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3DProject armor robot hand



  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    Thinking, thinking,:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes: I got a new a Idea for the full project. The short film can be "just" a No Official Advertising for the Logitech G13 or the Razer Nostromo :idea:
    If I finish it with a good looking, it can be good for a reel (you know, if there are brands on the short it calls more audience :D) or is it a :stupid: Idea..?
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    What happens if I do my animation-advertising with the G13 Logitech? Is it Legal? I think it shouldn't be any problem. If I do it, I'm doing something good (good or bad quality) for the brand, it's free advertising for his product..
    I saw thousands 3d amateur films or Reels showing brands like Cocacola, characters from Blizzard (SC2, WOW,..), etc.. and there are not official you know what I'm referring to?
    What do you think about this?

  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    brands does not hire you. and putting known brand names on fancy things send more of a noob warning.
    publicity doesnt work like this.

    its legal in the sense you have the freedom of expression. but i wouldnt recomend it.
    brands dont give a ****, and people who hire either.

    keep on with the teaser. who knows, later on you'll may even do a short film featuring this.
  • ArmondikovArmondikov0 Posts: 0Member
    Unless it's agreed product placement in your big time Hollywood Michael Bay directed movie, there is absolutely no point. Though if you want to stick a logo on it for creative purposes, pick a brand and parody it.
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi!Thanks for our feedback.
    L2k, you have completly right. It's like a noob warning xDDD ..but ..what the hell! I like it, it's perfect for control the armor :D
    I don't know if I will do a normal teaser or a publicity, but I decided to include the G13 on the armor. This short film it's not only for should be a part of my future Reel, and I think it's not a bad idea, inlcude a Brand on it.
    Parody it hahaha why not? I thought that, when the armored up is finished, may be can four big keyboard keys out of the ground "w, a,s,d," (the most used keys for gamers), and then the hand starts to play one SC2 or Quake 3 in a huge screen :lol:
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi everyone!
    I didn't had too much free time to work on the project.. :(
    But the G13 is finished :D and almost placed into the armor.
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    liked it better before that kind of keyboard. it looked more functional.
    moving fingers with keys is as pointless as piloting giant sword wielding gundams with a joystick.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    I notice you've put the keyboard under the left hand's fingers, which makes sense to me... the right hand is more dexterous for the majority of people, and they're going to use their armor hand that way as well.
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    L2K wrote: »
    liked it better before that kind of keyboard. it looked more functional.
    moving fingers with keys is as pointless as piloting giant sword wielding gundams with a joystick.
    Hi L2K :)
    I'm not completely agree with your opinion, with the control before, you can only push forward 5 keys, with that you can close the fingers but, for ex. what about hand's rotate? From my point of view it needs more functions. I liked it better before, it went much better with the overall style...but I still with the G13 idea :devil:
    What is a gundams?
    Jenny wrote: »
    I notice you've put the keyboard under the left hand's fingers, which makes sense to me... the right hand is more dexterous for the majority of people, and they're going to use their armor hand that way as well.
    Hi Jenny :)
    I Kill you!!!:devil::devil::fishslap: Why you don't saw it before!!:fishslap: :fishslap:
    just a joke hahahaha
    Nothing happens, I can mirror it ;)
    Good sight, thanks :)
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    rotating hand would be done by turning the control thingamajig. flipping hand up and down would naturally be done by pushing/pulling the control mechanism, or by shifting all the controls at the same time...
    One major problem with a keyboard is that you have a severely steep learning curve. It takes a lot of time to learn where different buttons are, what they do and to find them blindly. also, if subjected to shock, hand could easily be pushed out of alignment with the keyboard, resulting in erroneous commands given. While it may seem that a controller like the one in the source material has but a few primitive controls, it actually has many controllers for each finger spot. probably a slider for open/close, perhaps using local pressure for defining how hard to grip, perhaps a few extra buttons within easy range for special grips (say grab gun). If hand has three fingers and user five, then the extra finger controls can be used to enhance mobility on the other fingers.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    No, I actually meant what I wrote.

    Use the old controls on the right hand... the right hand will be the most active hand, and that kind of master/slave arrangement makes sense for the hand that's going to be used the most for manipulating objects external to the suit. Then put the keyboard on the left hand, with buttons that access other functions. It makes sense to me.
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry for late reply, I was busy the last days.
    I was thinking on the huge work of this project, how many time I spent doing what I was done and how many things should I do, with my new personal responsibilities, and the calculations are wrong (I was smashed) :lol: There are a tons of stuff to model, to unwrap U.V, textures to do and some of these models to animate too. I only have a few hours at the weekend to work on it and I would like to learn new things (like sculpting) on those hours (not always doing the same..).

    So, I decided to finish the Armor, do the Unwrap of all the pieces, texture those and may be I will do a little bit of animation of it, but without room, mechanical arms, weapon, or surrounding things (just the armor).
    Egeria wrote: »
    rotating hand would be done by turning the control thingamajig. flipping hand up and down would naturally be done by pushing/pulling the control mechanism, or by shifting all the controls at the same time...
    One major problem with a keyboard is that you have a severely steep learning curve. It takes a lot of time to learn where different buttons are, what they do and to find them blindly. also, if subjected to shock, hand could easily be pushed out of alignment with the keyboard, resulting in erroneous commands given. While it may seem that a controller like the one in the source material has but a few primitive controls, it actually has many controllers for each finger spot. probably a slider for open/close, perhaps using local pressure for defining how hard to grip, perhaps a few extra buttons within easy range for special grips (say grab gun). If hand has three fingers and user five, then the extra finger controls can be used to enhance mobility on the other fingers.
    Hi Egeria, thank you for contributions :) I don't thought about it, 5 buttons but 3 or 4 fingers, you have free buttons for extra functions and also push some buttons on the same time, nice idea :D
    I like the two controls, may be I do the 2 versions, It's not difficult to change it on the final stage.
    Jenny wrote: »
    No, I actually meant what I wrote.

    Use the old controls on the right hand... the right hand will be the most active hand, and that kind of master/slave arrangement makes sense for the hand that's going to be used the most for manipulating objects external to the suit. Then put the keyboard on the left hand, with buttons that access other functions. It makes sense to me.

    Hahahaha Really good idea Jenny :D Your are amazing, alway giving nice ideas ...I would like to have a clone from my self to do all this stuff :(

    Here you have an example of a new thing that I learned the last weekend, just trying new things:

  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    hi there.
    so a gundam is a giant japanese robot taht can fly, shoot, wield all sorts of fire and laser rifles, and that can only defeat its ennemies by slicing them in half with a kind of huge lightsaber (of course, it can wield various at the same time. some of them have 4 arms)
    all of that is controled by a pair of joysticks in the cockpit (strategicly located in the chest).
    quick google search you should have seen them on tv, maybe they have another name in germany.

    i'll defend the idea of slider keys or pressure keys on the grip. rotation ca be achieved by twisting the wrist. the grip doesnt have to be hard glued.
    you can add various functions with gesture combinasons. pushing left index and right pinkie brings the tactical map on the helmet.
    thats what happens with the iphone and such. doing a combinasion of gestures does special functions.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Duud wrote: »
    Here you have an example of a new thing that I learned the last weekend, just trying new things:


    Some sort of munition deploying?
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi there!
    L2K wrote: »
    hi there.
    so a gundam is a giant japanese robot taht can fly, shoot, wield all sorts of fire and laser rifles, and that can only defeat its ennemies by slicing them in half with a kind of huge lightsaber (of course, it can wield various at the same time. some of them have 4 arms)
    all of that is controled by a pair of joysticks in the cockpit (strategicly located in the chest).
    quick google search you should have seen them on tv, maybe they have another name in germany.

    i'll defend the idea of slider keys or pressure keys on the grip. rotation ca be achieved by twisting the wrist. the grip doesnt have to be hard glued.
    you can add various functions with gesture combinasons. pushing left index and right pinkie brings the tactical map on the helmet.
    thats what happens with the iphone and such. doing a combinasion of gestures does special functions.

    Jajaja si que lo conozco si xD (soy un espanyol viviendo en alemania :D)
    From my point of view the two controls are ok, but If I must decide one, I prefer the G13 control :p
    Jenny wrote: »
    Some sort of munition deploying?
    Not, my first idea for this canister, is to deploying energy. But it can be a Plasma munition, why not?
  • DuudDuud0 Posts: 0Member
    The same, with one control. I just animated the % to have a smooth animation (better than handmade)
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    It does look smoother.
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