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max 7 trying to rotate pivot warps object

BerkutBerkut1 Posts: 0Member
I have never encountered this problem before. You guys know if you mess around with rescaling objects sometimes they will get really messed up when you try to rotate linked objects and everything starts to warp really badly. I try my best to stay away from rescaling for that reason and am like 90% sure I didn't rescale this object. Now here's the problem: I need to rotate the pivot of an object and when I try to do so the whole object rotates around some imaginary pivot and warps. When I try to rotate the object itself everything is fine, but when I use either Affect pivot only or Affect object only it all goes to hell.

Nothing is linked.

Half an hour on google and a search on sfm yielded nothing helpful, I feel really stupid right now.

I don't know if there is really any point in posting an image.

Thanks for any help in advance.
Post edited by Berkut on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    You could try the xform reset modifier, and if that doesnt help create a box and attach your object to it, then delete the box and recenter the pivot.
    That usually gets rid of any oddity in the pivots behavior for me :)
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    should work, this is because a non-uniform scale has been applied to the object at some point.. so if you scaled it to 150% on the z axis, then rotated the pivot on the x or y axis you'll seek the stretching stays with the pivots z axis. can be a useful thing i guess, its not random weirdness, but it does appear that way until you understand whats happening.

    if possible, only non-uniform scale sub-objects or apply the xform if needed.
  • BerkutBerkut1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Melak. xform reset did it, now that you've mentioned it I think I've heard of that being used for this before too, just couldn't come up with the right search terminology I guess.

    @Coolhand, oh, that does make sense, thanks for the explanation. I guess I may have scaled it at some point
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