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How do I go about gouging panel lines in c4d?

DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
The title pretty much says it all. I've been nesting a smaller copy of the hull inside the main version and using a subtract boole to cut out circles and lines, but the results are slow to load and don't look that great. I'm wondering if there's a simple way to just cut them directly out of the hull without resorting to vast amounts of nested booleans.
Post edited by Doomsponge on


  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    You can use the knife tool to cut your panel lines into the hull, I usually use a mixture of line and plane set to two lines. Select the polygons you have just created and then just use either the extrude and/or bevel tool.
  • nightfevernightfever373 Posts: 585Member
    I didn't know that you are using c4d. Nice.;)

    If the panel lines do not run parallel the mesh I am always using boolean cuts. First I detach the polygons that will be cut off the rest of the mesh. Then I try to reduce them by using symmetries and instances as much as I can. I do cut two parallel panel lines and after cleaning up I extrude/bevel the polygons between them.
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    *listens to the whoosh of this all going way over his head* We're gonna need a bigger boat here.

    I've only been doing this a few months, so I'm not really that up to spec on a lot of the how to and wherefores. Might need a bit more of a runthrough here.
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    Give me until tonight and I'll create a quick work up for you on using the knife tool to cut in details. Nightfever way sounds similar to yours and there really isn't that much difference between the benefits of using either method and each require a large amount of cleaning up. The knife tool though does come in very handy.

    I've been uising Cinema 4d since 1999 (holy crap, has it been that long!) and i'm still learning new techniques, so if you've got any questions I'll be more than happy to help and if I can't I'm sure somebody else around here can (looks in Nightfevers direction and runs haha).
  • DoomspongeDoomsponge0 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, cool. I suppose at least it'll come in very useful for a lot of stuff, since although it's used for panel lines it comes in handy for all sorts of uses outside that.
  • n4orcern4orcer0 Posts: 0Member
    The way I have been doing panels that are not aligned to the polygons currently building up the model, is to model in polygons (I guess splines would work to, but never got the results I wanted with it) the lines across the model intersecting the polygons I want the lines on.

    Then I use the bool tool to cut those lines in to the polygons from the main mesh, clean it up then just bevel that single line to prefered width and then extrude it down and then you have your custom panel lines.

    This way do include some cleaning up before and after you extrude you lines, but if disconnect the polygons from the main object first it becomes much easier.

    EDIT: The panel lines below on the wing and the main hull of my Halo Longsword model was done this way, it's not very clean and it takes a few min to clean the polygons afterwards, but it was the easiest way I could find to get the lines just the way I want without using the knife tool and cutting a lot of unneeded lines.

  • perilousperilous171 Posts: 0Member
    you probably know this but its worth trying if you dont, if you can make a quick and easy linear spine of what you want to cut out,you can use project spline to get the points to line up,pop in an extrudenurb set to zero all dimensions then make editable,and add polys to that to fill up the spaces,its especially usefull if you do this for repeating panels etc as all you have to do is just copy n paste the original spline :-) jobs a good un
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