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3DSend in the EXO Fleet.



  • EsperaEspera0 Posts: 0Member
    Any more progress on your models ? :D

    Anyways awesome work. I sometimes search for other people working on Exo Squad so your models brought me here.

    th_phaeton_pes.png th_phaeton_2010-1.jpg th_faceoff-1.jpg

    th_resolute_new02copy.jpg th_resolute_new03copy.jpg th_resolute_new01copy.jpg

    th_ywing_afterbattle.png th_Neo_YWing_Comp1.jpg Toon Render of Y Wing
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    Pagrin wrote: »
    I don't know the show myself, but the designs look interesting enough that I might look it up.

    All of the episodes are on Hulu.
  • EsperaEspera0 Posts: 0Member
    The secret is they all have the same secondary hull with different fronts.:D Except for Borealis, and Newton of course.

    I noticed that too, which is why I wanted to make the ships modular and able to be taken apart and reconfigured.

    Here was my attempt at the Borealis


  • EsperaEspera0 Posts: 0Member
    th_Borealis_new_2011_a1.png th_Borealis_new_2011_a2.png th_Borealis_new_2011_c2.png


    th_Borealis_new_2011_rc5.png th_Borealis_2011.png th_Borealis_nb2.png

    This looks like a missile ship with all the torpedo tubes and I'm pretty sure I got all of them. I made tubes all the same size too except for the obviously elongated one based on references from the show.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    You don't seem many tall, very narrow ships. Nice job.
  • BarricadeBarricade199 Posts: 181Member
    Might want to check Dak Phoenix's site ( )
    His two newest pieces of work ARE the Resolute Exo-Carrier, from the front & back.

    And's Dak. The guy that can rival FractalSponge for sheer over-the-top greebleness detailing.
  • EsperaEspera0 Posts: 0Member
    I've seen those, so puuurdy! :D
  • ChrisTOPherChrisTOPher0 Posts: 0Member
    god that was such an awesome show! great work man :D
  • Do you have some tops downs and side views of the exo carriers? i'd love to put those up in my game room
  • WaltWalt331 Posts: 0Member
    Infinity238, your doing an excellent job and bringing the show back to life. I can't wait until your finished the entire Exo Fleet especially the Exocarrier Resolute II. I loved this show as a kid and still to this day and I hope you are going to do the Neosapiens flagship Olympus Mons I and II. Nice work:thumb:
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