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3DMy Crazy Side projects...



  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    carlg wrote: »
    Glad to see you're back in fine form !:D

    That platform is awesome -- it has kind of a District 9 feel to it.
    The second ship a cool design, but it doesn't feel "freighter-y" to me. Like the windows and the hangar openings on the side -- they make it look too populated, like the ship is full of troops, not cargo. Maybe model some big industrial-looking doors? Or possibly fill the sides with greebles and make it look like the ship has a top and bottom shell, and the middle is filled with shipping crates?


    The freighter does have a large crew capacity, and long term at that. They were designed in part to be used during a planetary evacuation. It does have some big doors, however I haven't modeled an interior yet, so they don't open. I may later though.

    Here's a little more...I've been adding more paneling on the front and on the engines. As well as some detailing around the hangar and some new com/sensor equipment.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Here is a bit more detailing around the engines.

    I think this is about where I want it to be for now.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    She's a beauty !! Awesome work !
  • carlgcarlg1 Posts: 0Member
    I really like those monster engines; that's what says "freighter" to me about this design. Big engines pushing tons of cargo. :)
    Is the rounded trapezoid shape on top supposed to be the bridge, though? If so, I'd scale it down drastically to make this design look more massive.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks awesome :thumb:
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx guys!
    carlg wrote: »
    I really like those monster engines; that's what says "freighter" to me about this design. Big engines pushing tons of cargo. :)
    Is the rounded trapezoid shape on top supposed to be the bridge, though? If so, I'd scale it down drastically to make this design look more massive.

    I was thinking the bridge might be more midship near the communications array. That pod is more just crew area and such. The theory behind the engine size was for planetary launch + long term flight, or in other words, heavy use.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    the "crew and such" pod seems a bit too rounded / curvy for the rest of the design... I think it needs flatter edges, sharper angles.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    traq wrote: »
    the "crew and such" pod seems a bit too rounded / curvy for the rest of the design... I think it needs flatter edges, sharper angles.

    Good thought. Although I t want the design to have some curves. :) I'll try adding some panels there to break it up a bit.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    it's not that I object to curves (far from it ;) ), it just seems that all the curves are (conspicuously) in one place. Like the pod was intended for a completely different ship but got stuck on this one instead.
  • larundellarundel171 Posts: 0Member
    this is a great model....i think it would fit really well into the stargate universe in its design.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member

    I recently found out about a fun little freeware program called Sculptris and have been doodling with it every chance I've had so far...

    In order of appearance...
    was going to be a dragon fly, but I never got to the wings.

    A small creature that lives in the septic systems of large freighters...

    Something that belongs in an alien zoo...

    And most recently, a slightly melted humanoid...

    Thoughts? :D
  • AardwolfAardwolf171 Posts: 82Member
    Looks like that last guy's got neurofibromatosis.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    looks neat... is it fun to use (sculptris)?
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    You have quite a vision for spacecraft. The construction platform is really well done. I wonder if you might flesh out some of Rick Sternbachs ideas for large starships in his Trek book SPACEFLIGHT CHRONOLOGY. I think your designs have something of Sternbach's feel to them.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    traq wrote: »
    looks neat... is it fun to use (sculptris)?

    It borders on addiction... ;)
    publiusr wrote: »
    You have quite a vision for spacecraft. The construction platform is really well done. I wonder if you might flesh out some of Rick Sternbachs ideas for large starships in his Trek book SPACEFLIGHT CHRONOLOGY. I think your designs have something of Sternbach's feel to them.

    Thanx! I might take a look at at that.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Ozylot wrote: »

    I recently found out about a fun little freeware program called Sculptris and have been doodling with it every chance I've had so far...

    Thoughts? :D

    Hey Ozylot,

    just have to say Tank You !! for sharing this link with us ... hum ... maybe you posted this link only for me :lol: ....
    Sculptris is a program i've been searching a while for. ...
    Thanks mate !!

    Yor work is as always stunning !!
    I really love the "Transport" wich is not really looking like a transport in my point of view .
    But it's great !! I love it !

  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Glad to share! I hope you have as much fun with it as I am!
    And Thanx!
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