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3DTholian Webspinner Orthos

XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
edited April 2010 in Finished Work #1
I'm happy to say it's finished. Might still tweak a few things but it's done for now. Time to blow up some Federation ships. :D
Post edited by XFozzboute on


  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Very nicely done.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Thank you.
  • FalinFalin0 Posts: 0Member
    Very Nice, although the dimensions seem a tad tiny, one of these ships took on a connie and packed a punch. i'd probably triple or quadruple the sizes to show that it is a formidable destroyer and not a shuttle. Heck I'd got so far as to say they're about as big as a defiant from DS9, well maybe 2/3's the size.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Based on all the info I could get together the size is correct. It's a small ship.
  • ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member
    XFozzboute wrote: »
    Time to blow up some Federation ships. :D

    Bah, just wait until my dreadnought is ready to leave the dock :D

    Excellent work as usual. Pleease, this web-weaver deserves a cool scene!!!
  • publiusrpubliusr556 Posts: 1,755Member
    I had always thought the ships were all crystal before (Archer's) ENTERPRISE.
  • FalinFalin0 Posts: 0Member
    XFozzboute wrote: »
    Based on all the info I could get together the size is correct. It's a small ship.

    yes i know what thenformation says, but I belive it to be wrong. think back to the TOS episode, these ships packed a hell of a punch and spock commented how powerful they were. even looking at gthem on screen in ENT near other ships shows them to be far bigger tham the "shuttle" size people keep trying to say.

    Like I said, more in line with the size of the DS9 defiant than a shuttle.
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