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Back in The Saddle

adjunct37betaadjunct37beta188 Seattle, WAPosts: 60Member
So I think I'm finally going to begin getting back into 3D modeling / animating after being absent since 2004. Previously have done a lot of primarily low-poly, real time stuff. I'd like to get into high-poly, realistic modeling and animation. It was my ultimate favorite thing to do within the graphics industry. My graphics career has finally planed out giving me some free time to explore my own projects.

My question is, which program should I choose? My previous experience is in 3DS Max but because I've been gone so long if I'm going to get back in the saddle I want to ensure that I choose wisely.

The modeling I plan to do is primarily object / environmental but I don't want to completely exclude character modeling, it's just never really interested me.

I know the above is a loaded and subjective question and I'm sure there are virtues and fallbacks to every program, I'd just love to hear some pros, cons and/or general feedback from the insanely talented people on this site.

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  • adjunct37betaadjunct37beta188 Seattle, WAPosts: 60Member
  • rojrenrojren2317 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,974Member

    Things are pretty dead around here lately. I think there are a few threads on this subject floating around, and (member name) Hundred has a thread (with links) about various software. Good luck.
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