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3DA Wolf Among the Stars (Star Trek Constellation Class, Blender mesh)

Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
Here are two more Beauty shots of this, my latest Blender Mesh. I chose lighting that shows off the details a little better. I also implemented a "Bloom Effect," using Paint.Net in post-production. (It's subtle, but it's there.) My thanks to Madman1701a, who introduced me to a tutorial on the subject.

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Post edited by Polaris 004 on


  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    There you go. :) The subtle bloom is good for this image... if the background were darker, you might need more.

    Are you planning to release this model?
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Thanks, Madman. I just tried 7 or 8 different bloom combinations and chose the one I liked best. It really seems to add scale to the mesh.

    I've been thinking of releasing a few of my meshes. But I'm just so embarrassed when I think of people pulling them apart and saying "What the heck was he thinking when he did THAT?"

    I dunno. This one might almost be good enough... I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't actually cut the rim windows.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Nah, never be embarrassed. :) Would you mind just letting me have a copy, to look at? I like to see how others do things, to get new ideas. You can pull some of mine apart, if you want. :)
  • Judge DeathJudge Death0 Posts: 0Member
    Good god how did you get so great at this and do these so fast?!?!
  • killakanzkillakanz176 Posts: 112Member
    My god Polaris, the half a year I've been away and you've improved 20 fold! Astonishing!
    Last thing I saw was your Olympic class. Line it up next to this and you'd think someone else did it!

    And never be embarrassed about your methods. I don't know many people who bother to cut their windows. I cut mine because I hate texturing :P
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    killakanz wrote: »
    My god Polaris, the half a year I've been away and you've improved 20 fold! Astonishing!
    Last thing I saw was your Olympic class. Line it up next to this and you'd think someone else did it!

    And never be embarrassed about your methods. I don't know many people who bother to cut their windows. I cut mine because I hate texturing :P

    Thanks for noticing. I am starting to get close. I was really pleased with this one, but I got stuck for a bit when I tried to model a Nova Class. I was stopped irritated that I had to take a giant step back in order to continue to progress. But your post reminded me of my progress, and made me feel better, and now I feel like trying again. Thanks.
  • Mycroft MaxwellMycroft Maxwell0 Posts: 0Member
    YOu definatly should not be afraid to release it. To people like me, who cant figure out heads or tails how to build a mesh in blndr, but loves to render, we apreciate anything we can get. Not much out there for Blndr. I myself been looking for a Constellation mesh to use in some scenes, and that one looks excellent enough to use. (Btw, i type blndr because i have noticed its being blotted out, didnt know if i wasnt supposed to use the word or something) LEt us know if you decide to release it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I love the Constelation class! I wish you had a version for Lightwave. That would be perfect for one of my RPG's. It involved a Connie, and she was a rebuilt, refurbished ship in 2388. Great Mesh and Renders
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    For blender, that is pretty awesome and great detail well done
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Thanks for the kind words. I will probably release this one some time this summer. I just have to clean it up a bit.
  • david1david10 Posts: 0Member
    great ship
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