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3DBarge and Skiff from Star Wars "Return of the Jedi"

harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
edited April 2010 in Finished Work #1
Finished these two vehicles after a long time of research for reference photos and blueprints.The underside of the Barge is also full completed.Only seen for a few seconds in the movie.I have done an animation for it and post it to YouTube tomorrow.The link is coming soon too.
Post edited by harry33 on


  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Here is the link to the animation:
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    ThatA’s a nice start. I think you could still improve the model a lot with some finer details, rounder edges and some more individual textures.
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Hello Tobias!You are definitely right!Changing the textures is not a big deal.But adding finer and more details is a problem for my computer.The memory of it is not at a present standard.I must use some tricks to make these photos .Otherwise I get a failure message and the rendering stops.If you have a look in my Nabbo fighter project-This is shortly before my computer is stopping all.
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Ha, classic! Nice work so far, dude! Can't add anything to what Tobias already offered up. Be nice when you can get a new machine to flesh 'em out some more. ;)

  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Deg3D!I am working on it.Some parts at the panels are added so it looks more detailed now.Changing the textures was not a problem.I work with standard textures blended with random dirt and sand textures.So I only have to change the mix of it.
    It is a fact that my computer cant do anything.As I began to use 3ds was no problem.I just downloaded some models and was happy as they moved on my screen.After three years and much intensive work....I want to do more and more...and must deal with the memory of this machine!
    Now I am without a job and cant pay a new computer.It will take longer as I want!But....I find a way to do models my computer wants too...:):):)
  • publiusrpubliusr556 Posts: 1,755Member
    That first shot makes the barge very imposing, like a borg cube in a way. Good idea for a similar spacecraft perhaps?
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Hi publiusr!
    I never thought of this-Good suggestion!It fits perfectly to the way how I create models by now.I try to find NEW models they are fitting to the original Star Wars stuff.Yes,creating something similar to the barge will be a challenge.Stay tuned........:):):)
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