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Win7 Aero theme incompatible with 3DS Max?

NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
Has anyone else had this problem? Whenever I open 3DS Max 8, my Win7 Aero theme gets automatically shut off. I have no idea why it does this, but it drives me bonkers. The only solution I've found to this little quirk is to open up the Task Manager (while Max is still running, of course), find the Desktop Window Manager process ("dwm.exe"), and kill it. The dwm.exe process automatically starts back up and the Aero theme comes back instantly, but I'd really rather not have to go through this process just to fix something that basically doesn't impact my workflow- it's just an annoyance. My guess is that DWM is being called by 3DS Max, which causes the DWM to get confused and shut down the service as a failsafe.

So... anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? Or am I the only one experiencing this issue?
Post edited by NightShadow on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I think Max 9 was the first to actually support Vista+DWM, and only then with SP2 installed, so fi you have all the service packs, I'm not sure theres a lot you can do.

    You could create a batch file like this:
    start " "D:AppsMax 83dsmax.exe" program
    ping -n 21 >NUL 
    net stop Themes
    net start Themes
    And modify the path. "21" in the second line should be the number of seconds +1 it usually takes max to load fully.
    Then place this somewhere, and create a shortcut on your desktop and give it the 3ds Max icon :)
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