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rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
edited September 2023 in Work in Progress #1

I was sitting looking at a Matt Dixon print, and I thought "I should do some robots". So I'm doing some robots.

This is Martin, named for Andrew Martin from "The Bicentennial Man" etc.


Post edited by rojren on


  • wibblewibble1194 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 536Member
    Hello Martin. Nice to meet you.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    Very nice start. It's always nice to see some retro styled robots.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I hope I can come up with ideas for a few of these. With the space ships I've had decades of scribbles to lean on. With robots, I've got like... one, and I don't know where it is. I'm guessing it's really easy to end up with something silly looking too.

  • wibblewibble1194 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 536Member
    edited July 2023 #5
    rojren wrote: »
    I hope I can come up with ideas for a few of these. With the space ships I've had decades of scribbles to lean on. With robots, I've got like... one, and I don't know where it is.

    Maybe something in this direction?
    Post edited by wibble on
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    You have captured a sense of pathos....the William Windom of robots.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    @wibble I'm not sure which direction they'll go. If the past is any indication, they'll mostly be a mix of Iron Giant, Matt Dixon and art-deco kitchen appliances.

    @publiusr I IMDB'd his name, to make sure I was thinking of the right guy. That was quite the career. "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Star Trek", "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" and scores of TV guest shots.

    I mentioned Matt Dixon before. I recommend his work. There's a lot of pathos (and whimsy) there.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    edited July 2023 #8
    I see why AI has trouble with hands. They're weird.


    Maybe two thumbs?

    Post edited by rojren on
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    This hasn't been as fun as I had hoped. I may try going more cartoony.

    Anyway, I'm getting closer to the ground. (AutoCAD got a little carried away with the perspective.)

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    It's looking good so far. You just need some tweaking. Hands are definitely a pain to do.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I started over with the hands.

    bot0724-thumb.png bot0724a-thumb.png
  • JayruJayru1369 UKPosts: 759Member
    Really liking the retro vide with this.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Hmmm. Legs are too spindly. Hips look too wide.

  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Just have the legs now inward just below the waist and maybe scissor through each other?
  • JayruJayru1369 UKPosts: 759Member
    I dunno, it gives the overall shape a very retro look. Run with it and see if it grows on you.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I narrowed the pelvis and bulked up the lower legs a bit. The feet are place keepers.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    I really like the way this design is shaping up. As Jayru said, it's got a nice retro look.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Gave him some sandals. A few more things and I'll call him done.

  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member

    I think I enjoy doing the ships more than I do the robots. Well, so far anyway. I guess it's hard to decide after only doing the first one.

    bot0804a-thumb.png bot0804d-thumb.png bot0803e-thumb.png
  • JayruJayru1369 UKPosts: 759Member
    Loving the retro look and feel of him :-)
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    rojren wrote: »
    I think I enjoy doing the ships more than I do the robots. Well, so far anyway. I guess it's hard to decide after only doing the first one.

    I know what you mean. I tried my hand at making some robots years ago, I haven't done any since then.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I remember one of the reasons I don't use other people's designs. I get stressed.

    Anyway, this is based on my favorite Matt Dixon design.

  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Added some parts and started on the colors.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    That's awesome. I love how it looks like a ride from back in the day.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Yeah. When I was a kid, things like that (more or less) were outside many of the stores that don't exist any more. I like the original so much that I bought a signed print and had it framed.

    It sort of reminds me of life: hoping for an amazing, fun experience, but the ride isn't even plugged in.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Yeah. When I was a kid, things like that (more or less) were outside many of the stores that don't exist any more.

    Yeah, some were still lurking about when I was really little in the 80s, but I think they were pretty much gone by the 90s.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    There's still a horsey ride one at a Meijer nearish to where I live. I think it costs a penny, but who has pennies any more?

    I think this is the first thing I've ever done that I need to credit someone else for. I'm perplexed by how I need to handle that. I've posted a link to his site and I plan to add his name to the 3D model, but since it's as direct a copy as it is, would I need to get permission to post an image of the source artwork?

    I'm not going to try to make money from it, but does that matter?

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    I would just put a credit for the design on the images.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Looks like someone else is a fan of Matt Dixon:


    build0925-thumb.png build0925a-thumb.png

    I think I'll come back to this later.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I got a "That's super cool! " from Mr. Dixon. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    This is another interpretation of one of Matt Dixon's works - "Absent Friends". I've gotten just far enough to realize I need to start over. Except for the chairs. The shape's not bad - so far.


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