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2Dcool i can post my pics here!

gernot66gernot660 Posts: 0Member
edited June 2010 in Finished Work #1
and you can pick my posters :cool:

numero uno
this is one of my older posters (they're all old), i did for a swiss GD cover band in mid 90's, all of them are painted with tempera. sadly some originals are got lost over the years :( or still owned by the bands members and not in reach of mine.

i willl post one after the other to leave some time for you to comment each

credits, ahh;
goes all to me, cause it's a true 2d artwork no rendered stuff, i don't accept as 2d. though this will be the place to put such handcrafted stuff in.
might give thanks to the Grateful Dead in first and Dead End of course, without them i would have never did it.
Post edited by gernot66 on


  • gernot66gernot660 Posts: 0Member
    in contrario
    i will bring up another, more recent one, just to make plain what i understand by 2nd vision.

    sit back about 2 m to look at the pic maybe, take your time to look at, some might get a headake from it (i know), but dare! this is LIFE!


    something for numerologists, count the corners of the pic.

    i'll help you it's repeating 3 and 6, both typical solar character numbers.

    yes it is "the cornered", in latin "caernunnos", in italian "cornuto", don't fear, he's a friend, which has been judged for many centurys wrong, rectify him!

    over the centuries he had to hide his real face and been just seen as the "Deer", now it's time to show off what's behind! in hoc signo vinces!

    btw, this is not tempera, it's chinese ink.
    and for those who might thought that guy is criticize everything, that's "our style", back to the roots.
    mainly this goes to all mankind with european roots, we have our own, we don't have to cover others.
    leave allways some space for the unpredictable, then everything becomes renewed.
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