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3DStar Trek Rendevous

mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
Here ist my new Star Trek animation work

Inspiring by the movie with the best Starship scenes, TMP, I made this animation to learn the lighting technics of MAX and get the real TMP looking.

I think I am on the right way to find this.....

Here is the new animation in Full HD





Thank you for sharing this beautiful Surak Shuttle mesh, it was a lot of fun to work with it, and the interieur looks great.

Have fun

Post edited by mylex on


  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Impressive work! :)
  • RAF-MXRAF-MX12 Posts: 0Member
    Absolutely fantastic ... excellent work
    ! wow! ......I call this perfect animation ...timing, lighting ...everything!
    Muy impresionante amigo!!
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    That was awesome. :) It could have come from the Directors Edition DVD. :)
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    very nice animation, only the ending was a bit of a letdown (the interior of the shuttle)
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    mylex wrote: »

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful Surak Shuttle mesh, it was a lot of fun to work with it, and the interieur looks great.

    I should be thanking you, mylex, for making my model look so beautiful! I'm glad you're having fun with them and I'm honored that you're making them part of your animations.

    To Tobias: Upon reflection, I'm not quite as happy with the interior of the shuttle as I was when I first built the model. My real intent was to have just enough of an interior in place so it could be seen in close fly-bys and such. It really wasn't meant for such close scrutiny, but I'm so happy mylex uses my models in his animations that I cannot complain. By the way, if anyone wants to build a better interior for the warp shuttle, by all means be my guest!
  • dbhsdbhs171 Posts: 0Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a new member here and very impressed by the work shown. The Surak is a favorite of mine. I'm working on a physical studio scale model of this and looking for additional reference material. I saw a new drawing that I haven't seen before posted in another thread (

    If anyone can share reference photos or drawings of the original studio model I would appreciate it. I have nearly all the kit parts used on the original model and can post pics if you'd like to see them.

    My other builds, current and past, are on my website here: dbhs modeler

    Thanks, Doug.
  • Mister KMister K171 Posts: 0Member
    wow! wonderful work! :D
  • hazendhazend171 Posts: 0Member
    Beautiful work Mylex!
  • ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member
    Absolutely amazing!!! :)
  • ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member
    Btw: Welcome to the forum :)
    Oh, and i instantly bookmarked your page :D
    (Also amazing ;) )
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Yes, well done. I was surprised, nicely by you having the interior of the shuttle. But then I realized, you missed the meaning of the rear window on the shuttle, it is used for docking. Which means a control station there...

    But over all, you get an A.
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    Yes, well done. I was surprised, nicely by you having the interior of the shuttle. But then I realized, you missed the meaning of the rear window on the shuttle, it is used for docking. Which means a control station there...

    But over all, you get an A.

    I had no idea that rear window was used for docking. I've never seen any schematics that indicated it as such, so I designed that area as storage for things like spacesuits, equipment, etc. I figured reverse-docking would be easily handled up front by the pilots along with computer assistance. The small travel pods do just fine docking without any rear-view windows, so my guess is the larger shuttles can do the same. Still, if someone can show me a diagram or schematic that shows that as a feature of the shuttle, I may decide to re-do the interior at some future point.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well if you will remember, when the travel pod carrying Kirk and Scott, docked with the Eneterprise, there was somebody watching from within the Enterrprise.

    Still looking for varification that the window is used for docking, haven't found my set TMP blue prints as of yet.
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