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3DBiotech's misc original ships

biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Just getting back into 3D, hopefully I havent forgotten too much, they do say its like riding a bike.

This isnt a massive ship, maybe the size of three double decker buses end to end.

Textures not finished, and not finished adding details yet, just added some lights to get some idea of how it would look.

Anyway, thanks for looking.
Post edited by biotech on


  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Space Truckers!

    What's the big airfoil at the aft end for?
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    I just thought it looked cool.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    It's always a good place to put comm and sat gear etc. Just like on big yachts. I like the idea you've come up with, but I don't think the front needs to be as stream lined as you currently have it considering the cargo container is not streamlined and portions of it would stick out into the airflow. So if it was coming from orbit to the surface of a planet with an atmo, you will probably have issues with massive heating and burn-through of the container while the rest of the ship was fine (at least until the rapidly burning up container broke apart and destroyed the ship... :) ). I like what looks like movable thrusters on the ship. Reminds me of the Harrier.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    Walkyrje wrote: »
    What's the big airfoil at the aft end for?

    foiling air?

    nice design.. with the red and the fins and the rocket engine, there's something very 'flash gordon' thinking of the 80's movie, about it.

    btw i think you could use some fill lighting and perhaps a less clashing background.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks everyone, I think with futuretech in play, you don't really need to worry about anything burning up.

    Will definitely adjust the lighting and background for the next render.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice work.
    I think you need to cut that main window in.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Like this?

    Added a greeble in, but not sure the front end needs any, might look better with just panel lines and leave this sort of thing for the back end.

    Added fill lights and different background, hope this doesn't contrast as much.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Just a point of order, because you may not be familiar with US slang... Dyke is one of those words that may not have the connotation you think it does, when you slap it on the side of a container. As a dyke myself, I don't object... but some might.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Seeing as its my surname, I tend not to find it offensive.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Fair enough. :cool:
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    biotech wrote: »
    Seeing as its my surname, I tend not to find it offensive.

    wait... So you are a Rich Dyke?!
    No onedare woman chase after you! ;)

    Seriouly, Yeah the cut for the cockpit windows looks much better.
    Might want to add a frame to the edge, but that not really needed.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Women don't chase me that often, and my wife doesn't approve when they do.

    Done a little more tonight, I know the cockpit isnt exactly high res, but its not meant to be seen that close.

    Also given the containers a different sponsor, people on the PSN, or people that remember my stories might find the name familiar.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    I do like your flight deck. The crew looks like they're doing abdominal exercises, though. ;)
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I had forgotten about your story. (those that we would like to read it can find it in the writers section.)
    This ship fit into that v'urse very well and gose well with the dropship you did just before break from the site.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    I am going to change this to a general messing around with ships thread, so maybe a mod could change the title to "Biotech's misc original ships" or some similar but better title please?

    Will add pics of a bomber I am working on later tonight.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    Title changed.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
    Join our fancy Discord Server!
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    Title changed.


    Got something weird going on with the tail of this one, so thats coming off in a minute and I'll make a new one.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    I do like the blended wing look. And while there may be mesh oddities with the tail, I do like the basic idea.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member

    And here is a fighter I have been working on.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm. I think it needs a little more top / bottom asymmetry.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Redid the back end of the bomber, getting closer to how I imagined it now.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    So, if your thrust nozzles are under your stabilators, are those weapon hard points under the wing?
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Rear thrusters are space engines, under wings air engines.

    And I still need to add the wing tip vectored thrust engines.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    It might be better to have simply nozzles out there, with a duct system leading to them. That way you don't have to have the weight supported out at the tip of your wing.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Considering the wing of a plane traditionally holds the entire weight of the plane and its cargo, it can probably manage an engine.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    As it happens, the gold wings I used to wear on my uniform mean that I actually know something about aircraft. :cool:

    It is, of course, your craft, and you should do what makes you happy. But there's a reason why engines out in the distal third of the wing are rare. (The only real-world example I can think of is the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey). The reason is that generally, as you get out from the fuselage, the wings are more and more lightly built. So where the same wing at the proximal end might well carry the load of cargo and engines, it might not at the distal end.

    Of course, this is science fiction, so perhaps you have stronger materials than aircraft aluminum, and certainly having the engine where the thrust is needed simplifies things.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Didnt mean to offend you Jenny, especially since you have the same name as my wife.

    But like you say, when it comes to sci fi, all the normal rules go out the window.

    In this ship the wings are just there to hold the engines in place, not to provide any lift.
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    I kind of like the first ship, the rig looking craft. Kind of looks like something that could've been used in Babylon 5. :thumb:
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    biotech wrote: »
    Didnt mean to offend you Jenny

    No offense taken, I assure you. I am a remarkably difficult person to offend. I was just explaining where I was coming from, and why I made the statement I made. See, I think information is good, and if I have a bit, I like to offer it. What you do with the information is entirely up to you. In nursing school, a friend of mine once told me that when I offer information, often people perceive it as "Why don't you know this, you dummy?!" But that's absolutely not the spirit in which it's intended. When I offer information, it's in the spirit of, "Hey, here's this cool thing that I know, and now we both know it, and isn't that great?!"
    especially since you have the same name as my wife.

    Yeah, there's no shortage of us. I have a friend who has a semi-unique name, and she says she grew up never being able to find anything pre-made with her name on it. I've never had that problem... there were three Jennys in my sixth grade class!
    But like you say, when it comes to sci fi, all the normal rules go out the window.In this ship the wings are just there to hold the engines in place, not to provide any lift.

    Absolutely. :cool:
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    @ Jenny: 867-5309 :lol:

    @ biotech: I like the last ship also, but I think the wings could be longer.
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