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3DPunch it, Chewie!

ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
edited February 2019 in Finished Work #1
Hi all,

A new image from me. I've had these two excellent models on my hard drive and have yet to do anything with them so I thought it was time to change that. :)

I have a larger (2560px) version if anyone's interested.
As usual, comments, suggestions and feedback is welcome.

1920x1080 (Updated)

1920x1080 (Original Image)[/CENTER]
Post edited by Comco on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804323 Posts: 11,050Member
    I'm not a big fan of motion blur in still images. It's well done, it's just a personal preference thing. The setup in regards to the ships look great, though. I like the lighting and the turbolaser blasts. All in all, it's a nice piece, just the blur isn't my thing. :)
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Thanks for the comments, evil. I can call you plain old evil, can't I? ;)

    I took another look at the image this morning and decided to do some detailing on the starscape background. I'm happy with how it turned out. I've also knocked the motion blur down a few notches. I originally figured I'd do a blurred and non-blurred version, but after a lot of experimenting in Photoshop, I'm thinking the revised blur strength would be a reasonable compromise.

    I've left the original image up for those that are interested to see the changes.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804323 Posts: 11,050Member
    Wowsers. I'm loving the changes. The motion blur is noticeable but not too much, IMO. You can see the details on those great meshes. The new starfield is also a nice touch. I'd say it's nearly perfect. It's also my new desktop image. :D
    Comco wrote: »
    I can call you plain old evil, can't I? ;)

    But of course. :devil:
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    lovin' it! :thumb:
  • YaricYaric0 Posts: 0Member
    The updated picture looks 100% better. Nice work!
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    the background is especially nice in the updated one, just a few small changes have improved the image many times over
  • hazendhazend171 Posts: 0Member
    Very Nice.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Thanks for the kind words, guys. I actually learnt a fair bit working on this image. Keeping the scene itself simple meant I had to focus more on the essentials - lighting, composition, background elements etc.

    My intention with this render was to capture an iconic shot that I could potentially print out and put on the currently very bare walls of my office. I've done a quick print on 4x6 photo paper and it looks quite good. If you've never bothered printing out your work, you should consider it. There's something very cool and different about holding your hard work in your hands. :cool:
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Very nice work Tim, the updated pic, does look much better.
    Look forward to seeing some more work from you.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    This is a very nice composition, well done !!!!

    I think it only needs some work to scale of the ships. The STD must be much larger to show the correct scale between the two vessels.

    Over all a great work.

  • meugen06meugen06334 Posts: 5Member
    How about adding some TIE fighters.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    I considered it. Thought about throwing a few X-Wings in there too. I might give it a try but my main concern was disturbing the composition too much. I like the simplicity of the shot at the moment. I'm not sure the scene needs more ships.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804323 Posts: 11,050Member
    I agree, I like the two ships. It has an nice balance. Plus, with the speed of the Falcon and Han's crazy piloting, the star destroyer might not have had time to deploy TIEs. Besides, it's firing its turbolasers. Friendly ships in between said turbolasers and the Falcon are an accident waiting to happen. IMO, it's very reminiscent of the chase scene in TESB. Very cool.
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