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3DThe Doomsday Machine...

madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
edited December 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hey, everybody. :) Since I posted my Doomsday poster on a couple of sites, I've had a ton of requests to actually build a Doomsday Machine. Well, I decided to, but I thought that instead of doing another variation of it that looks like it's made of rock, I decided to head in more of a "Tech" direction...



That little Enterprise there is a placeholder, that I built to the same dimensions of my STXI Enterprise model...

What do you guys think?

Post edited by madman1701a on


  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member
    Veri good its new version Doomsday Machine :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Great design MadMan, though it looks a tad less tough than the original. I've always thought that the rough-hewn exterior of the TOS "Horn of Doom" represented the extreme limit of the neutronium (spelling?) machining/manipulating ability of the race that created it.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Thanks, guys. :)

    Kind of what I was going with the idea is that it is still made of Neutronium, but just to look more "advanced". I think they talked about a possible war that the original was built for... maybe this was the first version, and in response, the one we saw in TOS was built quickly for retaliation?

    More later...
  • Genex-X1Genex-X10 Posts: 0Member
    Really nice take on the design!

    I was just thinking didn't spock say it was from a galaxy far from their own? and in the time it took to get to ours and encounter the Constitution it could of gathered debris from the planets it was destroying that were attached to the hull of the weapon its self, Sorta like V'ger but with the doomsday machine? so maybe this is what the machine part of it is supposed to be like?

    Ah either way, I love the look and can't wait to see more
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Oh ****. I can't believe you actually did it after I first mentioned it. What you could do is apply some rock-like bits to the outside of it with the machine parts dominating most of it. Or rock like machine parts. Or something like that. :D
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    wowzieeee!!! :thumb:
  • commandersozocommandersozo498 Posts: 628Member
    looks great! i expected it even bigger....!!
  • nightfevernightfever361 Posts: 585Member
    Buddy, making a new doomsday machine was a good choice and the new framework looks great so far. :thumb:
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    I seem to recall (maybe from the James Blish novelization of the episode?) that the machine had come so far, fought so long, that all the exterior detail had been battered off, leaving just the rocky-looking exterior we saw in the episode. Maybe this is what it looked like when it started the journey?
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    .. Excellent idea! I hope they use it for the movie!! That would be AWESOME!! hope they take some ques from Peter David's TNG novel Vendetta!!

    looking great sir!
  • VK08VK083 Posts: 0Member
    nice concept... are you planning on making the exhaust at the rear as well, where the thing discharges it's chewed up and digested ships?
  • RedeyesRedeyes334 Posts: 21Member
    The texturing will make or break this. Ancient, battered, attacked by a thousand races before it reached the Federation. Back to the Berserker saga from which it came. :)
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Thanks guys, I'm glad ya'll are liking it. :)
    nice concept... are you planning on making the exhaust at the rear as well, where the thing discharges it's chewed up and digested ships?

    Not sure about that.... I had built those spikes back there, and I was thinking they might be heat radiators, or part of the drive. I was thinking about building some exhaust vents into the areas where the conical sections go together... hard to see now, but should look cool when they're lit up, behind all the panels and rings and stuff. :)
    Redeyes wrote: »
    The texturing will make or break this. Ancient, battered, attacked by a thousand races before it reached the Federation. Back to the Berserker saga from which it came. :)

    I think you're right about that... it's going to be tricky, for sure...
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    You could always slap a giant jetpack on it and call it a day....oh wait wrong movie... :P
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • BrianSzepBrianSzep187 Posts: 115Member
    Hey Madman,

    Interesting for sure. :) I'm sure what ever you come up with will be fitting. Looks great.

  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Ya know, this is likely what the beast looked like before it accumulated a few hundred thousand years worth of space dust on its hull.
  • Maverick EagleMaverick Eagle0 Posts: 0Member
    You know i always figured the Dooms Day machine as really a advanced demolition machine. Like a space going bulldozer or heavy crane with a large iron ball on it, and heavily armoured to withstand astroids or other natural hazards it might work in.. Its programed to hunt down potential planetoids or worlds with no lifeforms but rich in minerals, carves them up to allow mining ships or factory ships to have a easier time extracting the resources recharges itself and goes on to the next site. That would explain why it has no other weapons around it. Since it was probably never used as one. It probably got screwed up in its programing one day or someone gave it the wrong orders and it took off causing untold destruction through the ages. Considering its advanced tech i wouldn't have been surprised most races encountered would have suffered. Since it would be the equivilent of a bunch of civillians trying to stop a runaway tractor with rifles and handguns. Your not going to do much except dent it.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    I wonder why this one is taking so long....probably because Ricki is working on Jetfreak's AR Excelsior. :P
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • rojrenrojren2400 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,991Member
    I've always wondered... If the planet killer consumed entire planets shouldn't it have to be maybe bigger than a planet? Otherwise, what would it need with that much fuel? There'd need to be a reason for it to consume that much. All it seemed to do was move around, and fire anti-proton beams. Why would it need such a tremendous amount of fuel? Even with it being made of neutronium, and having a lot of mass to move, it seems excessive.

    Geek moment over.

    Nice design. Reminds me of the tower at the top of the Chrysler Building.
  • Maverick EagleMaverick Eagle0 Posts: 0Member
    Its ability to destroy worlds gives me the impression of being something akin to a world Devestator from the Star Wars EU. It doesn't really destroy as so much as carve up said worlds and extracts any useful minerals it needs to fuel itself. The Devestators were designed to harvest resources of a world for both fuel and to contruct vessels and machines. So it still sounds like the galactic equivlent of a bulldozer or wrecking crane, and not within the same catorgory of something like say the Death Star which was designed to kill worlds outright. We can give it the benifiet of the doubt that its original users probably designed it to be fuel efficent or use what it could find for fuel. My guess is that after it completes its original intent it sticks around the system abit to find any avaliable resources before moving on. Now Solar systems are usually not one or 2 worlds many have hundreds of moons a couple dozen worlds and sometimes a Handfull of Gas Giants. Its probably likely that the vessel fed on smaller moons or the gas giants before moving on or pretty much anything with a radiation source which would explain why it went after starships. It saw them as a source of fuel. The other reason why i felt the ship was not a warship is its main weapon. the anti-proton beam. The maw of the vessel is so exposed and has no protection around it. We know that it was easily disabled when a vessel exloded insided it indicating that its a massive design flaw. Most intelligent races would never leave such a vunerable spot so undefended unless of course it wasn't a weapon to begin with.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Hey guys. :)
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    I wonder why this one is taking so long....probably because Ricky is working on Jetfreak's AR Excelsior. :P

    Not yet, unfortunately. :) I am definitely wanting too, though. It's just all the Christmas stuff starting to ramp up... been shopping, and have parties to go to.... :)
    rojren wrote: »
    I've always wondered... If the planet killer consumed entire planets shouldn't it have to be maybe bigger than a planet? Otherwise, what would it need with that much fuel? There'd need to be a reason for it to consume that much. All it seemed to do was move around, and fire anti-proton beams. Why would it need such a tremendous amount of fuel? Even with it being made of neutronium, and having a lot of mass to move, it seems excessive.

    Geek moment over.

    Nice design. Reminds me of the tower at the top of the Chrysler Building.

    Yeah, me too. It always made more sense that it would cut up the planet / blow it up / whatever, and then it would just eat what it needed, and move on, leaving the rest.

    Hopefully I can get some done soon... I had wanted to be done by Christmas. :)
  • black campbellblack campbell0 Posts: 0Member
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    @ Maverick Eagle: Although I like your thoughts on the possible original intent for the Doomsday Machine, the author of the episode first described the vessel as being (and I'm paraphrasing) "miles long and bristling with weaponry." Even though what we saw on-screen didn't resemble that, it still seems clear that it was designed as a weapon of war. The strongest arguments for this are: 1. It actively jammed the subspace transmissions around it, meaning ships or planets it encountered could not call for help. 2. It attacked the USS Constellation without provocation and destroyed the planet that the crew had beamed down to after the Constellation had been crippled.

    @madman: As usual, your design sense is impressive. I love that your DM looks mechanical rather than organic. If you feel that you must add some rock-like bits to it I suggest doing that only around the machine's maw, like the molten rock from the planets it has carved up over those countless eons became crusted around its mouth as it cooled.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    ...and have parties to go to.... :)

    Work, work, work...... :lol:
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Although I like your thoughts on the possible original intent for the Doomsday Machine, the author of the episode first described the vessel as being (and I'm paraphrasing) "miles long and bristling with weaponry." Even though what we saw on-screen didn't resemble that, it still seems clear that it was designed as a weapon of war. The strongest arguments for this are: 1. It actively jammed the subspace transmissions around it, meaning ships or planets it encountered could not call for help. 2. It attacked the USS Constellation without provocation and destroyed the planet that the crew had beamed down to after the Constellation had been crippled.

    I say this because in all reality I'm a Tellarite at heart.

    Writers intentions and directors interpretation are often two separate visions. Also, IMO, the only interpretation that really matters is the viewers.

    1.) The motors in my dragster jams all the radios at PIR every time I make a run (Fully electric Vdub Bug, best ET 10.688 at 146.87mph), so the idea that it must be weapon because it jammed them looses strength when you think about how much power that ship must put out when it cracks a planet. All I have to do to wipe out every radio transmission within 500 feet of my car is pop on the E-brake and step on the throttle a little. The DM could do the same thing.

    2.) A shark will attack a surfer thinking its a seal, because it looks like a seal, sounds like a seal, and acts like a seal in the surf. But when they get a taste of all the fiberglass and styrofoam they realize, It ain't food. The Constellation likely looked like food, but once it got a taste... And as for the crew, they simply made a bad choice when beaming down to the next planet on the Vogon's demolition list.
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    Capt Dave wrote: »
    I say this because in all reality I'm a Tellarite at heart.

    Writers intentions and directors interpretation are often two separate visions. Also, IMO, the only interpretation that really matters is the viewers.

    1.) The motors in my dragster jams all the radios at PIR every time I make a run (Fully electric Vdub Bug, best ET 10.688 at 146.87mph), so the idea that it must be weapon because it jammed them looses strength when you think about how much power that ship must put out when it cracks a planet. All I have to do to wipe out every radio transmission within 500 feet of my car is pop on the E-brake and step on the throttle a little. The DM could do the same thing.

    2.) A shark will attack a surfer thinking its a seal, because it looks like a seal, sounds like a seal, and acts like a seal in the surf. But when they get a taste of all the fiberglass and styrofoam they realize, It ain't food. The Constellation likely looked like food, but once it got a taste... And as for the crew, they simply made a bad choice when beaming down to the next planet on the Vogon's demolition list.

    I can accept that rationale. Guess I never thought of the Doomsday Machine as anything other than a weapon because that's how Kirk classifies it in the episode, comparing it to modern-day hydrogen bombs. If nothing else it does give the machine an interesting backstory.

    By the way, I'd love to see a VW Bug screaming along at 147mph. Driving that baby must be a blast!
  • Maverick EagleMaverick Eagle0 Posts: 0Member
    It would make the whole situation more tragic. That hundreds of worlds were wiped out by some aliens version of a civilian tractor or demolition ball. Also its most likely true that any jamming done by the machine was probably unintentional. Like Capt Dave suggested. All that power probably left massive amounts of energy discharge that would snuff out any kind of transmission. Not to mention the machine itself would be radiating power that anything near it wouldn't be able to send a transmission. Being attracted to ships would make sense, since a starship would probably be emitting radioactive signatures indicating fuel, or a resource to demo. Most worlds at least of what we know even small moons and planetoids usually have a iron core surrounded by magma, all that pressure and heat turns it into a nuclear reactor it probably attracts the machine like a moth to flame. My issue with the machine being a weapon has always been its exposed maw. In theory current earth nuclear weapons could disable the machine with a few well placed nuclear missles into its mouth. Thats a major flaw for a weapon.

    The hydrogen bomb theory that kirk classifies well a good analogy, could also be seen as him reacting to what the machine has done, its capabilities, and its threat to the federation. He has no clue of the machines original mission, its history, where it came from, who made it, and why it attacked worlds. It was too him totally alien and he was reacting accordingly. It was true in a sense. Nothing the federation had at the time that they knew of could potentially harm the machine. The thing would have rampaged its way through there weapons and technology useless. So the Bomb analogy was correct the machine was indeed a major threat. Also if someone managed to capture it. Well it may have been in my theory a major contruction machine, in a primitive cultures hand like the federation, or say the klingons, and Romulan Empire. It defiently would have been a fearsome weapon. Of course hopfully said cultures would have the mind to put doors infront of the maw to keep intellegent captains from firing torps into its gut..
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