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3DStar Trek Civilian Facility - Ganjitsu Mining Consortium Platform

unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
edited January 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Well, after the relative success of my Starfleet Museum Orbital Annexe, (which was a cool learning process), I've decided to advance slightly and do something a little more complicated.

I rarely see 'civilian' models from the Trek universe and so have decided to construct an orbital mining/refinery complex.

Again, don't expect too much out of it because this is only my second model and I'm still working hard to discover and understand things in Max 2010. (Hey, I'm 50, gimme a break!)

First elements are the storage tanks.
Post edited by unusualsuspex on


  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    You're absolutely right, we dont see enough civilian stuff in trek. Im guessing (from my own experience) thats mostly because like jedi with star wars, most of us want to get to the meat of what makes us enjoy trek. But ive always hankered to do something like this, i just never get the time.

    I like that you've also gone with an asian name, it not only reinforces the fact its civilian, it also just makes it that bit more realistic.

    Have you looked up any reference material? Or just going with your gut/imagination? I know there's not a lot of reference material out there, but i can think of one or two examples that might give you ideas or help the creative juices. (the array from Star Trek Generations to name but one)
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Thanks Steve!

    I know there was a planet named Ganjitsu in one of the novels (where Sulu and his parents lived for a while.) As for the construction itself, I'm kinda going with gut instinct, and while form follows function there'll be some Asian arty architecture involved despite it being a functional mining platform.

    My modelling skills at the moment preclude anything TOO complicated (plus my machine is a 1Gb dinosaur so even if I was a better modeller, the PC would just give me the bird!) I'm relying on textures at the moment to give detail.

    Oh and it's big! :)
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Ok, this is one of the support arms for the storage tanks. Again, the detail is provided more by texture than modelling although these will be slightly difficult to see in the final model.
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    That's really cool. I've long been a fancier of Japanese culture, and fully endorse taking it into the Star Trek universe!
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Here we go, the full tank and mounting assembly.

    These will form the central area around the processing facility itself which is next on the list!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Interesting idea and concept. I'm looking forward to it.
    What's it mining? Dilithium, or just ordinary ore?
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    space hamsters!
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Space Herpes!

    (does anyone else remember that movie?)
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    I rarely see 'civilian' models from the Trek universe and so have decided to construct an orbital mining/refinery complex.
    See this is exactly why I want to do a new Star Trek Series that gives the audience a clear look at the civilian side of the setting.
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    @ Aresius ~ It's general purpose is to mine and refine just about anything really although the back story to this station is that it's on orbit around a gas giant whose moon disintegrated and formed rings (much like Saturn) rich in dilithium. 'Harvester' vessels go out, collect the dilithium and return it to the refinery to be processed.

    @ Capt Dave ~ Agreed mate! After all, there's never a Starfleet without civilian back-up!

    Anywho, here's the central core and processing facility. I want to light the central core later, but figured that for the processing facility there wouldn't be that many windows top and bottom because the majority of the space is taken up by machinery.

    Large hangar bay to come for the Harvesters.

    (Bloody Space Hamsters indeed!:rolleyes:)
  • commandersozocommandersozo496 Posts: 628Member
    is coming to be great looking stuff.......!
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Dude, don't complain that you're using textures. I started my early models with some basic textures and from a distance, you couldn't tell. My only problem is that I stopped 'learning' textures and ended up having to rely on modelled details which just leads to laggy response times. Fella used to traverse these pages called Glazy and he only seemed to build low poly models with amazing textures, so providing you can texture well, your current set of skills will be more than enough! :)

    I'm liking where it's all going so far, nice balance between gubbins and blank bits. If I ever get to do anything online with either of my trek concepts (highly unlikely I'll ever get around to it) then I'll be sure to include reference to one of these in there somewhere. :)

    For those of you wanting a federation civilian fix, worry ye not. You are not the first guys out there to think it up, and one guy had the brass tacks to model, animate, voice-over and even create his own music for Star Trek Aurora. It's not the highest quality animation ever, but you soon forget that as it's well written and well voice-acted. And no... I don't work for em. :)

    Download episodes and enjoy! Star Trek Aurora
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Thanks Dannage!

    I found that Aurora site by accident and got sucked in actually! Was impressed with the work.

    New update shortly on the mining refinery platform!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work, I like it.
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Well, Christmas and New Year out of the way, it's time to get back to the mining platform!

    The two images below show:

    1. That's the hangar/loading/unloading bay, yet to be lit but prepped for attachment. You'll see when the lights are added just how big this baby is!

    2. The admin/accomodation/biodome. The biodome aboard this orbital station is important in that it gives the miners and their families a sense of 'planetary' life with a small town in there that has restaurants, shops and parks as well as the mandatory greenery. The copper coloured sheathing (with the hexagonal grids) is a large holo-grid allowing the inside of the dome to show blue/cloudy/night time skies. The Ganjitsu Mining Consortium has extensive experience with such domed structures from their terraforming affiliates.

    C&C welcome guys and gals.
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    I like the biodome idea, it makes sense for a starbase that has long-term employment for a lot of workers. Kind of like what oil rigs at sea would probably have if they had the space or cash.

    Are you planning on making the dome glow at all or make it look like there's interior lighting inside?
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    It's a very good idea. If I were a hard working miner with a family I would like a home for them like that!
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Looking superfly! :)
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Rivers3D wrote: »
    I like the biodome idea, it makes sense for a starbase that has long-term employment for a lot of workers. Kind of like what oil rigs at sea would probably have if they had the space or cash.

    Are you planning on making the dome glow at all or make it look like there's interior lighting inside?

    I'd actually begun to make a small town within the dome and found that my PC just wasn't up to it sadly. There'll be no glow from the outside as such, all the energy from the holo-grid being directed inwards.

    Of course if I win the lottery and get a new PC, then an interior is on the cards! :lol:

    Almost complete now so finished renders hopefully on the way today :thumb:
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    I'd actually begun to make a small town within the dome and found that my PC just wasn't up to it sadly. There'll be no glow from the outside as such, all the energy from the holo-grid being directed inwards.

    Of course if I win the lottery and get a new PC, then an interior is on the cards! :lol:

    Almost complete now so finished renders hopefully on the way today :thumb:

    You can still do a basic small town just not in the same file as the rest of the station. You can't see the town anyway from the outside so why not?
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    Well I do believe she's just about complete with all the elements now joined and lit!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present my second ever model,

  • daibakadaibaka171 Posts: 0Member
    Now we need some mining shuttles...
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    And some gigantic earth moving equipment :) Cause you can always make a version of this that is on a moon or something.
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    It's great! Maybe you could do a shot with a ship we know the size of (like 42 deck Galaxy class or something) so we can gauge the size of it better?

    Where do ships dock with it/on it btw? Or is that the box like hangars down the bottom of it?
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Puts my twenty-second model to shame, let alone my second one... Envy!

    What application are you using?

    The windows give it the suggestion of immense size. I personally would have opted for something slightly smaller, but that's because I like underdogs, heh heh...
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Oops, went back to post 1 and realised it's Max 10. Well, don't know how backwards compatible it is, but save as an old version if that's possible and send it over with your town, I'll see if my nifty machines can render it. :)
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