, it almost looks like they were the same leather material as the seats, but they aren't. Not sure how you'd go about making that as beyond distance shots it's just slightly outside of what you can do with normal maps. Maybe some sub-pixel displacement in Vray?
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Weird, never noticed that before. And it's pretty hard to see when it's any distance away and out of focus. Dunno if I like it:) We'll see what happens.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Just weird that he is the Only passenger on the whole flight... sheesh... :)
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Just weird that he is the Only passenger on the whole flight... sheesh... :)

    So much wasted money! Well to his credit it was kind of a secret trip! :)
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    So Tobian convinced me to work on the chairs some more! Actually it shouldn't take very long. Just have to make some more apparent seems and whatnot ,leather texture, richer color.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    "When the investors fly in I would like for them, each, to be met by a limo. Top of the line car. Leather interior. Corinthian if they got it." "Mars Attacks"
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    It's probably only really noticeable with the Blu-ray release. The larger frame is a screenshot from that. In the regular res screenshots it's totally unnoticeable.

    Those leather chairs look pretty swish to me actually, just a little bit of a crap colour with modern eyes haha :)

    Will be cool to see higher-res versions of them, with a pretty leather finish, though it'll make your render times shoot up, sadly :D I have a knack for that :)
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    New seats! I think I saved this with the wrong gamma, but actually it looks pretty good like that.

  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    They look great!
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    You know, Japetus, I should talk to you about the Endeavour design from Rama, in my mind it follows the 2001 design motif but I still haven't been able to crack it yet.
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    You know, Japetus, I should talk to you about the Endeavour design from Rama, in my mind it follows the 2001 design motif but I still haven't been able to crack it yet.

    Oh? Tell me more... is that a trek ship or something else? I'm not much aware of custom designs by other artists.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Well, I had listened to Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C Clarke, and they describe in ridiculous detail Rama itself, this giant cylinder rolling through space, but they say NOTHING about the Endeavour, the human ship that delivers the astronauts to them. In my head it's sort of like a sub in space with a Kubrick influence (he was directing the movie in my head) but with some John Berkey-Syd Meadness to it but I can't really see it in my head. Especially because it docks/lands on this pillbox-type groove on the end of Rama and in my head that restores gravity to the ship so the floor is the floor again... I can't get me head around it.

    The other thought was it being long and landing on it's nose but I imagine when it hits the pillbox it would just break in two or get smooshed so that doesn't really work right either.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Very nice chairs, now you just have to array them, and your room will look more awesomer! :D
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    New spherical with new chairs! And I remembered the consoles this time.

    Edit: Also added the bumpy stuff on the yellow pads around the rim. The bump definitely does disappear into the distance and becomes unreadable.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Sweet! Not sure you have the texture on the bollards just right, but the chairs and even that little closeup swatch of leather I can see are sweet!
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    It looks amazing, though if I were flying on that spaceship I would be annoyed that there's no baggage space, personal screens, desks, or magazine racks on the back of the chairs, or reclining ability or anything like that. It is more for looks than comfort.
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    It looks amazing, though if I were flying on that spaceship I would be annoyed that there's no baggage space, personal screens, desks, or magazine racks on the back of the chairs, or reclining ability or anything like that. It is more for looks than comfort.

    Haha true I hadn't thought of that :). Maybe the luggage goes on the mysterious kitchen area that doesn't actually fit in the model.
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Decided to fiddle with bathroom signs cuz I thought they were too big too. Will render a patch tonight!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Looking Sweet Japetus!

    loving the time your putting in to this!

    Maybe, for latter.. do an "updated" interior with things that would be in there if it Was build today

    I still think that there would be some sleeping rooms, or the kind of fold out seats that some first class cabins have ( I know.. zero gee... so maybe a "personal closet" :) )
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Now with some tweaks done...stars in the background, and some depth of field and an AO pass added in. Nuke's new ZDefocus node is quite wonderful. I nice change from the old crappy ZBlur node.

    Edit, oops link added:
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    All it needs is some post-bloom, but that's probably not possible. Nice work, the subtle DOF is nice!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Looks great sir!
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    tobian wrote: »
    All it needs is some post-bloom, but that's probably not possible. Nice work, the subtle DOF is nice!

    There is some actually, and it's very possible to do, it's just a bit more subtle then normal. Maybe I'll boost it a bit. Finally a part that is easy! :) Updated.
  • IRMLIRML256 Posts: 1,993Member
    didn't want to spoil your finished thread with a nitpick but I just wanted to add something about your use of DoF, maybe you've done this for artistic reasons, but you have stars outside some of the windows that are in focus and some that are out of focus - technically they should all be out of focus as they can all be considered the same arbitrarily high distance away
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Yeah, I did think of that... but at that point I didn't care enough to really change it. I figured I could use "artistic license on it"
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    I gotta find some neat airplane chairs for the upgrade... I also had this thought that the new walls would have LEDs all over that slowly run across the colour scale as the voyage goes on, so you're blue when you leave and red when you arrive. It's a subtle way to indicate time passing in a spaceship.
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