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Do parts have to be joined or merely overlap.

kippakippa0 Posts: 0Member
I am a complete newbie and have just got Lightwave. When creating an object with 2 parts do they have to be "joined" together via boolean union. Or can they simply just overlap each other and make the appearance of being joined?

Up to now I have been using the boolean command union to join parts together.
Post edited by kippa on


  • SphynxSphynx195 Posts: 461Member
    Usually, you would want to rest the two pieces on each other as opposed to overlap, but otherwise it is completely down to you and your needs. There is no real right or wrong unless there is a specific need based upon the type of mesh you are building (e.g. some specialist uses or rapid-prototyping etc).

    The only real thing to take into account from a conventional technical standpoint is that whether you are using two pieces of one will influence how the rendering of the join itself takes place. With a two piece mesh for example, you are always going to have a hard, clean interface. Join them together, and you have the option of smoothing.
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