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PracticalGalactica Model with lighting

borjisborjis0 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2013 in Finished Work #1
This is a Revell 1997 "re-issue" of the classic Battlestar Galactica model kit.
The model was built and lit by the talented Wayne Hough.

I saw some of Wayne's work from an ebay auction of another Galactica
model and knew I had to commission him to build mine if he would.

He took me up on my offer and I'm very pleased to show photos
of the fine job he did.

The ship windows are lit with a white LED Light source and fiber optics.
The ship engines have their own LED lights.

A weathering "wash" has been applied to the model to bring out the fine details.

Wayne also added back-lit interiors to the landing bays.
Post edited by borjis on


  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,080Member
    Cool model, I still prefer the RDM Galactica but your model is great.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    you know what when you look at the rear engine pic it would be difficult without knowing for sure if it was a kit or the studio miniature it looks that good.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Love this model over the new Galactica apparently ribbed for no apparent reason...
  • MoonhawkMoonhawk0 Posts: 0Member
    Saquist wrote: » Galactica apparently ribbed for no apparent reason...

    The ribbing was actually part of the hull plating support structure - and wouldn't normally be visible on a reimagined universe Battlestar. It was only because Galactica was being decommissioned and some of the hull plating had been removed that most of the ribbing was visible.

    Newer Battlestars like the Pegasus had their hull plating intact and displayed little to no ribbing.

    Compare Galactica in the 2nd cylon war era vs its configuration whilst relatively new during the first cylon war.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    well done, you have almost managed in those images to make it look like either a "real" craft in space or a cgi render. the lighting in the engine provides a nice "hot gas" glow. how large is the model, from the focus i am guessing it is quite small 30cm long at max. the fine details are easily visible which is good but perhaps this makes it look more like a small model rather than a massive ship. perehaps you could set up some more very bright leds in the engine with different colours and wire up a circuit to make them flicker, if you then added a tube hideen in the glow to blow some steam/carbon dioxide/smoke out of the back it would be an amazing effect, perhaps add some very small red lasers if possible to recreate gunfire( some fine dust in the atmosphere would be needed to make the beams visible.). i have made real models a long time in the past but have come to prefer computer models and meshes, perhaps i am not the best person to comment on your physical model but i stil think it looks good.
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