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3DDesigning Space

alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
edited June 2011 in Work in Progress #1
***Edited post to include a more recent pic***

I guess I've spent too much time reading the atomic rocket page over the last fiew days. I'm starting to form a new picture in my head of what the far future of space flight looks like. A more realistic concept that could hold up to at least surface scrutiny.
One of the most important advances we need to make in my opinion is harnassing fusion power. Since we are only about 5 years away from prooving fusion power in a lab environment, I imagine that in 200+ years we've mastered it.
To open the door to space we have to come up with cheap and efficient ways of moving massive amounts of material from Earth's surface to low Earth orbit. I like the idea of a linear accelerator of some kind. Maybe a magnetic rail system powered by a fusion power plant that can accelerate a vehicle extremely fast and at high G. Too many G's for a human passanger to survive but perfect for launching raw materials and the like. People and more sensitive material can use the space shuttles.
I see a busy launch port busseling with trucks bringing in space containers. massive cranes load the containers onto a launch vehicle; a simple unmanned delivery system. The delivery vehicle is accelerated down the magnetic rail system which slowly curves upwards over miles of terrain. The delivery vehicle breaks the sound barrier within seconds of steady acceleration. As it leaves the rail system, the vehicle is pointed skyward. The low drag design helps it cut through the thick Earth atmosphere but gravity constantly slows it down. Arriving in Low orbit, the vehicle has lost most of it's enertia. Gravity has won and she begins the long journey around and down back to the surface.
A recovery craft already in orbit swiftly moves in, pulling the precious cargo containers bound for the moon from the bays on the delivery vehicle and refilling her with containers bound for Terra from Alpha Centari. Finished, the recovery vessel sets course for the intercommercial space port, the hub for Earth to beyond traffic. The delivery vehicle finally reenters the atmosphere. The drag shoot slows her decent. The main parachutes and air bags deploy allowing her to splash down gently in the Atlantic Ocean where she is recovered for reuse.
The picture below is an example of how I see the space containers. This example is the maximum load for a standard container. The white areas are just support for the massive load in the middle, a solid block of aluminum maybe. All containers will fit this general lay out so they can easily be stacked on Earth and in space and fit into the delivery vehicles. No matter what type of container is being launched, the frame part will more or less remain the same so all designs will have to fit within it's limits. Some containers may be intended to launch from Earth and then travel to another Earth where it is flown down by a special drop ship. Some containers may be loaded with the cargo modules from shuttles which on the end are the same size but are only 1/10 as long as the cargo pictured. Some containers could even be designed to be modules of a space station, or even the future version of a Martian mobile home.
I'm hoping I can grow a whole new concept of space travel for at least myself starting with this simple design.
(The guy standing there is another WIP I stopped working on a while back. He fits into my new universe so I may have to finish him)
Post edited by alleyviper on
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  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Those would fit nicely on a space elevator or space tether... like a futuristic cargo container. Gotta love modular!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I like this a lot! It's a similar direction to what I've been trying to go in myself, after years of uber-tech trek style ships. :-)
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    This is a rough concept I whipped up for a container delivery vehicle. This craft is designed to lift the space cargo containers into low Earth orbit. They are launched into orbit via a magnetic rail system. Once they leave the rails, chemical lasers from surface stations are focused on the craft's bottom. She carries no engines of her own, just a fiew RCS thrusters. Due to the violent extremes of launch there is no crew. She does however have 4 cargo bays, each capable of holding a cargo container. In the pictures, one of the four bays is open.
    Once in orbit, the containers are removed and she is reloaded with cargo bound for Earth. Gravity pulls the vessel back to the planet. Reentering bottom first, parachutes are deployed from the nose section. Finally, air bags deploy from the bottom allowing the craft to touch down safely in the ocean where it can be recovered and reused.
    Like I said, just a rough concept render. If you guys like the basic design I'll feel better about starting to work it.
  • FalinFalin0 Posts: 0Member
    they've been talking about a "maglev" launched plane for getting people and cargo into space, and return via it landing like a conventional plane. I'm not sure of the viability of a "space elevator", so your idea sound good for "heavy" cargo launches.
  • Mikey-BMikey-B0 Posts: 0Member
    You might find info on the Jules Verne Launcher useful. More info and real useful. In some ideas I've seen you could use a rocket motor to assist the boost. And a wee bit more info.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    A minor redesign to the basic concept. I like this alot more and will start working on it.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Posting this pic for Sorceress. Modeling the container in 5 foot long interchangable sections. The left front section is the one I was talking about in your post with actual 3d rivets and paneling modeled. The one in the back right is a section with a texture painted on the flat face.
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    Steady arcs like that can be manually textured without too much trouble alley. Enable "hidden geometry", then context click on the first face of your curved texture, then align it with the texture tool as desired. Close texture editing. Now instead of doing this over and over, use your eyedropper tool and click on the face you just aligned. You can then paint that alignment on all the faces on the curve and the new position will be copied and paint in in the correct sequence. This too can get tedious if you have a lot of curved surfaces, but something like you posted it won't take long at all.

    In SU news, this texture alignment issue is supposedly being worked on so going to plugin UV mapping for highly curved models won't be necessary. The SU people are trying to get the texture import tool working so when it paints on a surface it retains fluid alignment vs. scrambling it all up.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    alleyviper, good job!
    In SU news, this texture alignment issue is supposedly being worked on so going to plugin UV mapping for highly curved models won't be necessary. The SU people are trying to get the texture import tool working so when it paints on a surface it retains fluid alignment vs. scrambling it all up.

    Sorceress21, that would be very nice indeed :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Hi m new to this but instead relying on present technology why not look in newer fields of technology for instance TECHNOLOGY of gyroscope;Gyroscope have a property when activated causes a decrease in mass,how it does that i do not remember but they haey would have a future role if Gyroscope technology could be developed.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorceress, you are a genius! That is exactly the kind of thing I needed. Thank you so much!!!!! Exclamation points!!!! I wasn't aware that I could do that so easily. I'm not sure how it will go with super curvy models but that is the starting point I needed. You're the greatest.

    Thank you Cavebear.

    WarriorPrimus, you are right. I guess if you design scifi stuff in the realm of what we consider possible today, we'll never create anything unique and original. A little imagination could take me a lot farther. For instance, kevlar is the best body armor out today. We all know that spider silk research and powered exo skeleton armor is the direction body armor tech is heading, so realistic scifi creators tend to have some kind of synthetic spider silk armor in there world. But, the guy who imagines that spider spinners are geneticly manipulated to grow into exoskeleton armor suits has a bit more original of an idea. The guy who imagines that people don't need armor because they inject your skin with a chemical that hardens it into armor gets to develop his own show lol. Anyways, thanks for the thought food. Welcome to the community.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Been playing with many space cargo container designs. The one I like most is an ISSCV style container like the ones in space above and beyond. This is my version, hope you enjoy. Going to start working on an ISSCV style drop ship. Should be similar to the SAAB one minus the long range capability. Mine will only be used to drop from low orbit and lift to low orbit.
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    I've been reworking a shuttle design of my own recently, which is basically used just to get stuff into and down from orbit. When I made the original design I started with the basic outside of the ship and worked back. While this made an interested shuttle to render (they look like a giant metal cockroach.) In the long term they don't really make a hell of a lot of sense with the roll they are playing.
    So in my redesign I started working from the other end. I started much like yourself with the cargo containers which would be loaded into the thing, and how they are in turn loaded onto the shuttle.
    So I spent a bit of time trawling the net and thinking about the containers, which again much like your I wanted to have a realist value to them.
    In the end I ended up deciding that the current international cargo container made a lot of sense.
    It's modular, has a standard sizes, and most importantly while cheep to produce, it's also easy to alter the given needs. IE this one needs power, but this one is just a big box.
    They also have all the basic stuff you might need a container to have. For example I thought up a couple of ways to lock container in place, but nothing works better than a simple hole in the frame which lines up with a pin on the deck, truck tray, crane lift etc.

    Now I'm not saying your design is bad or anything, far from it, I whole heartily support anyone who wants to make realistic designs. What I am saying is learn from real engineers. Look at what they have already built and ask why is it like that. Then consider your design process and apply the same questions.
    For example you have a orbital booster which is loaded with was it loaded? While it's on the planet, stuff has to be lifted into place somehow. If this is going to be common practice, then it has to be easy to do. So if as in my case they are crane lifted. Where does the crane lock onto the container? Does it get lifted life a fork lift, or hung from a cable?
    What sort of features are there to make sure things are in the right place? Does a crewman line them up as they are put into the booster, is there a pressure sensor and a deadman switch so that a hatch won't close until the container is in the right place?
    Depending on where you live, go and check out just how a real container is loaded or unloaded.
    Better designs come from better understanding.
    Then comes the real test of your design skills. Show the design to someone who doesn't give a toss about Sci-fi and ask them what it is. If they say it looks like a shipped container, you've hit gold.

    Anyway good luck with the project what you have so far is cool. Keep working at it. So we have more realistic Science Fiction and a little less Space Fantasy fiction.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    You might want to have HLLVs like Sea Dragon modded-frankly I don't see any nation spending money on Maglevs--but Sea Dragon was quite affordable. Instead of the Apollo style capsule atop the cone, I would have a Nerva type engine (Dumbo NTR perhaps) under an escape tower, so as to save the engine block in case of an abort. The fuel and tankage would not be as great a loss.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Making an ISSCV style drop ship to haul my cargo containers. This is just the front end so far, forward of the container. Very high poly. This vessel will only be used to drop and lift containers from and to low orbit. Not a long range craft.
  • Tochiro76Tochiro760 Posts: 0Member
    This is the kind of thing they could use to haul stuff up to space with orbital elevators as someone mentioned earlier:-) I have always thought that these orbital elevators would not be based in any country but rather in a stable point out in the ocean somewhere so that garbage from around the world could be disposed of by shipping it in a container like this to the elevator site and then the container is offloaded and sent into space where at the top of the elevator, there is this guy in a space suit complaining on a cell phone about how bad his job is lol but his job is fun because he gets to push off the container from the elevator platform just as the platform faces the sun. The container probably has some little compressed air motor that helps it to just barely escape earth orbit as the elevator functioned as a sling shot to initially get it started. Then the container vaporizes a few thousand miles away from the sun because nothing can survive being close to the sun and we finally have the most efficient garbage disposal system ever created and the job of garbage man is more interesting than ceo or sports star:-)
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    A perfect point for a space elevator would be south of the hump of Africa near Sao Tome--not far from zero lat, zero long.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Just a quick update.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    wow its looking good nice to see your still using your little spaceman ha!
    Ive been invited over to Colorado to the Google Sketchup Offices so hopefully ill be able to find out when all the lovely new plugins will be coming out as the guys who write the ruby scripts will be there also, there is supposedly a UV mapping one in the works due for release this year??!?!?!?!
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome liam! A UV mapper would make sketchup way more powerful. If I could write scripts I would make one that allows me to draw 3 arcs, say they represent the left side, right side, and top angels of a cockpit. The script would then draw arcs connecting the 3 arcs I drew at each segment. Then it would skin it. That would be awesome.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    liam887 wrote: »
    wow its looking good nice to see your still using your little spaceman ha!
    Ive been invited over to Colorado to the Google Sketchup Offices so hopefully ill be able to find out when all the lovely new plugins will be coming out as the guys who write the ruby scripts will be there also, there is supposedly a UV mapping one in the works due for release this year??!?!?!?!

    You lucky guy! It's nice to see that they recognize some of the talent out here using their product :cool:
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    alleyviper wrote: »
    Awesome liam! A UV mapper would make sketchup way more powerful. If I could write scripts I would make one that allows me to draw 3 arcs, say they represent the left side, right side, and top angels of a cockpit. The script would then draw arcs connecting the 3 arcs I drew at each segment. Then it would skin it. That would be awesome.

    Erm you might be interested in this for UV mapping it works with native .skp files im told, im yet to test it myself but ive heard it does from a credible source!
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Quick update of the canopy operation. Thanks for the link Liam. When I'm done with this model I'll try it out and let you know how it goes.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Starting to regret how high poly this model is. Using up to 60 and even 90 segments for an arch. No arches less then 26-30 segments. Seems like if I go any less then that I see obvious lines in my arches when it is rendered, even when I use the soften smooth tools. One of you guys had a decent sketchup tips post that I can't find that said what the minimum number of segments in a circle needed to be for a smooth render. Anyone remember? This model is already 23M and not anywhere near done.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    18 24 or 36 or 48
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    36 for small arcs and 200 for large arcs is what ive found works very well when rendering in kerkythea afterwards. the 200 arcs are for very large sections mind you an I wouldn't expect to have many in a model.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Quick update, still gotta do the back end and the engines etc. Then all the details.....long way to go.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    Looks real good so far!!!!
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Progress so far on the engines. The nacels rotate up to 90 degress for vtol capability. Also, the exhaust nozzels can vector up to 45 degrees out for added control while picking up or droping off containers.
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    Engine design #2. Ditched the thrust vectoring in favor of a stictly chemical rocket design.
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