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Stargate iris?

Optimus-PrimeOptimus-Prime0 Posts: 0Member
Would anyone know a good way to make the Stargates Iris in Lightwave? I did a test last night but the blades keep overlapping as they complete the closing sequence.

I have the setup in layout all taken care of its just the modeling that has me stumped.

i don't cant figure out out to get the blades of the iris look like their sliding over one another.

If you know any tutorials even for other apps they would be helpful.

Post edited by Optimus-Prime on


  • SastreiSastrei171 Posts: 0Member
    I don't know much about animation, but isn't it possible to use objects to constrain each other, so that you could keyframe the start and end positions and use the blade below as a constraint so they don't interpenetrate.

    Though I've never had to do anything like this, so I may be completely off the mark. :p

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