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omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
edited March 2011 in Work in Progress #1
i started this in Sketchup but the goemetry just turned into an unworkable mess so i decided to give it a go in MODO 401 instead.. bare with me as i have no idea if this is even going to work or if i have the neccesary skill to pull it off but i figured id give it a go and share the progress with you guys.

also any input/critique along the way is more then welcome as i believe im going to need all the help i can get during this build as this is basicly my first real character mesh.
Post edited by omnipotent on


  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member

    sorted some errors and thickened it.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    lookin goood
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Thanks colby!
  • edseds0 Posts: 0Member
    looking good, great start
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Keep it up!

    I found the helmet to be the most difficult, but it looks like you've got it well under way. :thumb:
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    eds wrote: »
    looking good, great start
    Thank you!
    Ozylot wrote: »
    Keep it up!

    I found the helmet to be the most difficult, but it looks like you've got it well under way. :thumb:

    Thank you i will ;)

    and yeah i agree the helmet surly has some weird geom and prominent features that are hard to get right, however colbmista was kind enough to share this wonderfull tutorial on the helmet (thanks again btw)

    and it has helped alot even tho i have to fill in some of the blanks myself
  • TzarroTzarro331 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good so far! I've tried my hand at this same model, so I am familiar with what challenges must be overcome. If you ever have any specific questions or need advice, feel free to ask.

    So far, the only pointers I have for you are the following. I am guessing you have yet to get to this point, and since you have visited bracer's site, you know of it, but edge-tightening will make a huge difference once you implement it. Also, you may want to check you're references, as the helmet is made up of several different segments; it can be difficult getting them all modeled and fitted together to be in line with the canon model.

    I look forward to seeing your progress!
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Tzarro wrote: »
    Looking good so far! I've tried my hand at this same model, so I am familiar with what challenges must be overcome. If you ever have any specific questions or need advice, feel free to ask.

    So far, the only pointers I have for you are the following. I am guessing you have yet to get to this point, and since you have visited bracer's site, you know of it, but edge-tightening will make a huge difference once you implement it. Also, you may want to check you're references, as the helmet is made up of several different segments; it can be difficult getting them all modeled and fitted together to be in line with the canon model.

    I look forward to seeing your progress!

    Thank you! and indeed i have a feeling i will be asking questions soon enough so thanks!

    indeed i am saving the edge tightening untill i have the hole helmet modeled in a single plane as i dont need to much geom this early on (it'll just overcomplicate what i need to do for now) and yeah tell me about it, the helmet sure has some mental detail and geom and i wil be fiddling with it for quite a while to get it right!

    and thanks stay tuned i'll try to update frequently ;)
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    beveled some edges worked on the Jaw

    also i am aware of the errors it happened when i mirrored but i will sort that so no worries ;)
  • Jimi JamesJimi James0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm not really a fan of Ironman, but I can certainly respect the work that's going into this. I dig the smooth contours and the way that it all sort of flows together, giving it an almost organic feel, while still looking like a rigid material.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    update time..
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Jimi James wrote: »
    I'm not really a fan of Ironman, but I can certainly respect the work that's going into this. I dig the smooth contours and the way that it all sort of flows together, giving it an almost organic feel, while still looking like a rigid material.

    lol i wouldnt call myself an iron man fan either but i def like the CGI that has been top notch in both movies.
    also yeah that is my main goal with this build ie mainly tackle some advanced organic shapes and learning and gettin more familliar with Modo.

    im glad you like what you see! be sure to stay tuned for more progress ;)
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    Couldn't really say much before, but now that you have more of the helmet completed, I can say that what you have s far looks pretty good. this is turning out to be a very promising model! Care to share the wireframes in your next update?
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Couldn't really say much before, but now that you have more of the helmet completed, I can say that what you have s far looks pretty good. this is turning out to be a very promising model! Care to share the wireframes in your next update?
    thnk you!

    here are some wires..

    still have some errors that need adressing but ill get there ;)
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member

    finished the helmet started on the chest armor,
    i'd also like to introduce Mr Standing Bald :p made with the freeware software makehuman which as you can tell is a great program for fast characters.
    ill be using mine to help with the main suite.
  • Looking exceptionally good, well done, it's tough to model that cleanly.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    Holy crap, you're fast! :thumb:
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work!

    While we're here, can anybody explain why with the new chest-piece, that's exactly the same size as the one before, he needs a new suit? With a triangle shaped headlight?
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Firelode wrote: »
    Looking exceptionally good, well done, it's tough to model that cleanly.
    thank you! and yes it sure is hard but i think im doing ok for my first try :)
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Holy crap, you're fast! :thumb:
    i am? thanks :D but the helmet alone took the better part of a week.. tho ive lerned my way thru the Modo UI now so the speed should pic up :)
    Melak wrote: »
    Nice work!

    While we're here, can anybody explain why with the new chest-piece, that's exactly the same size as the one before, he needs a new suit? With a triangle shaped headlight?

    Thank you!

    well have you seen IM2? the triangular shape and new suite is shown quite well in it.


    Update again..

    main chest armor allmost complete just some minor trinkits missing now
    next ill probably start on the arms or the legs...

    loving MODO btw.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    The armor is looking great, and you are indeed moving fast with this!
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Melak wrote: »
    The armor is looking great, and you are indeed moving fast with this!
    i guess i am then :P

    update but i have some things i need to redo here.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Ok so redid a few things.....

  • kevinskikevinski0 Posts: 0Member
    WOW thats so impressive...

    IMHO the last design is the best one. ThereA’s just one thing, the neckarmor, I think it could hold im back from locking around??
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    thanks im shocked i made it myself :P

    well i personally think the look far outways the need to look backwards :P
  • kvorshkkvorshk171 Posts: 76Member
    I like the look so much you just got a desktop out of me for a while! Keep it up I cant wait to see it finished.
  • Looks awesome and really quickly produced too. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 yet is this a new suit from there or is this purely your own design? Either way nice work.
  • KhayKhay0 Posts: 0Member
    This armor looks quite smooth and organic, really beautiful.

    For more protection, dear Mr Stark, how about giving a try with a bevor and gorget? I don't know if it would look as cool as your last model, but it sure would be useful next time you get seriously kicked but some nasty with a power whip.
  • TzarroTzarro331 Posts: 0Member
    Amazing progress; loving it so far! The armor is coming together very nicely, and I can't wait to see how it progesses.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    kvorshk wrote: »
    I like the look so much you just got a desktop out of me for a while! Keep it up I cant wait to see it finished.
    hay thanks :D oh and im honoured to be on your desktop :P
    glad you like it :)
    Firelode wrote: »
    Looks awesome and really quickly produced too. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 yet is this a new suit from there or is this purely your own design? Either way nice work.
    thanks! no it isnt a suit from the movie but im using the newest suit as a style reffernece will i do my take on a ironman suit.
    im glad you like it aswell ;)
    Khay wrote: »
    This armor looks quite smooth and organic, really beautiful.

    For more protection, dear Mr Stark, how about giving a try with a bevor and gorget? I don't know if it would look as cool as your last model, but it sure would be useful next time you get seriously kicked but some nasty with a power whip.
    Thank you! yes i worked hard on the geom to get it just right :)
    more protection? bevor and gorget? wht'r those?

    Tzarro wrote: »
    Amazing progress; loving it so far! The armor is coming together very nicely, and I can't wait to see how it progesses.
    Thank you! and more updates soon enough ;)

    Thanks for the Feedback people!
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    id love to see ur take on the black gold trim suit i showed u from the IM2 art book
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