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3ds space limits?

Mr. ExtrudeMr. Extrude0 Posts: 0Member
ive just been toying around with some planet doodling and want to have a relation of planets to some ships and maybe a little dyson sphere thingy just for fun, unfortunatly the limited zoom-out gets in my megalomanias way, i experimented with the "units setup" but if i chose larger units the limits become even tighter, i would like to have the whole thing in "km", i always thought virtual space doesnt cost anything so why are there these limits and is it possible to deactivate them?
Post edited by Mr. Extrude on


  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    The only way to change it is in the System Unit Setup dialog from Units Setup. Change the 1 Unit = to km and the slider to 16777215.0
  • D.M.J.D.M.J.0 Posts: 0Member
    When you start dealing with very, very, very large (or small) numbers then you can start to run into problems with the maths involved, where rounding errors which are completely inconsequential at a scale of thousands of kilometers cause the strangest effects at a scale of AUs (or, say, femtometres).

    I have usually found that since these things are arbitrary, just adjust your scale down by a few factors and fiddle with your camera settings. Remember, the units given in the UI are for your consumption only, and if you want to substitute mm for km, or even mm for 10,000km, then you can.
  • Mr. ExtrudeMr. Extrude0 Posts: 0Member
    yeah i see, "au"s would be a bit much, but with the settings of spudmonkey its indeed more than enough now, it gives me a space of about 3 million kmA3 and you can still work in the mm-numbers, i just wanted earth and a bit room around it (its smaller than you would think ^^), thankyou :thumb:
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