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3DCyborg of futures past



  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    Now for the left arm. Though i did do sketches of this arm as well, i knew what i wanted from the start, so i'll move straight to the 3d render..

    This arm retains a hand with 3 fingers and so is much more versitile than the gun arm.

    This arm is as bulky as the other arm even without the guns or amunition. This arm mainly houses a transformer linked to electro magnets in his fingers. He will use this to pickup guns and easily manipulate them into his other arm, it also gives him a very strong grip..

    p.s. The green light venting from his arm is due to the process of converting the energy from the power unit to the magnets..
  • EvanescenceEvanescence0 Posts: 0Member
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    The storm trooper footage was the best . . . funny as heck.
    good audio composition and sound effects.
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    the original model was based on a quake 4 character as mentioned earlier..

    glad you liked the stormtrooper clip..

    So here is my latest update..

    The lighting was wrong so i changed it around, for a bit more atmosphere.. I have also added the test arm shooting.

    For the feet i decided to look at mr tippets work in robocop again. Though the legs are configured very differently i have done a small homage with the toes. I have reanimated the walk again as well, fixing the feet..

  • StarSlayerStarSlayer0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool beans, i wouldn't mind seeing a version carrying a 20mm oversized version of a MG34 though, something belt fed from a drum mag on it's back ;)
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    It's been a while but I'm back to finish him off. I fixed the feet with proper ik, no more trying to cut corners..

    I have also made the matte i did for the backdrop into 3d (it was already on the way to being 3d from before, for the lighting).

    So here we go..
  • chronochrono0 Posts: 1Member
    If you keep the crate you'll need to adjust the way it sits in the scene. The wall and floor are angled.
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    Whats wrong with the crate?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    The room appears to be tilted while the crate is upright, though that's only an effect of the shadows on ceiling and left wall, and the pipes being angled. The walls are actualy straight.
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Coolness dude. :)

  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    nice update.
  • chronochrono0 Posts: 1Member
    Melak wrote: »
    The room appears to be tilted while the crate is upright, though that's only an effect of the shadows on ceiling and left wall, and the pipes being angled. The walls are actualy straight.

    Ok. If you believe that's how it is who am I to point out that both walls are tilted to the left and that the floor is not flat but in a slight 'V' shape due to the water drainage path laying there and the drain in the original picture behind the crate only helps to reinforce the fact of the floors shape.

    I suggest that you put the background image into a 2d program and do some perspective studies. ;)
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    The image does look a little forced, but then i warped it around a bit and changed some things before used the photo.

    My mistake but not something I'm going to go back and correct, too busy at the mo. A lesson learned all the same.
  • daibakadaibaka171 Posts: 0Member
    My only suggestion is that he actually shoots AT something rather than just waving his gun arm around while he walks. Not much point in being a murderous killing machine if you can't hit anything after all! I'm sure you've got that next on the list after getting the walk cycle perfected though.

    This looks fantastic and I can't wait to see the finished article, although I have to admit to being a fan of the first head design rather than the undead stormtooper look.
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    I finally got back round to this! I've been looking through old files to see what needed to be done for my new hd showreel, this clip being a good example. Not only am i re-working it for hd but i also taking the opportunity to update it.

    The lighting of the scene wasn't very ominous, you also get to see the bad guy straight away. So i took the scene to pieces and made it into layers (to give me more choices in compositing).

    Along with the lighting the camera move in the last version never really made sense. So now i added a little more life to the shot..

    I always wanted the power source in the center of his chest to be more like a plasma ball, so i made this too.

    I've recently been messing around with a new way of doing muzzle flame so i thought i'd throw that in as well.

    A few more sounds to make it more personal and it'll be posting the results as soon as they're finished rendering.. I have attached a still of the new version.

    I am updating the rigging as well so the gun will be aiming properly by the next time you see him..
  • daibakadaibaka171 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent stuff! Back from the dead as it were... Looking forward to seeing how this develops.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Here is where i have gone..

    I'm still going to add set extensions to make the space a little more 3d..

    What do you think to the changes?
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    cooooool :cool:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member


    So i've gone ahead with making some set extensions, to increase the 3d feel of the once 2d room.

    I also lit the place up ever so slightly as on some screens it did look a tad too dark. I also dulled down the saturation of the muzzle light as i felt it was a bit too colorful for the rest of the scene.

    There is some clipping on the ankle joint. I had first only had the ankle moving on one axis but later i thought it looked better with full motion. This has produced the clipping. I did try using actuator from the t-600 model i made (that thread can be found here). But then the ankle looked too weak..

    I also made the final head tilt less and added a touch of blood..
  • daibakadaibaka171 Posts: 0Member
    Niiiice... Especially the "touch" of blood!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah that was really cool although the movement of the camera during the "death" (final motion) was a bit unnatural in my opinion. I would make it a bit "softer".
  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    looks a bit too mechanic.
    the steps are too equals. (a bit more on the left or the right, a pair of frame quicker or slower)
    and the ammo shells should fall quicker. (stronger gravity)

    other than that, looks fine ;)

    i didnt see the cliping on the ankle...
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    i toyed around with the last camera move but didn't like where it took me.. The bullets are kind of slow motion for the adrenaline in the moment

    It might not look a lot different but there are loads of changes here i- revised all the bump & specular maps (increasing the specular a lot), changed the legs of my robot giving the ankles a ball sockets & making the legs skinnier and more skeletal, made the blood effect a bit better and more uniform, doubled the chest light effect, added some more sounds, changed the roof where the cables came through and re-rendered the layers with best AA as there were jaggies in there..

  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    looks better ;)

    a few observations :
    the robots left hand do some really weird movements.
    the shadow cast by the muzzel flashes should be more blured. the line is too sharp.
    robots motion should be a bit more animalish. (fast-pause to evaluate. fast again and so on)
    the blood should be more dark and less transparent. looks more like a splater of cranberry juice now.

    keep on thats going to be kick ass
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    Some good points L2K

    I'm just back from holiday and i'm looking to finish up this clip, any thoughts?
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    So i have softened the extreme shadows and added a new layer, arcing electricity from the cables. I made an animated sprite (in photoshop) of the arcing and added a light with an expresso routine to make the flickering now on screen.

    I think this works well as it brings the robot off the backdrop by lighting the backdrop, still leaving a lot of darkness..

    Next up i'm gonna have another look at the camera and the set..

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