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2DOriginal Cylons - and I mean Original

137th Gebirg137th Gebirg332 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
Hey, all - in response to a special request, I had the recent opportunity to do up a quick schematics treatment for the original TOS lizard Cylons based on the intro footage from the telemovie "Experiment In Terra" (seen here). These diagrams are to be used to build a fully modeled CG rendering. Enjoy!
Post edited by 137th Gebirg on


  • publiusrpubliusr556 Posts: 1,755Member
    Well, at the end of NuBSG, we see the Human Cylons leave into space, and we know some of the classic cylon hold-outs are still on the move. Cavil did make an ominous prediction when you saw the cylon centurions turn on select human cylons. A good back story might be for the human cylons we saw at the end of NuBSG to have classic cylons turn on them. Cylons based on a young girl's ingrams might be considered unpredictable, so cool, reptilian minds of these aliens might do in place of humans.

    Earth mark one that was nuked into rubble is rebuilt after hundreds of thousands of years and becomes the planet Terra--home of the Eastern Alliance. Caprica was also rebuilt and destroyed by the alien cylons. Then the classic Battlestar Galactica events took place, with Galactica 1980 happening thousands of years after Nu BSG settlers gave us mitochondrial eve. Technology from classic BSG gave us the boost for microchips, so the story lines in both BSG series can overlap.
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