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3DTiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP



  • CmdBremmonCmdBremmon3 Posts: 2Member
    I am LOVING this series!!!
    It's FASA Trek with DC Comics (RJ Blaise!!!!)! Peter David's arc to the Trial of JTK had some of the best Trek stories ever. This was the golden age of Trek in my opinion, I remember being 10 years old and reading all those comics and FASA source books.
    The graphics look great with the TOS bridge style and the colors, looks so much more alive then the TNG era onward.
    Not so hot on the Defiant class of ship back then (just doesn't feel capital shipish to me) your stories and characters have me sold! Bring on the epic FASA/SFB starship combat.
    Wow, how do you do those graphics?!? I wish I had a 1/10th the skill you do! I'm from Alberta too so great to hear of the USS Edmonton!
    Can't wait for the next issue and where this goes!
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    They need more skree, skree, skree and Toom, Toom, Toom.

    On another note, just watched Celine Dion sing at the Olympics. Brought tears to my eyes. She did fantastic.

    LOL Indeed! TOS Sound Effects pack!
    CmdBremmon wrote: »
    I am LOVING this series!!!
    It's FASA Trek with DC Comics (RJ Blaise!!!!)! Peter David's arc to the Trial of JTK had some of the best Trek stories ever. This was the golden age of Trek in my opinion, I remember being 10 years old and reading all those comics and FASA source books.
    The graphics look great with the TOS bridge style and the colors, looks so much more alive then the TNG era onward.
    Not so hot on the Defiant class of ship back then (just doesn't feel capital shipish to me) your stories and characters have me sold! Bring on the epic FASA/SFB starship combat.
    Wow, how do you do those graphics?!? I wish I had a 1/10th the skill you do! I'm from Alberta too so great to hear of the USS Edmonton!
    Can't wait for the next issue and where this goes!

    Aww thank you! Grew up on the TOS films and show and longed for the FASA RPG books (have em now) and grabbed the DC Star Trek comics every chance I could growing up.

    Definitely lots of colors, although they still kept it to a set of colors ;)

    The Aries is definitely a development vessel. At only 5 decks, she's short and works as an escort, but she's definitely not Starfleet standard for the period, but we're in that between time where they're developing what would be the design for the refit Enterprise, so don't be surprised if some of the Phase II elements start rearing their head s this goes on ;)

    This is all Blender for Artists, DAZ Studio, lots of patience, swearing at GIMP because it's not like photoshop, copying and pasting my script into Comic Life, and then reassembly in GIMP for posting. ;)

    Yeah the Edmonton was a workhorse ship too, not an exploration vessel. I have a thing for the little guys in Starfleet in this era apparently? lol

    Ask and ye shall receieve! Well the next set of pages anyway


  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    Well that's interesting.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Well that's interesting.

    When life hands you gravity crushing star systems, toss the family go cart at it


  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    I love an overridden safety protocol...
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    I love an overridden safety protocol...

    LOL. Gotta keep over-rided


  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    The "Wrath of Khan" vibes just intensified. Maybe 'cause I just watched it yesterday. And yes, sure, you are telling a completely different story here but somehow I felt reminded of it from early on in this chapter. And now I can't help but see a striking similarity between the Moskstrauman system and the Mutara Nebula.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    wibble wrote: »
    The "Wrath of Khan" vibes just intensified. Maybe 'cause I just watched it yesterday. And yes, sure, you are telling a completely different story here but somehow I felt reminded of it from early on in this chapter. And now I can't help but see a striking similarity between the Moskstrauman system and the Mutara Nebula.

    Not gonna lie, Wrath of Khan was one of my first introductions to Trek as a kid and yes, it absolutely permeates this story whether I wanted it to or not. lol This is definitely NOT a revenge story and the Orions aren't reckless like Khan, they're in it for the money and supplies. I initially wasn't going to have a lot going on in the system visually except for that planet, but after the buildup of how rough that system was, I added a bit here and there until it felt... unwelcoming. I like to think there's a healthy dose of Hunt For Red October in the Mokstauman battle along with Balance of Terror. ;)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    You gotta appreciate the subtlety of the panels lighting the Orion's face in the 3rd and fifth pictures above. The fourth as well.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    You gotta appreciate the subtlety of the panels lighting the Orion's face in the 3rd and fifth pictures above. The fourth as well.

    Thank you! I opted for that instead of an over the shoulder shot and 'comping' in the bridge shot from the other ship.


  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    I always wonder when they say something like "I'll understand if you back out. No shame in it." If it would really be okay if someone actually changes his mind. Or if it's just a phrase which no one expects to be taken serious.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    edited August 24 #103
    wibble wrote: »
    I always wonder when they say something like "I'll understand if you back out. No shame in it." If it would really be okay if someone actually changes his mind. Or if it's just a phrase which no one expects to be taken serious.

    I was going to just go with a typical, you have 30 minutes get it done, but thinking about it, they're being dropped on a ship they're prepping to be a bomb while their main ship plays tag with two Orion ships they're pretty sure are going to try and destroy them. If the Aries is destroyed, their options are to hop in an escape pod and hope it survives the explosion of the Q ship only to be, well probably never rescued, or have the bomb not work and be captured and tortured by Orions. Either way, they die alone and away from the rest of the crew.

    So Thelev is giving them that option in my mind. Stay on board or face a pretty gruesome death if we fail.

    I'm happy to say that neither Hant or Necole even thought about not going. No hesitation. Just into the fire because that's where we're needed.
    Post edited by ashleytinger on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    I'm smiling. I love the sound effects again. Thrum, Buzzz, Whine.

    Great story.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    What did Q-Ship mean again? I know what it is, just the meaning of this term slipped my mind right now. Just asking 'cause reading the first letter was giving me ideas for a second. =)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    edited August 29 #107
    wibble wrote: »
    What did Q-Ship mean again? I know what it is, just the meaning of this term slipped my mind right now. Just asking 'cause reading the first letter was giving me ideas for a second. =)

    Q-Ships were decoy vessels in world War II. They were merchant vessels that were heavily armed but the weapons were disguised so they could go after subs and other vessels.

    Here they're using the engines to make the supply ship into a bomb. The reason I named it the Queenstown and they were called Q-ships was Queenstown in Ireland retrofitted the weapons onto those merchant ships.
    Post edited by ashleytinger on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    Your story is awesome. I'm really enjoying it.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Your story is awesome. I'm really enjoying it.

    Thank you! I'm glad other people are enjoying it. My strange sense of humor and homages are stamped all over these lol
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