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3DAliens Epilogue - CG Models - Work in Progress

GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2011 in Work in Progress #1
At the moment I'm doing some CG modelling for an Aliens fan film made here in the UK called Aliens Epilogue Some of the work is to expand existing locations for long and aerial shots, and also the building of a Dropship and Gateway station.Here's some WIP's of work I've started so far. The final dropship,once complete, will have adjustments made to the cockpit area to make it match the cockpit of the Helicopter the live team shot the scenes in. I figured I'd make the standard dropship first, or something close, then work out how best to fit the new cockpit on later with a few concept sketches.
The movie is written,produced and directed by Darren Kemp and features amongst others Terry English, who made the Marines Armour for Aliens, as well as Excalibur and The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, and Trevor Steedman, who palyed Pvt. Wierzbowski in Aliens.
The site for the movie can be viewed here
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  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Another pic !!
  • Breech BlockBreech Block0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey, what a superb fan project to get involved with. I really like the model of the radar station, a terrific blend of the actual set location and the type of hardware seen in the film. The dropship is pretty awesome too. Coincidentally, I have recently bought the 1/72 scale die-cast model and have it sitting on my desk right now. If you ever need a couple of digital snaps for reference, just give us a shout. Keep up the great work and I will be watching this thread with interest.
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Hey, what a superb fan project to get involved with. I really like the model of the radar station, a terrific blend of the actual set location and the type of hardware seen in the film. The dropship is pretty awesome too. Coincidentally, I have recently bought the 1/72 scale die-cast model and have it sitting on my desk right now. If you ever need a couple of digital snaps for reference, just give us a shout. Keep up the great work and I will be watching this thread with interest.

    I spent a few days searching the net for pics of the Dropship, prop, toys and models, and I dusted off my old Halcyon model for reference. This is by no means screen accurate, but it's good enough for what they need, the hard part is going to be making the adjsutments to the cockpit so it doesn't just look like a helicopter cockpit has been welded on !! Also texture wise they want a camouflage,green and dark green like the Lynx helicopter !!

    Cheers !!
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Started on Gateway Station, from what I gather in the film it was a combination of Matte Painting and Miniature, and there was never a design for the whole station, as in the movie we only see part of it, here's a rough sketch of the station as I see the whole thing, 9 main units 3x3 with maybe a bigger
    central unit !!! Here's the start of one of the tower modules on Gateway Station, what I'll do is make 1 tower with different details on all 4 sides, then I can rotate these for use as other towers, it's just a case then of changing which windows are lit and adding some extra unique details to each tower !!!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Looking very good there Glazy :thumb: I'm not familiar with the original stuff but I like everything so far. Keep it up !
  • markpilbmarkpilb0 Posts: 0Member
    This is looking amazing, love the detail you put into your work
  • RAF-MXRAF-MX12 Posts: 0Member
    This is soo cool...I like the texture work on the radar!!
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, what an awesome project, just watching the trailer for it on their site, looks brill cant wait to see it :D
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    saw this on your blog. very cool stuff, look like it could be a good film.
  • Breech BlockBreech Block0 Posts: 0Member
    That's one cool looking Gateway Station. Great attention to detail and really impressive texture work.
  • lennier1lennier1919 Posts: 1,287Member
    Looks great!
    I like how you've integrated ideas from the orbital station in Aliens.
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Here's a quick test I've put together to show the dropship in the drop bay !!

    Dropship still needs work and texture, as does the bay and surrounding area !!!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Thats pretty cool!
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    I'm crap and setting up lighting and stuff, I'll be leaving that to someone else once the modelling is finished !!! :)
  • AvianAvian203 Posts: 210Member
    Terrific work so far! I too am in love with the textures on the radar station, and the sketch of the big station seems to capture the spirit of the series perfectly.
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Bit of an update on this, still got lots of other buildings to make. A mate sent me a Power Loader model he said he'd downloaded from a site maybe 6-8 years ago, but he said the site's gone, anyway I've put it in the scene, nice model but I've got no idea who made it !! I think it may be from a site that used to be called Movie Meshes, anyone got any idea who's meshes were on that site ?!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Look great, it will be intresting to see it with the live action stuff.
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    are those de espona's carts ?

    the radar builting lacks a .50 machine gun welded somewhere.
    looks good without but would look better with :D
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    L2K wrote: »
    are those de espona's carts ?

    the radar builting lacks a .50 machine gun welded somewhere.
    looks good without but would look better with :D

    Yeah, but they needed cleaning up and a re-texture, I got those 500 free models books years ago, the only trouble is that 80% of the meshes were optimized, so I rarely use them, and if I ever do they need a good clean up. I'll be building some more ground vehicles based on the concepts that Ron Cobb drew up for the Hadley's Hope colony on LV-426 !!!

    I'll look into some defense turrets !! :)
  • gm2378gm23780 Posts: 0Member
    I've been learning max for a little while now and the Aliens APC is the first model I fully completed. I also started a little Cargo bay based off of the Sulaco's, point is, I love your work, it really brings extra to the designs from the movie.

    Can't wait to see your progress! :D
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    This project is still on the go and here are some of the more recent test vids, additional modelling on the ground base is by SanchiEsp !! Ground Base 1 Ground Base 2 Dropship Bay update
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Glazy those are pretty cool animation clips, I liked the lighting in the 3rd, it was blown out a bit but the effect gave me the feeling of an oxygen issue with the atmosphere . . nice work
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Have not seen you for a while. guess you been busy with work.

    Nice Animations.
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Have not seen you for a while. guess you been busy with work.

    Nice Animations.

    I wish !!! :)
  • IRMLIRML256 Posts: 1,993Member
    the first video there reminds me of a strategy game hehe

    quality work anyway
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers IRML !!!
  • WizWiz33 Posts: 0Member
    a great project, looking forward to seeing a lot more! Nice work mate! :)
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