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3DA Scouts Problems

Dann-ODann-O0 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
A scout has problems that others never think of when traveling the stars. Here our scout is trapped inside by a group of belligerent herbivores.

What is used i made all models with the exception of the terrain in Wings 3d. Terrain made in sculptris. Backdrop rendered in Bryce with a volumetric shader for the cloud. the rest of the render in Messiah 2.5 all rigging done in Messiah also.

Haven't posted here in a while. Taking a lot longer to finish stuff because of real life these days but like to keep a project on the burner just less time to devote these days. I hope everyone is has a great summer. Enjoy.

All models and shaders done by myself.
Post edited by Dann-O on


  • Dann-ODann-O0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry just wanted to subscribe so a double post of sorts.
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