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3DConstitution Bridge - The Unfinished Project.

ZoidZillaZoidZilla340 Posts: 17Member
edited April 2011 in Work in Progress #1

Its been a long time since I posted here the last time. I think it was way back in the year 2007. In the last days I browsed trough my files and meshes and found my old unfinished constitution bridge set. I started this in 2006, in a time I was without Internet access. Back then it was the largest set I ever created and I putted a lot of hard work into it. The project was about 80 percent done, as I got my Internet connection back. I searched with google for more references as I found some stunning renderings of a constitution bridge. Those renderings discouraged me as my scene would never meet those quality and I canceled my project.

Now after I found it again, I think of finally finishing it. Almost all the modeling is done, It only needs some tweaks and final details here and there. The most work would go into creating good materials and set up the lighting, in both aspects I am pretty weak and I would need some advice.

So, what do you people think? Is it worth to be finished or should I throw it in the dustbin?
Post edited by ZoidZilla on


  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Let me first say that "because some one did it better", is no reason to stop. I'm the top Steam and Stirling engine designer/builders on the globe (if functionality and efficiency is what your after; i'm far from the best ascetically), that doesn't mean everyone else should throw a tarp over their drill presses and put their lath on Craig's List.

    Rather others in the hobby learn from what I, and others, have done, and grow from it. And improve their own designs.
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    If the model is that close to being done, then by all means finish it. Doesn't matter that others may have built versions you feel are better, this one is YOURS! Finishing it may also help you learn some valuable lessons about materials and lighting, and if you need help you can always ask for assistance here. From the images, it looks to me like you've done a fine job so far, though personally I'd go with something other than the reflective ceiling. The model deserves to be completed. Go for it!
  • ZoidZillaZoidZilla340 Posts: 17Member
    personally I'd go with something other than the reflective ceiling.

    The ceiling is basically a huge glass dome, but I did not get the reflections right yet. There's also no starfield either, so it looks even more odd.

    I think I will first put all the meshes together and then try to create some better materials.
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member
    Totally finish it. That work is awesome so far, though I'd have to agree about the ceiling dome. There is very little evidence to suggest the TOS bridge had a transparent dome in it, and some evidence to suggest otherwise in the 2nd pilot episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before." The only real evidence for a transparent dome might come from "The Cage" 1st pilot which used a rather clever FX method of entering the ship from above, but some would argue that was merely for dramatic effect. If there was any "skylight" feature in that bridge dome, it was considerably smaller than the one you've depicted.

    Everything else is truly fine work.
  • Darth ZiggyDarth Ziggy0 Posts: 0Member
    YES! :thumb:Finish.
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    ZoidZilla wrote: »
    The ceiling is basically a huge glass dome, but I did not get the reflections right yet. There's also no starfield either, so it looks even more odd.

    Doesn't matter. remember, the original Cage era Connie had that huge bridge dome that came before the production era flatter bridge.

    Call the void above the bridge a resonating chamber in the original Constitution bridge dome. A simple mirror finish is the roof, with equipment above that, sort of like the Klingon dome atop the cobra head..
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