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2DStar Trek Total Reboot: Uniforms

RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
edited January 2011 in Work in Progress #1
So, I'm planing on making a reboot of Star Trek (yes, yet another, blame JJ!:rolleyes:), and I've decided to start by the uniforms.
The idea here is for each departament (command/science/medical/engineering/security) to have it's own color. I'm going for a colorful and TOS like aproach on the design.
I'm still not sure what to do with security, as I want Command to wear red but I also want security to wear red (You know, so that they can die on away missions;)), most likely I'll end up making Command wear orange.

-The ranks (Captain/Commander/Lieutenant/Ensign) are displayed both on the sleeves like in TOS (for easy recognition on distance) and on the neck like in TNG (for easy recognition when comunicating via subspace video)
-The gray thing on the chest of the uniform will display the user's name and assignment. Eg: McCoy - U.S.S. Enterprise.
-They are made of some kind of nanofiber (something that scientists are playing around with today, but that was beyond anyone imagination (at least anyone who worked at Star Trek) on the 60') that make it adjust to the outside temperature to be always comfortable, whether you are on an artic wasteland or inside a volcano (well, I guess it wouldn't actually protect you inside a volcano, but you get the point).

Anyway, please comment and criticise so that I can add more to this uniforms!

Oh, and by the way, I've found some time to get to work on the Buenos Aires, when I find the time to set up Kerkythea I'll post an update on that!
Post edited by Rekkert on
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  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    You could make command Green.
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    Interesting design, very TMP meets TOS classic, but I'm not sure I like the colour bands around the legs, they sort of... ruin the black, if you get what i mean.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    1) If all ships are "USS Something," on the name-tag you could just have the "Something." So, for example, for Lieutenant Linsky aboard USS Grapple, it might say "Linsky, Grapple"

    2) Why not have command wear the same color as security? Do you have to be locked in to the TOS ideas of what departments wear what colors? Science and Medicine clearly go together, but why does Security and Engineering go together while Command and Navigation do?

    3) Have you thought about changing the color stripe on the trousers from horizontal to vertical? Similar to the 'blood stripe' worn by US Marine NCOs and officers?

    4) How are you planning to do the half-stripes for the Lieutenant grades?
  • JohnnyMuffintopJohnnyMuffintop173 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, I really like these. Might even assemble these uniforms one of these days.
    Any idea yet on the formal wear?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I recall the green wraparound that Shatner-Kirk wore every now and then...

    I also wonder how the all-red TMP uniforms would look.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    Walkyrje wrote: »
    1) If all ships are "USS Something," on the name-tag you could just have the "Something." So, for example, for Lieutenant Linsky aboard USS Grapple, it might say "Linsky, Grapple"

    2) Why not have command wear the same color as security? Do you have to be locked in to the TOS ideas of what departments wear what colors? Science and Medicine clearly go together, but why does Security and Engineering go together while Command and Navigation do?

    3) Have you thought about changing the color stripe on the trousers from horizontal to vertical? Similar to the 'blood stripe' worn by US Marine NCOs and officers?

    4) How are you planning to do the half-stripes for the Lieutenant grades?

    Actually, if you wanna follow TOS closer, each ship had their own symbol, so you could have the name on the left, ala ST:Enterprise, and the ship symbol on the right. that would easily tell observers which ship/crew the crewman belonged to.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Yeah, let's see whatcomes first...
    A lack of symbols for ships, brains failure to memorise all ships, or a lack of names for ships.
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Thanks all for the comments.
    You know, I never thought about making command green, I kinda like the idea but I also like the orange, I don't know yet.:D
    I've also included a vertical line in one of the uniforms' trousers instead of the horizontal one. I prefer the original, horizontal line on the boots, but again, I'm not sure.:p

    About the ship symbol: what Aresius said, the idea is for the people to know where someone serves, not to have to memorize 2000 symbols.

    Walkyrje:1- Most likely there will also be some ships that aren't U.S.S., so I'll be displaying that.
    2- Because I want every departament to have a diferent color.
    4- I won't be doing a Lieutenant Jr. or a Lieutenant Commander rank. This isn't supposed to be a navy of 21st century Earth, but a navy from an aliance of more than 150 species, each one with a diferent idea of what a navy is supposed to be. So the idea is that Starfleet takes the best ideas of all of them and combine them, thust the "simplified" ranks:
    Captain: ship commander
    Commander: chief of departament (CoD)
    Lieutenant: bridge crew, CoD helpers, night shift CoD
    Ensign: The rest, less experienced crew

    JohnnyMuffintop: Not yet, I'm open to suggestions!
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • juanxerjuanxer331 Posts: 0Member
    They are very nice, very romantic :).

    What about going full medical green (teal?) for such department? That partial white seems a bit inconsistent (full white would be interesting, although I don't know if it would work with such form-fitting suits and black pants: it seems to work better with looser ones, such as McCoy's in ST:TWOK)

    The horizontal line in the boots is a bit unexpected, but I'd rather have that than the vertical ones: I'd like Starfleet to be less formally militaristic, which is something I liked in ST:TMP's and ST:TNG's first season's uniforms.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Great reboot on the uniforms, Rekkert. :)

    I'd suggest going with the vertical strip on the trousers. It doesn't make me think solely of military uniforms with the vertical rather than horizontal stripes. Look at a lot of police and firefighter uniforms. In that it very readily relates to civil service positions. The green would be great for captains only, IMO. Other command positions could still be red. Heck, you could even make the XO orange so that the two most prominent positions aboard a starship are easily recognizable.

    As far as the name tags go, perhaps another suggestion...ditch the rank pips on the collar. If you were to do that you could set up the name tags with stripes to denote rank and the name, i.e. ( //// KIRK ), ( /// SPOCK ), etc. If you were to go with the ethos that starships during this time each had individual symbols that would negate the need to spell out which ship a person belonged to. That would be a nice way to get away from a more military feel.
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    I love these. They're a little bit of 2260s, 2270s, and 2280s-2350s uniforms all mixed together into a very nice final product.

    I still think gold is better for command, though. Otherwise, how would we deal with redshirts? Kirk can't be a redshirt!

    I also dig the nanomaterial concept. Considering Star Trek takes place 250 years from now, couldn't the uniforms have all sorts of amazing features built in? Nanomaterials with heating/cooling isn't even that advanced really. I'd go so far as to wager a uniform like these might have a full biometric suite, emergency environmental sealing capability (it turns into a space-suit when exposed to vacuum or dangerous atmospheres), emergency medical technology like the ability to seal wounds, promote healing of tissue, and administer doses of stimulants or painkillers, and maybe even stiffen to set fractures, and administer cardiac resuscitation. It'd be like wearing a miniature sickbay.
  • juanxerjuanxer331 Posts: 0Member
    I remember some Star Trek novels written after ST:TMP in which the writers tried some futuristic things with clothing: for example, them being able to produce pockets on demand, or being fabricated around you from a liquid state substance in special booths. One could postulate the uniforms having reservoirs of raw nanomaterial for quickly fabricating extra elements or storing them back (say, turning a suit from standard issue to a cyclist pants/T-shirt combo, storing excess material in the boots and in a belt-like thing :))
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    POCKETS!!!! That is my biggest suggestion give the uniforms some pockets at least, the lack of pockets on Star Fleet uniforms is a huge gripe for me, you don't need to go overboard just something to carry around their everday equipment with at least.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    A thigh pocket for those PADDs they carry, at least!
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Ok, so now I believe I have all the colors desided. After seeing the variants used during TWOK (thanks juanxer!), I'll use a greenish/teal color for medical.

    Juvat: I was going to make the CO and XO wear a different uniform but not something like a full diferent color, more like something subtle as shown below.
    Ironscythe: I like the ideas about the "personal sickbay", and I'll most likely apply them, though I'm not sure about making them space suits, I'll have to experiment with that.
    juanxer: I like the idea of the pockets, and the uniforms are designed with flexibility in mind. You don't have to change to a dress uniform, the uniform will change for you, same thing if you get promoted, the captain will get the order to the computer and your rank will automaticaly change.

    Comments and critics always welcome!
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Ironscythe: I like the ideas about the "personal sickbay", and I'll most likely apply them, though I'm not sure about making them space suits, I'll have to experiment with that.

    When I say spacesuit, I don't mean a real, full EVA suit. I just mean an emergency vacuum/environment seal and maybe an hour or two of oxygen. Since the uniforms can alter their appearance by rank changing, maybe they can emit light to make retrieval easier in space. In combat, you could also have everyone activate their suits and then lower the atmospheric pressure in the ship to reduce the chances of fires. You could also save on powering emergency forcefields or stuff like that.

    Look at other series, like Gundam for example. Most of that franchise's series has people wearing space suits when in combat situations, even in the very core of big spaceships, and even if they have stuff like shields (which is rare).
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    If you go in that direction, however, you run the risk of leaving Star Trek territory. Does it make sense? Yes. Is it Star Trek? Well....
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    I agree, I'd go pure white for Chief Medical Officer and the Chief's Nurses / Aides (short sleeved tunics, considering how often they need to scrub-up, & what they're often doing while on-duty.) By the way, thank you for your private message about "New Worlds".
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    The uniforms will make doctors' job easier, but they'll not replace them. Wearing it would be like wearing a first aid kit, it will help you on emergency situations, but it won't be able to deal with big injuries or make a diagnostic, you'll need to go see a doctor.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    I'd go with purple, or semi-formal gray for the Ship's Counselor, to distinguish them from Science or Medical.

    I'd go more dark green or all black with department specific singular chest-strip (and no wrist color strips, I always thought the wrist-strips were stupid) for Kirk-era Starfleet MACO's. Include 2011-appropriate wrap-around sunglasses (with interior heads-up display & pinhole camera forward holo-recorder,) in addition to the usual PADD, Audio/Visual & text-message capable wrist-communicator, phase-pistol side-arm, phaser rifles/carbines, grenades, bayonette, mission-specific tricorder, etc.
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    I won't be doing any special uniform for ships counselors, they'll whether wear a medical uniform of (with the captain's permission) a civilian attire. I won't be doing any MACO either, that's what Starfleet Security is for.
    The COMbadge will be used as the comunicator, and video and text messages will be displayed holographicaly in front of you by a proyector in the chest.

    I've finished the "Guy" wearing the uniform, I'll be using him when I create the interiors as reference.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • DigitalOrigamiDigitalOrigami0 Posts: 0Member
    Like the uniforms, although not a big fan of the red/orange command colouring. I prefer the gold....
    Not sure about the collar pins, though. As for showing rank on a communications broadcast, it seems that if one could establish 2-way video/audio (with language translation no less), then adding subtitles identifying the speaker to the video would be simple.
  • Triton1Triton10 Posts: 0Member
    The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" uniform costumes designed by William Ware Theiss and the "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" uniforms by Robert Fletcher always reminded me of pajamas. These reboot uniform designs look like variations of the pajamas to me. If it's a total reboot, can't we get rid of the Bill Theiss pajamas? Can't the uniforms have utility belts and holsters? Pockets in the uniforms? Name badges like contemporary military and police uniforms? Covers (caps) or other head gear?
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Like the uniforms, although not a big fan of the red/orange command colouring. I prefer the gold....
    Not sure about the collar pins, though. As for showing rank on a communications broadcast, it seems that if one could establish 2-way video/audio (with language translation no less), then adding subtitles identifying the speaker to the video would be simple.
    You know... I never thought about that.:p
    Triton1 wrote: »
    The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" uniform costumes designed by William Ware Theiss and the "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" uniforms by Robert Fletcher always reminded me of pajamas. These reboot uniform designs look like variations of the pajamas to me. If it's a total reboot, can't we get rid of the Bill Theiss pajamas? Can't the uniforms have utility belts and holsters? Pockets in the uniforms? Name badges like contemporary military and police uniforms? Covers (caps) or other head gear?

    Hey, I like Bill's pajamas:D! My idea was to avoid having them look like contemporary uniforms, more like something that would be wearable 250 years from now, but not necesary today. And, if you would have read my first post before posting, the uniforms have all the things you've mentioned. Except head gear, but I'll come to that.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    There's actually a good reason not to have headgear, at least, not on the ship. In the modern Navy, one uncovers (removes one's hat) anytime one is indoors. On a starship, one is by definition always indoors....
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Walkyrje wrote: »
    There's actually a good reason not to have headgear, at least, not on the ship. In the modern Navy, one uncovers (removes one's hat) anytime one is indoors. On a starship, one is by definition always indoors....

    Maybe you can answer something for me. I heard you are not allowed to salute someone while inside?
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    In the modern US Navy, one does not salute while uncovered. Since one is always uncovered inside....

    I have heard that the Army may salute uncovered. Since I didn't serve in the Army, I don't know if this is true or false.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    We do in the Air Force...uncovered on the flightline, but only squadron commanders and O-6 and above. As far as actually being uncovered inside salutes are only rendered when receiving something formally from an officer; say a medal or an award of some sort.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Triton1 wrote: »
    The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" uniform costumes designed by William Ware Theiss and the "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" uniforms by Robert Fletcher always reminded me of pajamas. These reboot uniform designs look like variations of the pajamas to me. If it's a total reboot, can't we get rid of the Bill Theiss pajamas? Can't the uniforms have utility belts and holsters? Pockets in the uniforms? Name badges like contemporary military and police uniforms? Covers (caps) or other head gear?

    It was stated earlier that Rekkert was trying to avoid too military of a look. Everything you just suggested goes the complete opposite direction of what he's trying to accomplish.
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, so we've got uniforms for your basic two-arms, two-legs humanoid, but what about all those strange, new lifeforms that walk/swim/crawl/float/fly/whatever up to their local recruiter and say "sign me up!" in their strange, alien way? If you're going "full reboot" on Star Trek, then by all means we need more nonhumanoids, and some semblance of a Starfleet uniform to put on them, even if that means a tube-top with a badge to pull over the gasbag of a floating jellyfish thing. Or a giant talking spider-alien. Or a Quagaar warrior, whose species looks exactly like a headless roasted chicken.....wait a second...

    1 cookie to whoever gets that last bit!
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