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3DBory WIPs



  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Another small update... this time video on youtube...

    YouTube - Blender3D: sci-fi rocket frigate 2

    (u can also check my others videos... i need more views:D)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    could that radar stuff above the bridge not be lowered a bit? it looks a bit wierd to me otherwise :P

    otherwise; nice video!
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Thx... Maybe it could... Honestly i dont know, how it will be look like at the end... But for now im well-content with this look...

    Here is another small progress...



    So merry christmas and happy new year... And i hope i will be able add some more upgrades soon...
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good. My only thing is that the background color is a bit harsh. Maybe you could use black or something less saturated.
  • AardwolfAardwolf171 Posts: 82Member
    You've got an interesting mix of styles going on here... real-life naval ship gear (that radar stuff on top), maybe sort of Star Wars -ish with that bridge, and a bit like the hammerhead battlecruisers from StarCraft... Also a bit of StarGate with the beveled edges and such...

    I like it!
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    salsa wrote: »
    Maybe you could use black or something less saturated.

    Well, next time iA’ll use diferent colour then. But this "azuro" is quite nice to me... :):)

    As regards inspiration... Like a scifi fan i certainly used some design elements from diferent stuff iA’ve seen before. But all of it was subconsciously... I wasnA’t looking for references. Basic idea was only rough hull-shape (primarily front) crain loading stuff and rockets and that radar tower...

    I find some early renders on another forum... (i unfortunately lost blend files when i had to reinstalled windows...) She still looks so lame on those pics... :D



  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    ooch, that must have sucked. Are you going to rebuild it?
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Luckily I saved the latest version of the blend file... But it still sucks, cus i lost my work abouth two years ago. These old pics are only for ilustratoin how she looked at the beginning.

    Now, i dont have as much time as i wanted, so only little progres...



    And i began to think again and i will be grateful, for your opinions...




    I am not exactly sure, which option is better. First is "classical", second seems to me like, i donA’t know, maybe more elegant?

    And finaly i saved some renders of old work so here is a galery from the old times...

    ImageShack -
  • Bell'OrsoBell'Orso331 Posts: 93Member
    Wow, nice progress! :)

    Do you have more views of that StarGate-inspired ship? Oh and check out Lightspeed-Art. I'm sure the guys over there would love to see more of that, too.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Very original. It doesn't look like STARGATE at all to me. If anything--it is closer to the CYGNUS--but more compact than that wonderful old Edwardian Supertanker.
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi again after a while. Its time for updates.

    I made a new main weapons and some detailes. For example i removed that small cannons(they still are on firts pics, but they are now replaced by laser posts)




    2Bell'Orso - thx and no, i donA’t have more pics of her. All i have is in the galery in my last post...

    2publiusr - also thx . this isA’nt stargate, he thought another ship - she is on page 2 i guess. And ,,CYGNUS" or ,Edwardian Supertanker"? I doA’nt know what the hell are u talking about :D. Any images? ;)
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool ship, but I gotta say that using mechanical arms to load missiles seems odd. Why not go with a cartridge/clip analogy? A system like a automatic weapon uses would be much more efficient.
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Well what can i say. It may look strange and i am sure there are better ways how to do it, but the cranes was main idea. In fact i basicly created whole ship around them. So, itA’s made for fun too, not only for full funcionality. ;)
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi, itA’s been some time from last update, and i donA’t wanna let this thread die. But i donA’t have much mood doing something and if i turn on blender so i just messing with details. So here is not distinctive progres. However when i started this project i thought that i could create some animation. So this is maybe preparation on it and while result from my attempt to learn mechanical rigging.

    enjoy :)

    You can see that missile holders do not hold missiles:p, itA’s because i donA’t figure out yet how transfer missile so that it looked good. So any suggestions are welcome...
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Here is the Cygnus

    It had a wider section in back, a wide section in front, a main tower and a foc'sle. Yours is a more compact version. Great minds think a like.
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for links, iA’ve tried to find some pictures but iA’ve failed... Damn google.:lol:
    Anyway when i saw this thread by collegue Kamaro i find out that no matter you think that you have an original design, somebody always had similar thoughts over the years, as there is a sci-fi and you always could find almost twin of your design... I admit in my case itA’s not that hard because obviously i was inspired by sea ships... But still it sucks...:p
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Another small test...

    And like I wrote in description on YT, who finds an error, gets candy... :D
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    That looks very nice!

    Just one question..wouldn't it be a tiny bit safer handling that inside? What if someone shot the loading mechanism :/
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Thx Melak. And yep I guess so. But i already wrote, up here, why I did it this way. And I promise, in next project IA’ll try to be closer to reality... ;)
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Oh hehe sorry I was just looking at the pictures/videos :D

    Never mind reality, this is a :p
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    :D So keep looking and commenting iA’m glad for it. :D

    Jep, youA’re right, reality sucks. Anyway, anyone would not like ship, which be look like cubic or rectangular box with a few holes to engines and few hatches for everything else... :p
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Bory. I gotta say im loving the design of it all. It looks amazing so far. It also looks like one of those ships that could hold its own in a battle. Those Cannons are brutal. However. if i could say anything negative about it. Itd be that the missiles are a little chunky (dull) but i guess they will look alot better when textured.

    But wow. See your doing awsome stuff like that and i cant even seem to rig my turrets to look at stuff yet. hah.. Damn 3ds...
  • Dr.SleepDr.Sleep0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks amazing. That weapon test video is unbelievable
  • KageoKageo0 Posts: 0Member
    Been looking over this thread with my sons today, and we all love your rocket frigate Bory. This is similar to something we are working on and so we've spent a while looking at it and two questions and a comment.

    My eldest wants to know if you used any scripts while making it.
    My younger son want to know if the hexagonal patterning on the rear of the main thrusters/nacelles is mesh or nornal mapped texture.
    Thanks! :)
    And my comment is on post 34

    The other ship is cool too, but not a protagonist ship imo.

    Anyway congrats!
  • KageoKageo0 Posts: 0Member
    Duplicate post
  • KageoKageo0 Posts: 0Member
    What this instantly made me think was that this largish horizontal section would make a good stage. It would be cool to see characters fighting on the outside of the hull here.
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    THX guys for nice comments. Honestly I had neglected her for some time, due school and other blender mess... But now I think its time to finish her, so i hope it will be soon.
    Kageo wrote: »
    My eldest wants to know if you used any scripts while making it.
    My younger son want to know if the hexagonal patterning on the rear of the main thrusters/nacelles is mesh or nornal mapped texture.

    As regards questions.
    No, I did not use any scripts. ItA’s all hand work. That hexagonal grid is also handmade mesh. I want to do all details, no matter of polycount... (but still in some confines) ;)
  • borybory0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi. IA’m not so fast and I donA’t have so much time as i wanted but at least some progres...

    I focused mainly to details and to small transport ship which is docked on the bottom...
    Shape is final, textures are simple but i think it could be good.






    And a few pictures to compare size of the ship with the average human.



  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    The transport craft looks pretty good :thumb: The whole vessel is really nice as well, but the animation on previous page is the best :D
  • jedi44jedi440 Posts: 0Member
    Transport craft is really great stuff,well done.
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