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Looking for: ModelPrologic9 Enterprise-D textures

StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
edited July 2023 in Looking for... #1
In 2008 "Prologic9" released his Enterprise-D built in Lightwave at the now dead Foundation3d Forums. Sometime later (between 2009-2013 I think) "Polygone" released his own texture pack for this mesh. I think that "D-Jota" also released another set of textures later, but I´m unsure. I still have Prologic9´s mesh (which I converted for 3ds max) but, unhappyness, I lost those texture packs... Does somebody here still have those texture packs?
Here, renderings of the mesh converted to 3dsmax 2016.

Post edited by Guerrilla on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    I don't have any textures, but I just want to comment on how that mesh is still one of the gold standards when it comes to the Enterprise-D, despite its age.
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    edited July 2023 #3
    I don't have any textures, but I just want to comment on how that mesh is still one of the gold standards when it comes to the Enterprise-D, despite its age.

    Totally right!
    Prologic always released great meshes to the community.
    Post edited by Starship on
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    edited July 2023 #4
    I figured that along the years at least 05 texture packs were developed, and at least 3 of them were released to the public.

    BIG thanks to Graham Gazzard, who provided me the textures released by San Wich, and also thanks to Uwe Sauder, who provided me the textures released by Jmoney.

    And, as noted in the original Readme file from Prologic9: "If you do anything further to complete the model, you must share the changes with the community at large", I´m resharing the textures again for the ones also interested.

    Files attached.
    Post edited by Starship on
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