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Strange problem with lens flare in 3ds

Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
Hi everbody.
I've got a little problem with lens flares in 3ds...
I've got a light who represents a sun in my picture. I've put a lens effect on it, as I've done so many lot of times, and when the render is finished, I can see that all elements of the lens flare are done like if my light was at the center of the picture... I hope you understand what I mean...
I've thought that it was because I've got a render of a perspective view, but even with a camera view, and even if the light is at a corner of the picture, no way to have correct rays, Auto and manual sec, etc.. oriented correctly...
Even if I made a default scanline render or a mental ray scanline render...

I've got a second problem : a friend of mine has got Final Flares with it. So he wanted to try final flares with my file and not the defaut lens effect of the video post as I do, and when the render starts, 3ds closes without any messages...

So if someone can try to find why suddenly my lens effect does not work correctly, I'll be very very very happy...


Post edited by Tag_Astro on


  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    There's a tick box/selection option for image centre or object centre. Check you have selected the right option... Might be useful if you post a screenshot of the settings if you are still stuck
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx, but I don't have the box selection in the lens flare effect in the video post... I know this box for the lens effect that you put in the environment and effects window. Here is a picture of my settings if it can helps you.

    Lens.JPG 369.7K
  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Ah ok, I missed the VP reference... Interestingly everything looks to be set up correctly. If you do a reset of Max and create a new scene with just a light and the same flare settings does it work as expected? May be something in the scene file that's causing it to break
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    No, with a reset and a new scene, it does'nt work again :(

  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, i've found how to fix this problem but I don't know why... I've juste deleted the light and created another one... And it works... Humm... I hate sometimes 3ds for these problems from nowhere...

  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Maybe you had two lights called the same thing or with the same ID or something silly like that. Max 7 wasn't the best release in the world and has lots of these little nuisance problems kicking about :)
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