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PracticalTrek Models



  • baxartbaxart0 Posts: 0Member
    Really nice! If I can I'd request Atolm's Chariot class.
  • joelcannjoelcann0 Posts: 0Member
    You've got a great talent with your work...I love physical models but I am all thumbs when it comes to scratchbuilds...Can't wait to see more.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Just a little heads up, the model plans are now available on my website.
  • Stev0Stev00 Posts: 0Member
    Glad to see your posting here Paragon

  • gray_deathgray_death0 Posts: 0Member
    I like it. Sliding nacelles... That's a new thought.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Someone on another forum asked why Durandal's nacelles retract, specifically asking how retracting the nacelles could provide extra power for the ship. I was pretty proud of what I came up with, so I decided I'll share it here too, and see what you other trekkies think of my technobabble. Especially look for any potential continuity issues, for example, if EPS conduits on regular starships are either much faster or much slower than I have specified here:

    The primary reason for folding nacelles is to protect them during combat, making her excellent for blockade running, or hit-and-run missions where the ability to leave even after taking heavy fire is essential. The reduced profile of the ship with nacelles folded in means a smaller surface area for the shields to cover. Reduced shield power requirements means more available shield power.

    The ship is also supposed to have a new plasma exchange system that utilizes warp plasma in the nacelles as an auxiliary power source through a larger network of EPS conduits (which are already present in Federation ships, and already use small amounts of warp plasma to help power other systems). With the nacelles in, Durandal has nearly three times the available EPS exchange stations, instead of the few available through the warp pylons on most starships. The increased number of EPS exchanges between the warp nacelles and secondary hull allow both more warp plasma to be siphoned off for auxiliary power, as well as a much more expedient return of that plasma to the nacelles when preparing for warp. Starfleet protocol dictates at least 60% of warp plasma remain in the nacelles in standard conditions, allowing a maximum emergency warp speed of 4.5 in Durandal, increasing as warp plasma volume in the nacelles increases. Approximately 74% of the maximum amount of warp plasma siphoned off is returned to the nacelles via those EPS conduits in 3.4 seconds before the nacelles begin extending. The remaining 26% is returned to the nacelles via standard EPS conduits in the nacelle pylons, carefully timed to finish .14 seconds before the nacelles are fully extended. Nacelle extension takes 2.67 seconds.

    Durandal's warp nacelles are available for full operation when retracted into the hull, with the option to extend them while in warp. In the retracted position, engaged warp nacelles create a much less stable warp field, and have also been shown to cause interference with systems in the adjoining section of the secondary hull, as well as potentialy negative impacts on the health of crew members. For Durandal, maximum suggested warp operation with nacelles retracted is 5 minutes (after this point system difficulties and heath risks become an "unacceptable risk", as they increase with exposure), while the ships systems have a built in 7 minute automatic extension, which can only be overridden by the chief engineer, captain, or first officer of the vessel.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Hi paragon amazing work & Great detail! Might I ask have you ever tried laminating?
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1148 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,600Member
    Paragon wrote: »
    Alright, some info on those details.

    First up, the forward "trench" houses the secondary deflector, two torpedo launchers, and a forward targeting sensor. On the sides of the saucer are the additional targeting sensors behind the RCS thrusters. You can tell they were inspired by the Defiant.


    The side of the saucer shows the detail, meant to sort of merge aspects of the ships designed for Voyager (Voyager, Prometheus, Equinox) and First Contact (Sovereign, Steamrunner, Akira). Small pairs of escape pods, the forward dorsal phaser array, and some inset windows. You can also see what resembles a 23rd century phaser bank. This design was revived by starfleet engineers to allow installation of pulse phasers not limited to forward-firing positions (like the Defiant):


    Two more pulse phaser banks can be seen on the front of the saucer. There are no rear firing pulse phaser banks, they are primarily an offensive weapon on Durandal. Two more torpedo tubes can be seen, the housing located just forward of the deflector and captain's yacht:


    The captain's yacht, standard Aeroshuttle design. The main deflector is also visible:


    The warp core and ventral impulse engines:


    Aft ventral torpedo tubes. The housing is of the same design as the forward ventral structure:


    The warp nacelle junctions include phaser arrays:


    Durandal's nacelles are heavily armored, to increase the chances of maintaining warp capability in battle. When retracted, most of the vital areas of the nacelles are covered by thick armor on the secondary hull, save these three small warp field grills.


    With nacelles retracted, Durandal's shields shrink to fit the smaller shape, allowing a 26% increase in shield strength. The nacelles also help provide additional power to vital systems when retracted. Plasma vents are visible along the spine of the ship. Below them are the aft dorsal torpedo launchers, above them the secondary shuttlebay.


    I'm new to this thread, and just saw this ship, and must say I really love the design... might I be able to get a copy of the card model, so I can build one? :D
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    The plans for this model are available for download free on the website in my signature. So yes, you can!
  • BrokenAlienBrokenAlien0 Posts: 0Member
    This is so good!
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Necro time. Here are some of the most recent models I've built.

    First, the Intrepid:

    Second, a Galaxy class with separating saucer:

    Then, two classes from Wolf 359, first, the New Orleans, and then the Cheyenne:

    The "USS Dauntless" from Voyager:

    Then, more recently, a Type 11 shuttle attached to the Enterprise E:

    And finally, one of my absolute favorite ships, the scout ship Data used in Insurrection:
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Started work on a new model of a design of my own, of a successor to the Danube class runabout. You can see the design thread here:

  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Some more progress on the Colorado. Note that the cockpit section is compatible with my Danube class model. All the modules will be interchangeable.

  • NanoGatorNanoGator1 Posts: 0Member
    Oh that's f'n cool.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    More progress. As you can see, the warp sled is almost done. It still needs the lower impulse engines. You can also see that the middle modules just slide right into the gap.

  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Beyond awesome! :thumb: Great work, especially with the compatibility.
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    These are great. Do you play with them, because I know I wouldn't be able to help myself. I also really like that new runabout.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    damn, thats awesome work! :flippy: (now i want it! :lol:)
  • MarkyDMarkyD0 Posts: 0Member
    Top stuff, I think the new runabout is excellent also and keeps so many design elements of the older ship and sleeks them out. A very believeable replacement IMO Great job with all of these.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    I finished the model a few weeks ago, and just forgot to update the thread:

  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    I love that but there is one thing. I love the Awacs pod but it looks out of place with your design. Try and make it more sleek. Anyways good job man. :thumb:
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    That's not the AWACS pod, it's actually just the rollbar from the Danube class. I haven't made any of the Colorado specific rollbars yet.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    wow great work
  • dwldwl0 Posts: 0Member
  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    I think this version is better then the original version... I do like how it seems to be more structurally sound then the orignal one... like it can take more of a beating in combat... It would be a great replacement to the dunbee class....

    Excellent work :D
  • backsteptbackstept2202 Posts: 942Member
    flippin' sweet!

    that's all I have to say :D
  • RedbellpeppersRedbellpeppers0 Posts: 0Member
    I really like- no love- that runabout. I would very much like a plastic model of that thing.

    And a CG model. Way cool.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone interested is free to go grab the orthos and throw them into Blender or whatever. I don't know the first thing about 3D modeling I'm afraid.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Mate, I try not to overuse the word 'wow' but...WOW!
  • Stev0Stev00 Posts: 0Member
    It seems as though a member of this forum has notified the site that is hosting your files. That member has forced the site to take down your models. I wonder if it is out of jealousy. After witnessing some of their tantrums in the past, no doubt that is the case.

    Sorry to see the models that you have created being taken down.

    Spoiled by someone else.
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