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How would I fix this gap :s

MedafusionMedafusion0 Posts: 0Member
I've tried a few things, im doing spline caging. I tried adding placing 1 'connector circle' 2 times of the left and right side of the hole and a few different postions of the 'connector circle'

I have also included the file
Post edited by Medafusion on


  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Create a spline between the vertex in the middle at the back and the one in the middle at the front, maintaining quads everywhere except for the two triangles at the front which could then be converted to a quad instead of two triangles. There are other ways but that would be the quickest.

    I'll sketch what I mean in case that's not clear and update the post

    Edit: Attached an image that roughly shows what to do. This way you still have quads, which is better than triangles. The red squares are the verts and the black lines are the spline segments
  • MedafusionMedafusion0 Posts: 0Member
    Ohhhh Now i see what you mean....
    I think instead of trying to fix this one, I should just create a new spline model?
    Now i see it, it has 4 points everywhere essentially making 1 different shaped rectangle per say :o

    I see when I made this I never really accounted for the vertexing and all this was my first spline caging model so I don't really know what I'm doing lol. I mostly use max just to animate stuff :p

    On a side note following your diagram I was able to fix half of the hole :o
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    Is there a particular reason why you're using splines? you'd have a much easier time using a box modelling with subdivision... so you'd build a low poly mesh with the vertexes at roughly the same points as you have for your splines and subdivide that shape using something like turbosmooth. much more intuative and less time consuming than splining.
  • MedafusionMedafusion0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I want to get practice with splines it seems a really neat way to make things :D
    Plus for the small attachment of the hull to this thing for me would be hard to model so i'm gonna spline it so thats why I need practice and just decided to do the whole thing in splines :o
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