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Blender - Cut Windows

madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
OK, I'm having an issue.

In Blender, when I start cutting things apart, I use the default booleans. Well, this makes a total mess out of my mesh.

Does anyone know a better way to cut windows into a saucer rim, for instance?

Any help would be appreciated. :)
Post edited by madman1701a on


  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    I use the inbuilt booleans, but I PKEY separate only the faces the window will be cut through into their own separate object, do the boolean on that object alone, clean up the mess, re-join the two objects, and then Remove Doubles to weld the whole thing back together. It makes for a lot less mess if you do it that way.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Ah, I see. :)

    That does make sense, but could get tedious, I think.
  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    Yep - which explains why there are not more windows finished on my Hybrid Enterprise... :)
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