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3DStarseer: Hyperion

nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Hey all, been awhile since I've posted, well, anything.

This is the Starseer-class deep-space vessel Hyperion. Some backstory on this is I've been working on a scifi universe of my own since I was about 15, and I figured it was high-time to see the titular spacecraft in 3D. I'll post the basic synopsis of the ship's story if anyone's interested.

At any rate, I'm getting ready to go back to the basic shape and work my way back up. I'm not happy with a lot of the shapes and much of the detail work, and so I'm going to scrap a good chunk of this version and start over. Before I do, though, I thought I'd share some of what I've already got before I rip it to pieces. :devil:
Post edited by nhall on


  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    See a lot of BSG in this....

    but i like the look of it anyway lol...
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    i like the bridge a lot.
    the front grid is way too large, in scale of the rest...
    maybe you'd like to un-bsg the flight pod...
    the global shape is good.
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    She looks very interesting. The plates over the "head" looks to much cool!
    I see you got a bit of inspiration from Galactica. Would be interesting to see two versions: one for your own universe, and another one for Galactica. Think about it. :D
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Haha. Well, it's true that I took inspiration for Hyperion's initial look from Galactica, Star Wars, and a little Stargate.... looks like I got too much from Galactica, though!

    I'm trying to figure out what the flight pods should look like, without them being too BSG-ish. The thing about that though is Galactica's A-shaped landing bay kind of makes aeronautical sense. It encloses the bay somewhat, while allowing birds to "wave off". Hmmm... Any suggestions on where to look to get some ideas for what these flight pods should look like? (If it helps, within the storyline, the pods were added into the design very late in the game. They are literally an afterthought, and therefore a rushed design.)
  • madmattmadmatt0 Posts: 0Member
    Great Work on the model but the renders is a little bit raw...

  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Threw together some new pods. They're based on a generic hangar design and an aircraft carrier deck. They're very VERY rough right now, but I'm testing out the basic shape to see if it flows with the rest of the ship. Render will be ready in 30 minutes or so.
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, here they are on the rebooted model. I think they'll end up working out, once I throw on some details and work with the actual "landing deck" portion of them. Also, ignore the floaty things above the main hull. They're leftover greebles from the old model.
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, one more before bed. Change the nose up quite a bit. She now looks alot more like what I originally imagined. Still not sure about those pods, though.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    what about moving them forward and in a bit?
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm actually considering moving them down a little, maybe in a bit, but not forward. I'm toying with the "angled landing strip" concept seen on carriers today. Have to get something sketched up after work tonight!
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Looks prety cool. Not sure how to get flight pods on the sides and not make it look BSG. Since it's a landing thing, perhaps you could move it to one pod and have it running on the centre line, underneath the main hull? You could then still add separate launch bays towards the sides of the ship?
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about this one, but I'm home on leave meeting my new daughter. Thinking about finishing up the rough draft in Lightwave, and then using Hyperion as a project to learn 3DS Max.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    New Daughter is far more important. Enjoy your leave! :thumb:
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Finally had a chance to do an update. Isn't so much as an update as it is a reboot, but I'm pretty happy with the direction Hyperion is going.
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    Oh Wow, what a Beauty.
  • nhallnhall171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, Kalic!

    Did a little detail work, as well as added a bit to the nose.
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm guessing she has a Bridge set up similar to a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, One Bridge tower is used for the ship use Only, while the other is used for Fighter Operations.

    Can't wait to see this Ship, when she's Finished.
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