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3DA Blast from the Past - the F-36 Hornet

StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
edited June 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Ala Wing Commander 1 of course. :)
Been working on this for a week or so. Bless the Wing Commander CIC website for all the
refs they have. Just got done detailing and adding materials to the laser cannons and missles.
I was doing the first mission in my old Wing Commander game, and thought it would be cool to
try building some of those old ships. :)

Post edited by Starkiller on


  • NanoGatorNanoGator1 Posts: 0Member
    Dang. Those were the days!
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    They sure were. Hasn't been anything to equal Wing Commander for quite a while. Privateer was
    one of my favourites, as I love sandbox games the best. :) Finished the armour plating on the

  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    A MAN I love the Hornet!!!
    I'm working on all of the Wing Commander Prophecy Fighters starting with the F-110 Wasp

    I was going to start with the hornet. I wanted to stuff people don't often do. I love that someone was thinking the same.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Saquist - Make sure you post your work mate! I'd love to see more Wing Commander around here. :)

    Starkiller - The model is off to a great start! My only crit so far would be that the armour in that last shot looks a little too pronounced. IMHO, I think it would look less "CG" if you dropped the height of the panels a little. Apart from that...Loving it. I saw this posted on the WC CIC site today and you actually inspired me to dig Howard Day's model out again and do a new image - I've got one of the background plate passes rendering out as we speak. Thanks for inspiring me to fire up Max for the first time in many, many months. :)
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Nice going, Starkiller! It looks like a promising start! I am a little concerned about the purple glowing gun cores - they seem very exposed. If you're gonna go that route, I'd put some sort of partial obscuring armor or grill over it. Does this mean you're using the game's cover image as a reference for the laser bolt colors? I agree with Comco on the panel height - if you don't lower all of them, at least lower some of them - it would really help make the shape more...real-world? Anyhow, can't wait to see more.
    Comco: You better post that when you're done. :P
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work so far. Regarding the panels, I agree with Comco and Howard about the thickness issue. I might have them about half that thick. If you are worried about them not being as visible at that thickness, give the edges a slight chamfer so they'll catch the light.. Alternatively, you could do a slight inset on the main face of the panel, followed by a small bevel. Just some thoughts.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Jedilaw wrote: »
    Nice work so far. Regarding the panels, I agree with Comco and Howard about the thickness issue. I might have them about half that thick. If you are worried about them not being as visible at that thickness, give the edges a slight chamfer so they'll catch the light.. Alternatively, you could do a slight inset on the main face of the panel, followed by a small bevel. Just some thoughts.
    Welcome back!
  • BAKMSBAKMS0 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent work!!

    Would like someone to redo WC again with upgraded graphics.
  • StarkillerStarkiller204 Posts: 80Member
    Thanks for the crits, everyone! Howard, I've been using your renders of your model as a reference, as I don't have MAX and can't use your
    wonderful model. The hull armour is 10mm with the wing armour being half that, at 5mm. Should I make them all 5mm? The laser light
    show in the cannon internals, was just me being fancy-pantsy. :) I was playing around and liked the effect. If you feel it would better without
    it, I can change it easily enough. ^_-

  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    I think the question is whether you think it would look better. If you do, then change it. But not because one of us says so, even someone as talented and experienced as Howard. Remember, this is your art.
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    It would also look nice as a Star Fleet Battles fighter. Now to have it shooting apart the clunky fighter from the movie.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Saquist - Make sure you post your work mate! I'd love to see more Wing Commander around here. :)

    I'm just a nubie, sir.
    I need a lot of work and I'm on a HP Turion X2 1.6 lap top. I need a serious upgrade.

    Nothing is better than the X-wing, B-Wing and the Gunstar as fighters go...but Wing Commander has the best collection of fighters any where. I've not seen Better designs.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Saquist wrote: »
    I'm just a nubie, sir.
    I need a lot of work and I'm on a HP Turion X2 1.6 lap top. I need a serious upgrade.

    Nothing is better than the X-wing, B-Wing and the Gunstar as fighters go...but Wing Commander has the best collection of fighters any where. I've not seen Better designs.

    As you can hopefully see around these parts, we're happy to give out constructive crits and advice if you want it so don't let being a nugget stop you from posting. :)

    Couldn't agree more about the designs - Which is why it mystifies me that they threw it all out the window for follow-ons like the Wing Commander movie. To me, the WC3, WC4 and Prophecy designs were some of the finest low-poly fighter designs ever pulled off, because you didn't look at them and immediately think - they look like that because they had to be low poly. Freespace, Freelancer and similar games had designs that made it obvious they were working to a polygon limit.
    Howard Day wrote: »
    Comco: You better post that when you're done. :P

    I will. :) By the by, I have very limited options for making renders because of a lack of ships...If I were to have a larger selection...Say, the Tiger's Claw or a Scimitar bomber etc, I'd probably make more images. ;) :D
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Starkiller wrote: »
    The hull armour is 10mm with the wing armour being half that, at 5mm. Should I make them all 5mm?

    My gut feeling is that it would look better at a uniform 5mm but it's hard to judge without seeing it. I'd say give it a try :)
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Ah... Wing Commander... I haven't perfomed a space-born carrier landing since... *sigh*...

    Good looking Hornet by the way!
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