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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Yeah, it was a shame when Aron passed away. I thought Nog had one of the best character arcs in all of Star Trek, and he played the character masterfully.

    I like the ship design, and it's an interesting concept to blend Ferengi and Vulcan design. I'm looking forward to seeing it progress.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    Interesting, you wouldn't think they'd go together but they kinda do. I'd just make one suggestion, I'd turn it around. Have the big bird head at the back, it'll look more like a dart.
  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    Interesting, you wouldn't think they'd go together but they kinda do. I'd just make one suggestion, I'd turn it around. Have the big bird head at the back, it'll look more like a dart.

    Yeah, I tried many variations, but all dart designs are too Vulcan, like variations of the Surak or Sh'val classes. The goals were to mix Vulcan and Ferengi designs (my explanation for the Eisenberg class and its weird shape is that it wasn't designed by Humans, and I went that route) and something that might point at the Eisenberg in the future. A dart like shape wouldn't work, and this design keeps the basic "saucer" / engineering separation (of sorts). I think it was a deference by the Ferengi to shape it like a bird to follow Vulcan and Rihannsu traditions (the last 50 years in the Federation have made the Ferengi evolve a lot! At least some of them! :-D)

    A future Vulcan design for Starfleet is possible, and I will be sure to keep your suggestions in mind... Thanks a bunch! :smile:
  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    Yeah, it was a shame when Aron passed away. I thought Nog had one of the best character arcs in all of Star Trek, and he played the character masterfully.

    I like the ship design, and it's an interesting concept to blend Ferengi and Vulcan design. I'm looking forward to seeing it progress.

    Thanks! Yeah, I also think Nog was a very interesting character harder to play than others: he was a Ferengi through and through but he was looking beyond the limitations, and it's hard to make a likable character that's rude and definitely alien. Quark & co. are easier, because they don't behave like Humans, but Nog was trying so hard to fit in! Definitely a great character and a great actor that died too young.

    I have some ideas to try and blend Human design with Vulcan philosophy and Ferengi innovations. It's a challenge :lol: but it's also very fun. I'll try to do my best!

    Thanks for your comments! :heart:
  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    Moving forward, Warp coils, exhaust ports, spillways and stuff... :-)

    We can also see the dimensions: 37 decks of 4.45m height each. The bridge will be on the top, and the main hangar bay will be down and facing aft, on decks 24 adn 25, with inside space going down to deck 28.

    Enough space for a lot of interesting crafts for exploration! :-)
  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    Well, some more features for the Ek'duv :-) We have our Warp drive (which is of Vulcan design, adapted to work with Starfleet technology and provide the equivalent of a 4 naceled(*) cruiser in autonomy and endurance, plus the gen V D-Warp and gen II Gravitic Planing Drive, she will be a scientific and exploration beast! :-)

    The coils are currently in phase on the 4 rings (which means all have the same angles) but I will probably interlock them in the future. The usual driving mode will use all the coils in sequence, maintaining the Warp field with ease, but allowing for odd/pair switching to allow for easier heat dissipation. You know, the usual Vulcan cleverness... :-)

    We also have the navigational deflector and main LR sensors.

    And here we can see the 4 Warp rings that form the Warp drive of the Ek'duv class, and the coils around the plasma rings. We also have a bridge, which is quite geometrical and squarish, in contrast with the very rounded shapes. It's big because Vulcans love big screens and holographic consoles and the Ferengi have added some standing stations as well. It'll be fun to sketch! :lol:


    The grooves on the Warp "nacelles" (or encasing) are there to allow for exhaust and heat dissipation.

    Note: we have several in ASR, most notably the retiring Hippocrates class and Nightingale class destroyer, both medical ships, plus the newly minted Pampa and Hipparkhos classes (the Pampa light cruiser is an original design inspired by the Cheyenne class and the Hipparkhos class is our version of the Sagan class and will be published in the following days. But we now also have 1-nacelled frigates! :-)
  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    Well, I have apparently lost my last post due to an edit that went wrong. Oh well.

    Warp system, Vulcan designed, to be the equivalent of a four nacelles cruiser for endurance and reach while at Warp. The rings work in sequence or in alternating pairs, for maximum speed or long term endurance at high speed, as the resting pair has time to cool off. This ship will add to a noble tradition of 4-nacelle ships in ASR, most notably the retiring Hippocrates class cruiser and Nightingale class destroyer, both medical ships, and the newly created and soon released Pampa class light cruiser (an original design based on the Cheyenne class) and the Hippakhos class, which is our version of the Sagan class.

    We also have the main navigational deflector and long range sensors, and the bridge, which is squarish in contrast with the rounded shapes of the ship and will be a mix of Vulcan big screens and holographic consoles and Ferengi standing consoles and tactical dispositions. It's well guarded and can be detached as a lifeboat in case of need.


    We can see the Warp coils through the spillways. They are all in phase at the moment, but I'm thinking about alternating them. We'll see. Also, ship name and registry, NCC-99900, in style... :lol:



  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    OK, we got phasers! 9 type XI phaser arrays in total, which is the most powerful type in ASR so far. If you go into the unknown, it's safer to go well prepared... :-)

    Also changed the red color to a more Vulcan red type, I think. Light was also changed, so things aren't so bright they literally blind you! WIP, as textures are still far in the future...


  • ExcaliborExcalibor285 Posts: 79Member
    More details here and there: bussard statocollectors, more registry numbers, and those while squares on the rear rim of the Warp ring? A Ferengi designed weapon, adapted for this scientific cruiser: it will emit a powerful energy field that will blind any hostile sensors for a good while, giving time for a tactical retreat or a decisive punitive action. Of course our Ferengi friends would want to be on the safe side, and considering this is a non lethal variant, it's kinda nice of them, right? :-)


    Also spent quite a long time trying to reduce the poly count of my phasers: about 3/4 of the model is just the 9 phaser strips. Almost 3.9 million faces! But, every solution I tried, so far, had some fatal design flaws when using it on the elliptical curve needed for the main dorsal phaser array: the extremes get smallish and the part on the front curve get stupidly enormous! So I tried to use an array of planes to arrange the elements, supposedly without deformation, only it didn't work :-P So, I need to make more attempts and try other strategies. How do you guys get the phaser arrays to nicely curve on the hulls in Blender?

    Well, learning stuff is fun :-) Cheers!
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