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3Drendezvous with RisaA…



  • mattcmattc181 Perth, AuPosts: 322Member
    deg3D wrote: »
    CORE/LWHC (not even sure what that HC stands for), this has shipped? I thought CORE was still under development. Or are you talkin' about the beta, that's out, correct? I'm bad at keepin' up on this stuff. I was just confused when CORE was announced, all that subscription pricing stuff, and never paid enough attention after that, hoping it would get simpler come the time of actual shipping.

    No, it hasn't shipped. LW HC which is internally versioned at 10.0 does indeed contain a Linear Workflow. It's quite neat. CORE is pre-alpha still. But moving along rapidly.

    And there's no confusion over pricing at all. It was $395 for early adoptees, $495 for upgrades now, changing to $695 later once CORE is at 1.0. Be warned, CORE is not for everyone in it's current state (heavy pre-alpha). You need to really know what you're looking at and what you're doing. It is NOT for the average 'artist' but more for developers and other technically minded users for the moment.
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    mattc wrote: »
    No, it hasn't shipped. LW HC which is internally versioned at 10.0 does indeed contain a Linear Workflow. It's quite neat. CORE is pre-alpha still. But moving along rapidly.

    And there's no confusion over pricing at all. It was $395 for early adoptees, $495 for upgrades now, changing to $695 later once CORE is at 1.0. Be warned, CORE is not for everyone in it's current state (heavy pre-alpha). You need to really know what you're looking at and what you're doing. It is NOT for the average 'artist' but more for developers and other technically minded users for the moment.

    Thanks, dude. Yeah, I'm not good with all the pre-stuff. I'm (user) tech-savvy to a point, but more artist. Developer or dealing with pre-release stuff is most def, not my bag.

    And to me, the pricing was confusing, not in the amount to be paid per se, but what it all entailed, with the subscription this or that, or what-not. I know a lot of software do it that way now, but I have yet to deal with it. I guess I should just have signed on then to save the $$$. So it's up $100 to upgrade now, and another $200 after that to upgrade come time of release?

    I'm gonna have to call NT, and square something out.

  • mattcmattc181 Perth, AuPosts: 322Member
    The only real change is that you may not get point updates for free. This is due to a) the cost of the development and b) NT giving away far too much in the last go round.
  • david1david10 Posts: 0Member
    very cool
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