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3DMy Crazy Side projects...



  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member

  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Man that looked great before but it looks 200 times better now. the new flatter looking texturing is spot on imo and those dangling wires set it off. Nice job!
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx man. There are a few more tweaks to make and then I think I can call it done. :)
  • BerkutBerkut1 Posts: 0Member
    shiny, looks much better

    could you put up the anti aliasing a bit though, it looks a tad choppy
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx man!

    I had a somewhat rare opportunity last weekend to let a render run for 48 hours. Unfortunately my virus scan decided to run most of that time too. doh. Oh well, here is the result of 48 passes on MLT with some post pro.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    That is a sweet looking image Ozy:thumb:
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx man!
    Quick little project I started the other day...Playing with and mixing some procedurals I was able to develop some planets. Pretty much all in kerkythea. The sphere itself was imported from wings, and the background was done in paint shop.

    First one is a tropical island world. I need to adjust the clouds and try to add some polar ice.

    Second one is a small troubled moon.

  • backsteptbackstept2403 Posts: 975Member
    Ozylot wrote: »
    Thanx man!

    I had a somewhat rare opportunity last weekend to let a render run for 48 hours. Unfortunately my virus scan decided to run most of that time too. doh. Oh well, here is the result of 48 passes on MLT with some post pro.

    great googly moogly!
    I want to header it but I can't at the moment :shiner:
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    backstept wrote: »
    great googly moogly!
    I want to header it but I can't at the moment :shiner:

    Thanx man! I am glad you think it is worthy. ;)
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,080Member
    Nice planets, I've never heard of kerkythea before.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    Nice planets, I've never heard of kerkythea before.

    Thanx man. Kerkythea is the render engine I use now.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    I rendered this the other day, but never bothered to post it. I have made some further advances on the island world. Everything in this pic.. (except the planet, that was a sphere from wings3d)... is procedural. No textures.

  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Nice man! For me I love procedurals- textures give me headaches if not nightmares.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    those clouds look awesome, really, perfect. what is the light grey/green stuff? (on the right-hand side of the pic there's a big clump of it.) looks like an oil slick or something, not quite land-ish nor cloud-ish nor water-ish.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,080Member
    I've never tried procedures, my planet I am making is with textures.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    ...For me I love procedurals- textures give me headaches if not nightmares.

    I agree 100% on that one. ;)
    traq wrote: »
    .... what is the light grey/green stuff? (on the right-hand side of the pic there's a big clump of it.) looks like an oil slick or something, not quite land-ish nor cloud-ish nor water-ish.

    Near the top right? Anything with green on it is supposed to be an island. I am not quite sure why it is faded out so much though, possibly because it is on the innermost sphere.

    The light gray stuff that I think you are referring to is the last remnant of the original clouds. I had left them in the hopes of making it seem like a lower level of clouds, guess it didn't work so well. :lol:

    Thanx guys!

    Lonewriter wrote: »
    I've never tried procedures, my planet I am making is with textures.

    Well, one thing about them is that they are different between software packages. Plus they don't usually require UV mapping (which I'm not very good at yet), and can sometimes be quicker to implement.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good Oz
  • BerticusBerticus171 Posts: 63Member
    Looks good: but.

    The grey thing you have at the border of the planet kinda detracts from the image. If you look at some pics of earth from low orbit you'll see that the atmosphere tapers out a lot faster.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Berticus wrote: »
    Looks good: but.

    The grey thing you have at the border of the planet kinda detracts from the image. If you look at some pics of earth from low orbit you'll see that the atmosphere tapers out a lot faster.

    Fair enough, that should be easy enough to adjust. Thanx guys!
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    Ozylot wrote: »
    ...The light gray stuff that I think you are referring to is the last remnant of the original clouds. I had left them in the hopes of making it seem like a lower level of clouds, guess it didn't work so well. :lol:

    I think we're talking about the same thing. the patterning is very cloud-like.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Looking forward to seeing the tweak!
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Meph wrote: »
    Looking forward to seeing the tweak!

    Same here.:thumb:
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    traq wrote: »
    I think we're talking about the same thing. the patterning is very cloud-like.

    Yep, thats the stuff. I checked that out the other day, and apparently it will be a little more difficult to remove then I thought. It has to do with the way the layers are set. I'll try again soon.

    And seeing as this just started and there is only one week for it, this is an entry to a contest on It's a futuristic PDA...

  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    I like the idea. Nice work Ozy.
  • cosedimarcocosedimarco171 Posts: 0Member
    Great Idea. I like it
  • Monkey BoyMonkey Boy0 Posts: 0Member
    Ozylot wrote: »
    And seeing as this just started and there is only one week for it, this is an entry to a contest on It's a futuristic PDA...


    Oh if only the new IPhone looked like that! Touch sensitive, naturally!
    Although it does look like somthing you would have difficulty getting through airports with!
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx everyone!
    Monkey Boy wrote: »
    Oh if only the new IPhone looked like that! Touch sensitive, naturally!
    Although it does look like somthing you would have difficulty getting through airports with!

    Yes for sure, the original inspiration came from a pocket knife on my desk. ;)
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    ^ Thanx man!

    Here is the final entry...

    This is the screen at its smallest. The variable opacity holographic display area (vohda... the force is strong with this one.) is sensitive to touch and is capable of expanding beyond the range of the device up to five feet across the diagonal (1.5 meters) while maintaining crystal clear resolutions. Handy feature for watching movies, demonstrating floor plans, sharing family photos or talking face to face via video phone. The PKP is also auto balancing, in other words turn it around and the image still faces you and is properly oriented whether you prefer holding it from the top or bottom, right or left. This is accomplished with the use of internal sensors as well as the latest in face recognition and tracking software. Sound is produced through the screen by creating variable density fluctuations in the surrounding air. Maximum sound output is around 200watts. This technology is also used to create touch feedback that gives the device it's unique feel. Incidentally the holographic display technology is based on quantum distortions and gives the PKP the ability to create multidimensional spacial pockets. So feel free to bring a step ladder or kitchen sink.
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    That's a seriously cool design mate. I'd buy one!
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