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3DStar Wars: Sith Fast Attack Ship

calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
edited March 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Hey all, this is my first ever Star Wars ship! I wanted it to be roughly Millenium Falcon sized, mean, fast and stealthy. In the Star Wars universe, the best place to look for ships like that would be the Imperial or Sith fleets, so I've made this an advanced fast attack ship for a Sith Lord.

I've taken elements from the Rogue Shadow from ST:Force Unleashed, and the Cylon attack fighter from BSG and moulded them together. And yes, it does that awesome looking Cylon/Knight Rider red swooshy light on the main canopy, but only when it's conducting scans! It's heavily armed for a ship its size and also comes with a very effective cloaking device! :devil:

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Now this isn't finished yet, but I thought I'd post what I've done on it so far...

-Oh and before I forget, I need a cool sounding name. Any ideas anyone?:confused:
Post edited by calamity_si on


  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771386 PNWPosts: 761Member
    Rathi Storm Fighter.

    Just plucked that out of thin air.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome Design, not enough Sith designs out there.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Just a quick update, added more detail and i'm playing around with a few textures.:thumb:

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  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    I like it. The utilitarian look and sinister appearance make it a very believable Sith vessel. I'm not too sure about the grate below the cockpit. That makes it look too much like the head of a cylon warrior. Perhaps you should place another pair of turbolaser barrels there instead, or a torpedo launcher.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Ok thanks for the comments guys. Here's my latest changes - I've elongated the two prongs at the front of the ship and added in more stepped layers. I've re-done the Cylon-style eye scanner, but removed the grate below the cockpit. :thumb:

    And I still need a name people! Something mean...:devil:
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  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the cooling panels, that makes it look like another ingenious (and insidious) design of Siennar. You should perhaps make them foldable, like the ones on the Sith Infiltrator.
    About a name, Hunter's Claw, Shadow's Claw, Assassin's Claw, Dark Talon... I just think along these lines because it reminds me of a hand-held claw, kinda like THIS.
    (That is a real type of weapon, I just don't remember what it's called.)
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    Sith like to make there Ships a Piece of Art...I Think, so I doubt think they'd do heavy Bolt look on there ships. But it's your design use that Texture style if you wish.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Sweet. It looks like a Cylon raider and Sith Infiltrator had a one night stand. :thumb:
  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    Sith like to make there Ships a Piece of Art...I Think, so I doubt think they'd do heavy Bolt look on there ships. But it's your design use that Texture style if you wish.
    Huh, well, the Sith Infiltrator looks sleak, but if you look at the Rogue Shadow, it looks rather ugly and utilitarian. And also not very maneuverable. The engine isn't even centered.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Some shots showing my latest developments on the ship, including some re-texturing.

    Most of these are designed to give some sense of scale in the ship.

    Firstly, the Sith Lord with his droid (a modified R5 unit that I designed a while back) inside the ship.

    Next are some external shots with the ship scaled with some Star Wars fighters and a Nebulon - B frigate. (Not mine):thumb:

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  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the engine. Still think you should do something to attach the cooling fins better. Right now they just seem to float there.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Raen wrote: »
    I like the engine. Still think you should do something to attach the cooling fins better. Right now they just seem to float there.

    Yeah, good point. I think that'll be the next thing I work on then. Cheers!
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Yeaaaah! Check out my pimped-out space ride now! :devil:
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  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, you put the "mouth" grate back on?
    You're getting there, I think it's a genuine "could be canon" ship. Now you just need to add some greebles.
    BTW, what program is that? Sketchup?
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Raen wrote: »
    Heh, you put the "mouth" grate back on?
    You're getting there, I think it's a genuine "could be canon" ship. Now you just need to add some greebles.
    BTW, what program is that? Sketchup?

    Yeah the mouth grate made it back on somehow... I just thought that it looked better with it than without it for the time being. I'll carry on playing around with it and see if I can add something else. And yes, it's Sketchup that I'm using. I do all my modelling on that program because it's awesome and it's free! ;)
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Flight mode vs Landed mode

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  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, well, like I said, I'd put a launcher or something where the "mouth" is. But it's ok that way, too. Adds to the sinister look.
    I did try Sketchup once, but didn't like it. I think there's no better free program than Blender. I guess once the current beta becomes stable, I'll start using it. They revamped the interface to make it easier to use.
    Anyway, the ship's still missing some modelled details, but I think it already looks like something that could've been taken from some 3D StarWars games from a few years ago. Also, very nice job on the landing gear.
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Ok I think I'm gonna bring this project to a close. Here's one last multi-view picture showing both the landed and in-flight versions.

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    And finally, here's the links for the Sketchup Models of this to download.

    Landed version:

    Flight version:

  • Randy TjangRandy Tjang0 Posts: 0Member
    And, here's a render I made from this model (click for full size): shiprender.png
    Also, you should use a render engine. Sketchup's renders are rather inaccurate and frankly, ugly.
  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    I really like how it turned out. Good job.
  • Randy TjangRandy Tjang0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry guys, I'v just realised that I rendered an out of date model. I couldn't get my hands on a newer one so, I'v re-rendered the above image in higher resolution and tweaked a couple of things (once again, click for higher resolution. Also, any bluryness is not my fault- the textures are just low res): shiprender.png
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Also, you should use a render engine. Sketchup's renders are rather inaccurate and frankly, ugly.

    Agreed Randy, and thanks for your awesome renders! I've used Kerkythea here to render the ship myself...I don't really understand the program all that well, so this is the best I can do for the time being...

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