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3DUnwanted Dinner Guests

MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9914 Posts: 5,336Member
edited April 12 in Finished Work #1
Final iteration of this scene I think so off it goes to final work.

Just had an itch and figured I would spend a few days with whatever models I had available in vray. (sadly so much is locked up in mental ray land and conversions give me ulcers.

I really do need to finish this Klingon model and rejig at least the way the impulse engines work.
older iterations:
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Each day we draw closer to the end.
StarCruiserLizzy777wibblepubliusrashleytingeroptimusWarp Propulsion LaboratoryBrandenbergevil_genius_180


  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    They have an angry wasp vibe
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9914 Posts: 5,336Member
    Just waiting for you to poke em with a broom, just waiting. :D

    It is really odd how this appears differently between my work lcd my gaming one and the tv. All are color matched but the intensity of the backlights really change the mood. I really have to fight not to crank my work monitor up cause the high backlight ruins the representation when stuff goes to print.

    Thinking I should have dome something silly like add Akira like motion trails on all the red glows. I also need to get my optical flare thing working again vs doing it all manually.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    I wholeheartedly approve of adding Akira like motion trails to pretty much everything.

    I realize this is finished, but the ship silhouettes could maybe read a little better? Like, rotate a ship around a little so that you can make out the negative space between the wings and the neck or have an entire ship in frame looking like a big green bird just kind of hanging there, which makes you instantly go "Ah, Klingons", if you know what I mean.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9914 Posts: 5,336Member
    Yeah, that was why I kept doing various framing of this, but I also didn't want to drift too far from a some what acceptable formation. The top left ship still bothers me, however.

    looking back I should have rendered this in 16X9 then cropped the BG to the ultrawide ratio so the Klingons would bleed through the letterbox. SO dunno I might see if I still have the scene composited and have another go.

    Really all it is doing is making me want to finish these ships as hiding the unfinished bits is hard too. The flat areas around the docking collar and the backsides of the "wings"
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9914 Posts: 5,336Member
    edited April 27 #6
    oops meant to post this hours ago, got distracted.

    loose idea of changes. I might be able to tweak that upper left one to a fake perspective angle without breaking the formation too much. Had a bit of a time retaining sighytlines I wanted. Such as the windows on the lower deck of the closer ship. I might push things about tomorrow.


    really miss having the ability to see gizmos in viewport without resorting to IPR* as that lacks some of the viewport extras. I also think I lost my impulse fake lights saved the scene after deleting them for a no light render vs just dumping them into a separate layer (though maybe I did do that, my life the last few years. . . . . .
    Post edited by MadKoiFish on
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9914 Posts: 5,336Member
    edited April 30 #7
    Ok all I have time for today I think so again same excuse as all the other updates and changes.


    the trail streaks are kinda meh, I was doing them by hand but gave that up for a polygon and render so they all follow inline with the ships XYZ axis. Still look a bit odd so ehhhh.

    EDIT darnit I keep forgetting stuff on export so 3 uploads later. . . . . . . .

    adding a no trails ver for those who dislike it.

    Post edited by MadKoiFish on
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1913 CaliforniaPosts: 2,066Member
    I remember that Klingon Ship and absolutely loved it. The station too. Great scene.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804547 Posts: 11,169Member
    With the black bars on the top and bottom, that last iteration of the image looks like a 3D movie with the details popping off of the screen. That's brilliant.
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